Archive of Otter News
All otter news more than three months old is listed below, most recent at the top
- 31/10/18: Dorset: Otters tuck into fang-tastic Halloween treat
- 30/10/18: North Carolina: Make way! Otters coming to N.C Aquarium at Fort Fisher
- 29/10/18: India: फॉल्स सीलिंग में रह रहा था ऊदबिलाव, घर के लोग थे अनजान [In Hindi: otter found in false ceiling in a Green Park house]
- 23/10/18: The Netherlands: ‘Meer bescherming nodig voor otters’ [In Dutch: More protection needed for otters]
- 29/10/18: California: U.S. Supreme Court upholds protections for sea otters along California coast
- 29/10/18: Singapore: Otters spotted swimming in Singapore's Central Business District
- 27/10/18: Perthshire: Otterly ingenious device created to prevent wildlife deaths in Perthshire
- 23/10/18: The Netherlands: De rode loper wordt uitgelegd voor de otter [In Dutch: The red carpet (otter-safe wildlife corridor)is explained for the otter]
- 26/10/18: Singapore: Bishan otters defeat Marina rivals again in Kallang Basin clash
- 23/10/18: The Netherlands: Otters in Duitsland: 'noch immer' een gat in de kaart [In Dutch: There will not always be a gap on the map between otters in the Netherlands and in Germany]
- 25/10/18: East Dunbartonshire: Milton of Campsie’s Marc is on a mission to protect otters
- 23/10/18: The Netherlands:Tekort aan verkeersregelaars noopt organisatie tot afgelasten Otterloop [In Dutch: Shortage of traffic controllers forces cancellation of first Otterloop at Earnewâld]
- 24/10/18: China: Mr Otter's New Neighbours: Chinese picture book teaches kids to handle loneliness
- 23/10/18: The Netherlands: Nieuwe roep om maatregelen na vondst doodgereden otter bij Kampen [In Dutch: New call for mitigation after run-over otter found dead at Kampen]
- 22/10/18: New York: In Search Of Otter Sign
- 22/10/18: Germany: Neuer “Laufsteg” für Fischotter: Hilfsprojekt noch bis 2019 [In German: New “catwalk” for otters: aid project until 2019]
- 21/10/18: The Netherlands: Otterloop van Eernewoude [In DUtch: Otter walk in Eernewoude]
[Otter Joy: Sponsored run/walk as part of a crowdfunding campaign to pay for fish traps to have stop grids and escape gaps to prevent otters drowning] - 21/10/18: Germany: Biber und Otter als Zaungäste [In German: Beavers and Otters as neighbours]
- 21/10/18: Shetland: Wildlife photographer took 10 YEARS to snap hungry otter with puffin as its supper
- 19/10/18: California: Photographer captures shots of mountain lion hunting [an otter] at south fork of Eel River
- 19/10/18: South Korea: Rescued Otter Returns Home to Soyang River
- 18/10/18: Japan: Otter - Alert illegal trade and booming demand in Japan
- 17/10/18: Oregon: Lincoln the otter (a.k.a. 'Prince of the Sea Pups') makes splash at 1st birthday
- 16/10/18: The Netherlands: Weer otters geboren bij Nieuwkoopse Plassen: 'Ze lopen het gebied nu ook uit' [In Dutch: More otters born in Nieuwkoopse Plassen: “others are moving on”]
- 15/10/18: Singapore: Watch how koi fish tricks otters to escape death's clutches in Singapore River
- 15/10/18: The Netherlands: Otters in de Onlanden [In Dutch: Otters in Onlanden]
- 15/10/18: Yorkshire: Wh-Otter You Waiting For?
- 15/10/18: Gloucestershire: Watch an otter eat an eel for lunch on a Gloucestershire canal
- 12/10/18: North Ayrshire: Move to save otters on A78 Largs Skelmorlie road
- 11/10/18: Austria: Probleme mit Fischottern auch in Hallein [In German: Problem with otters in Hallein now]
[Otter Joy: Another area of Austria wants to “remove” ie kill otters. Naturschutzbund is intervening] - 11/10/18: Yorkshire: Multi-million pound flood defence scheme for Skipton
- 10/10/18: The Netherlands: Meer aandacht voor otters die verdrinken [In Dutch: More attention for otters that drown]
- 09/10/18: Northamptonshire: Otter shot dead in Irthlingborough
- 08/10/18: Myanmar: Crackdown on Illegal Wildlife Trade Focuses on Yangon
- 08/10/18: Connecticut: Otters delight fans at Stamford nature center
- 07/10/18: Califonia: NOAA News: Elkhorn Slough designated ‘Wetland of International Importance’
- 07/10/18: North Carolina: Crystal Cockman Column: River otters
- 06/10/18: India: Western Ghats is home to the Eurasian otter
- 06/10/18: Surrey: Charities delighted after otters lead the way to new funds
- 04/10/18: London: 25 UK species' genomes sequenced for the first time
- 04/10/18: Alaska: Dixon the sea otter continues recovery
- 03/10/18: The Netherlands: Oss en Den Bosch plaveien pad voor de otter [In Dutch: Oss and Den Bosch make otter pathways]
- 03/10/18: California: Four important lessons from a sea otter
- 02/10/18: Wales: ‘Otterly Gorgeous’ Orphaned Otter Pup Rescued in Bangor
- 01/10/18: Washington: Adorable sea otters get a weekend of extra attention at Seattle Aquarium
- 01/10/18: Singapore: Otters spotted taking a dip in Sentosa Cove condominium swimming pool
- 01/10/18: California: Art class is otter fun
- 27/09/18: California: Decisive sea otters distinguish differences by touch
- 27/09/18: Scotland: Skye-based Otter group marks 25th anniversary
- 27/09/18: Norfolk: It’s twins - and they are otter-ly adorable!
- 26/09/18: Illinois: Happy Sea Otter Awareness Week!
- 26/09/18: California: California sea otter numbers take a slight dip from last year, but average count exceeds 3,090 for third consecutive year
- 26/09/18: India: Didn't just stick to leopards, found off-beat species
- 25/09/18: Germany: In den Ferien zu den Ottern [In German: On holiday with the otters]
- 25/09/18: Germany: Otters Otter ist wieder da! [In German: The otters are back!]
- 25/09/18: North Carolina: Humans taught these orphaned baby otters how to survive. Now they’re ready, video shows
- 24/09/18: California: Kim Steinhardt talks sea otters Sept. 30
- 23/09/18: Switzerland: Doch noch ein Otter für Ottikon [In German: Another Otter for Ottikon]
- 23/09/18: Cambridgeshire: How genome study can save otters, eagles and lonely featherworts
- 23/09/18: California: Sea Otter Awareness Week at SeaWorld
- 22/09/18: California: Icons o’ the Foam: Sea Otter Awareness Week
- 22/09/18: The Netherlands: De otter keerde terug naar Fryslân, maar de dreiging van het verkeer bleef bestaan [In Dutch: The otter has returned to Friesland but the threat of road traffic accidents remain]
- 22/09/18: Canada: This video of sea otters rafting will make you smile until your face hurts
- 22/09/18: Singapore: Singapore is role model for how otters and people can co-exist: International expert
- 20/09/18: The Netherlands: Speurhonden worden opgeleid om te zoeken naar verweesde ottertjes [In Dutch: Detective dogs are trained to search for orphaned otter cubs]
- 20/09/18: Canada: Sea Otter Awareness Week
- 19/09/18: Washington DC: Endangered Species Case Sparks Chevron Deference Debate
- 19/09/18: Massachusetts: Otter roaming Main Street, Hyannis, evades capture
- 18/09/18: Maine: Nature: Otters and tide pools
- 17/09/18: Calfornia: A blindfolded sea otter named Selka reveals how the critters find meals in dark water
- 16/09/18: Calfornia: Otters Everywhere: Countywide Art and Science Project Begins
- 16/09/18: Japan: 83 Otters Compete for Japan’s Most Adorable Otter Championship… How Do We Choose From All These Cuties?
- 15/09/18: The Netherlands: Otterpopulatie versterkt in de Gelderse Poort [In Dutch: Otter population strengthens in Gelderse Poort]
- 15/09/18: California: “Otterly” collaborative: HSU Science and Art departments team up on Otter sculpture project
- 14/09/18: Rhode Island: Keep an eye out for otter cuteness
- 13/09/18: North Carolina: Aquarium Animals Abandoned As Workers Forced To Evacuate Under Threat Posed By Hurricane Florence
- 12/09/18: Pennsylvania: Mark Albertus’s Newly Released “Rowdy the River Otter” Is a Playful Story About Two Adventurous Otter Children Who Get Into Trouble by Disobeying Their Parents’ Warnings
- 11/09/18: Thailand: Thai FB wildlife sales rife: report
- 11/09/18: Argyll & Bute: Argyll and Bute Council warned about protected species at proposed new Helensburgh Leisure Centre
- 10/09/18: Singapore: Six otters taking on Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve’s famous tailless crocodile
- 08/09/18: Washington: River Otters in a Land Without Rivers
- 08/09/18: North Yorkshire: Otter delight watching two elusive creatures
- 07/09/18: Warwickshire: Otters spotted in River Leam
- 06/09/18: Ireland: The tale of Leitrim's own Loch Ness Monster - the Dobhar-Chú
- 05/09/18: Alaska: Otters frolic in Ship Creek
- 05/09/18: Wiltshire: Vandals wreck animal sculpture at Lawns park
- 03/09/18: France: Zoonaute brèves de la semaine - Yukuna, notre doyenne loutre géante présente au Bioparc depuis 2007, est morte de vieillesse cette semaine [In French: Weekly roundup - Yukuna, our oldest giant otter who has lived at Bioparc since 2007, died of old age this week]
- 02/09/18: Japan: Penguins, otter travel with passengers aboard train from Tokyo to mark marine park's anniversary
- 01/09/18: Cornwall: Otter dies in banned fishing net at Loe Pool
- 30/08/18: Ohio: Celebrating Ohio wildlife: River Otter
- 30/08/18: Lancashire: Anger after animal sculptures at Darwen beauty spot are vandalised
- 30/08/18: Cornwall: Newquay Zoo debut for 'cute and noisy' pups
- 28/08/18: Austria: UnterWasserReich trauert um Fischotter Laszlo [In German: UnterWasserReich mourns otter Laszlo]
- 28/08/18: Canada: Can you handle the cute? New West author inspired by sea otters
- 28/08/18: Georgia: Oz the sea otter makes his pick for the 2018 Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game between Auburn and Washington
- 27/08/18: The Netherlands: Dode otter gevonden bij Ceintuurbaan [In Dutch: Dead otter found in Ceintuurbaan]
- 27/08/18: North Carolina: Splash, The Otter, Joins Sculpture Project - Brevard NC
- 26/08/18: Essex: Fishing lake thefts a 'major problem' in Essex
- 26/08/18: Wisconsin: Meet Larkey, the newest otter at the Milwaukee County Zoo
- 19/08/18: Washington: This smoke is not for the birds — but Mishka the asthmatic otter is doing fine
- 19/08/18: Gloucestershire: Come Dine With Me and my best pal Rudi the otter
- 18/08/18: Buckinghamshire: The otter sculptures that are brightening up a Buckingham park
- 15/08/18: Colombia: Govt rushes to save national park from rampant deforestation
- 15/08/18: Pennsylvania: Polin create waterslide for otters at Philadelphia Zoo
- 15/08/18: California: Sea Otters: Playful Friends or Harmful Predators?
[Otter Joy: Neither - they are animals living as they have for thousands of years] - 15/08/18: North Carolina: Anglers Worry About Otter Impact - Brevard NC
[Otter Joy: "... attributes decline in trout population more to environmental changes, such as rising temperatures in summer, along with the loss of the hemlock, which shaded river banks in the mountains"] - 11/08/18: Nottinghamshire: Otter is spotted in Grantham Canal
- 11/08/18: Norfolk: Oxburgh otter resurgence is a good sign for wildlife
- 10/08/18: Nottinghamshire: Otter-ly adorable: meet the newest members of Wheelgate Farm
- 10/08/18: Scotland: Otter found dead in fishing gear in loch near Aviemore
- 09/08/18: Northern Ireland: It’s a boy… and 3 girls for the Exploris Aquarium otter family!
- 08/08/18: Missouri: Otters swipe anglers' fish from stringers on Lake Taneycomo
- 08/08/18: Wiltshire: Video proves man was right about otters eating his carp
- 07/08/18: California: What Do River Otters Do When the River Runs Dry in a Drought?
- 07/08/18: Singapore: Otter pup reunited with family after 6 days in complex rescue operation
- 05/08/18: India: The Stand of the Vanishing Otter
- 04/08/18: California: Young otter on mend at Marine Mammal Center after shark attack killed mother
- 31/07/18: Germany: Hankensbütteler Otter-Zentrum verzeichnet seit 2015 steigende Gästezahlen; Trendwende bei Besuchern [In German: Hankensbüttel Otter-Zentrum has recording increasing visitor numbers since 2015; trend reversal amongst visitors]
- 02/08/18: Norfolk: £1.6m project will help turn Norfolk river into a wildlife haven
- 02/08/18: Argyll & Bute: The Scottish Sealife Sanctuary’s otter Lewis has died
- 31/07/18: Singapore: 帮助受伤水獭寻亲 挑战是不把它送入敌对家庭手中 [In Chinese: Helping the injured otter Helios to find his family, the challenge is not to send him into the hands of a hostile family]
- 01/08/18: India: ‘Otters are indicative species always giving us messages on pollution, pesticides in river’
- 31/07/18: Singapore: Otters sprint for the finishing line -- in waters of Kallang Riverside Park
- 31/07/18: Germany: Wo sich Biber und Otter zu Hause fühlen [In German: Where beavers and otters feel at home]
- 31/07/18: The Netherlands: Otter weer terug in Limburg, doodgereden in Nederweert [In German: Otter back in Limburg, drowned in Nederweert]
- 30/07/18: Ohio: Discovery Zoo otter moves to new home in Illinois
- 28/07/18:Germany: Freie Fahrt für den Otter [In German: Free passage for the otter]
- 27/07/18: California: Moss Landing: Protecting sea otters by using verse
- 26/07/18:The Netherlands: Eerste otter door duiker bij de Grote Wielen [In Dutch: First otter uses the underpass at Grote Wielen]
- 25/07/18:Germany: Vorfahrt für den Fischotter: Wiederbesiedelung der Kinzig scheint möglich [In German: Way back for Otters: Repopulation of the Kinzig area seems possible]
- 25/07/18:Germany: Für die Otter: Brückensanierung wird deutlich teurer [In German: For the Otters: Bridge rehabilitation is significantly more expensive]
- 25/07/18:The Netherlands: Vereniging Nederlands Cultuurlandschap legt eerste otterholt aan [In Dutch: The Dutch Cultural Landscape Association creates its first otter holt]
- 25/07/18:Germany: Nach tragischem Tod von Mon: So geht es Otter-Witwe Chéri [In German: After the tragic death of Mon, this is how widow Chéri is coping]
- 25/07/18:Isle of Man: New home for otters thanks to volunteers
- 25/07/18:Wiltshire: Otter caught feasting on koi carp
- 25/07/18:Singapore: Home is an otter delight for prize winner
- 23/07/18: Illinois: Female otter pup now on display at Wildlife Prairie Park
- 22/07/18: Washington: Sea otter sightings swell in Strait of Juan de Fuca
- 18/07/18: California: A Sea Urchin Army Is Mowing Down California's Kelp Forests -- But Why?
- 18/07/18: Washington DC: Trump administration seeks to roll back Endangered Species Act
[Otter Joy: America seems to have decided civilisation is too hard and barbarism is more comfortable] - 18/07/18: New Mexico: Earth Notes: Southwestern River Otters
- 17/07/18: Japan: More otters smuggled for sale in Japan as demand as pets grows
[Otter Joy: To obtain these babies, entire wild otter families are slaughtered] - 16/07/18: Washington: Rare Sighting of Sea Otter on Sunday Near Port Angeles
- 16/07/18: Essex: Watch these adorable otter pups learning how to swim
- 16/07/18: China: Rise in number of otters indicates environmental progress in Yangtze headwater
- 16/07/18: Surrey: Otters head for new homes
- 13/07/18: California: Otter Pups Can’t Swim, Here’s How Moms Turn Babies Into Buoys
- 13/07/18: Shropshire: Otterly brilliant: Shropshire wildlife project celebrates year of success
- 12/07/18: Germany: Otter-Drillinge in Schönbrunn [In German: Otter Triplets in Schönbrunn]
- 11/07/18: West Virginia: Animals Up Close: River Otter
- 11/07/18: Surrey: Otter vandal faces court action
- 10/07/18: Ireland: Kildare ISPCA volunteers save injured otter and release him back into the wild
- 10/07/18: Iraq: Salvaging Iraq’s remaining wilderness
- 08/07/18: Washington: Mother and three cubs released back into the wild
- 08/07/18: California: Rescued sea otter in Sausalito needs a name
- 07/07/18: India: Otter chased by dogs finds refuge in bathroom at Pal
- 07/07/18: India: DRDO begins preparation of Wildlife Management Plan
- 06/07/18: Germany: „U1“-Untersuchung für den Zwergotter-Nachwuchs im Zoo Osnabrück[In German: "U1" examination for the small-clawed otter babies at Osnabrück Zoo]
- 06/07/18: Austria: Bescheid zur Otter-Tötung in NÖ nach Beschwerden aufgehoben[In German: Decision to allow otter-killing overturned in Lower Austria after protests]
[Otter Joy: At last, some good news from Austria. The otter cull has really damaged Austria's reputation] - 06/07/18: Alaska: Sea otter pup doing well after rescue
- 06/07/18: Somerset: Rescued otter continues recovery with Burnham-on-Sea wildlife carers
- 04/07/18: Germany: Jubel in Melle: Der Fischotter findet weitere neue Reviere [In German: Joy in Melle - the otter finds more new habitat
- 04/07/18: Tennessee: Otter Rescued After Wandering Into Dairy Queen
- 04/07/18: The Netherlands: De sporen van de otter [In Dutch: The track of the otter]
- 04/07/18: Canada: 'He could be in a lot of danger': Baby otter spotted with ring around neck on Hecla Island
- 03/07/18: Minnesota: North American river otter: Harbinger of clean water, healthy habitat
- 03/07/18: Canada: Otter pups unveiled on Canada Day at Brockville aquarium
- 03/07/18: New Mexico: River otters make a splash at ABQ BioPark Aquarium
- 03/07/18: Switzerland: Der Otter hat den Weg nach Gossau gefunden [In German: The otter has found his way to Gossau]
- 03/07/18: Germany: Der Otter ist der Popstar unter den Tieren, lernen wir im Video zu "Spread Love (Paddington)" [In German: The otter is the pop star among the animals, we learn in the video to "Spread Love"]
- 03/07/18: Germany: Der Otter ist der Popstar unter den Tieren, lernen wir im Video zu "Spread Love (Paddington)" [In German: The otter is the pop star among the animals, we learn in the video to "Spread Love"]
- 02/07/18: The Netherlands: Harrie Bosma presenteert Otterboek in De Fûgelhelling [In Dutch: Harrie Bosma presents his book "The Otter" in De Fûgelhelling]
- 02/07/18: Highlands and Islands: Bunessan world Otter Day was totally otter-tastic
- 02/07/18: Dorset: Workshop held to assess impact of otters on fisheries
- 30/06/18: The Netherlands: Struintocht door leefgebied otter [In Dutch: Strolling through otter habitat]
- 30/06/18: Maine: Otter that bit woman on Rockland beach was rabid, officials say
- 28/06/18: USA: Kino: 4K Remaster of Ring of Bright Water Coming Soon to Blu-ray
- 27/06/18: Ireland: Vibrant otter mural 'a fantastic addition' to Limerick's growing urban art scene
- 26/06/18: Germany: Neue Publikumslieblinge Zwergotter leben ab sofort im Wildfreigehege Hellenthal [In German: New crowd favorites Dwarf otters live at Wildfreigehege Hellenthal ]
- 25/06/18: Pennsylvania: This otter going down a slide is guaranteed to make you smile
[Otter Joy: Confusingly, the first photo is a nice picture of a Eurasian otter, but the video is of North American River Otters - 25/06/18: Japan:Photo Journal: Newly minted moniker
- 23/06/18: Germany: Auf den Spuren von Otter, Hermelin und Nerz [In German: In the footsteps of otter, ermine and mink]
- 23/06/18: Japan: A lot of otters seized in searches as the critters are caught up in Japan's 'culture of cuteness'
- 20/06/18: The Netherlands: Natuurkenners kijken alvast waar otter gevaar loopt in Den Bosch en Oss [In Dutch: Nature experts can already see where the otter is at risk in Den Bosch and Oss]
- 20/06/18: Ayrshire: Green MSP urges Tarryholme residents to watch out for otters
- 20/06/18: Skye: Scottish tourists warned about illegal otter pet trade in east Asia
- 20/06/18: The Netherlands: Otter doodgereden in Stad [In Dutch: Otter killed in city]
- 20/06/18: Wisconsin: PGAV Destinations designs state-of-the-art otter habitat for Milwaukee County Zoo
- 20/06/18: Peru: Peru's Bahuaja-Sonene National Park at risk over illegal mining
- 19/06/18: The Netherlands: Otter in de Biggemar [In Dutch: Otter in the Beggemar]
- 19/06/18: Arizona: New otter exhibit opens at Bearizona
- 19/06/18: Suffolk: Wildlife trust travels to Africa to help develop new nature reserves
- 18/06/18: Russia: Sochi oracle otter picks Russia as winner over Egypt at World Cup
- 14/06/18: Canada: Dog attacked by otters at B.C. beach
[Otter Joy: those are big dogs. I'm guessing the otters felt threatened] - 14/06/18: Washington: Otters have the inside scoop
- 14/06/18: Canada: Sea otter watching business starts up in Port Alice
- 14/06/18: Surrey: Hunt for otters kicks off town's walking festival
- 14/06/18: Montana: ZooMontana river otter pup passes away
- 13/06/18: Washington: Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration Push to Slash Protections for Waterways, Wetlands
- 13/06/18: Missouri: Otter pups open their eyes to Kansas City Zoo
- 13/06/18: Alaska: Female harbor seal, sea otter are SeaLife Center's newest pups
- 13/06/18: Ohio: Dads get free admission to Columbus Zoo on Father's Day
- 11/06/18: West Dunbartonshire: Red squirrels and otters at risk in Flamingo Land's £30m Balloch resort plan
- 10/06/18: Illinois: Baby otter at Wildlife Prairie Park has a name
- 08/06/18: California: Moss Landing sea otter swimming with trash could cause deadly consequences
- 08/06/18: South East Asia: Southeast Asia's illegal wild otter trade moves online, wildlife group says
- 07/06/18: Alaska: Dead Otters Discovered Along The Aleutians And Alaska Peninsula
- 07/06/18: Global: Dolphins, otters, and seals killed and used as bait in global fisheries
- 07/06/18: Ireland: Injured otter makes "astounding recovery" after being hit by car
- 05/06/18: Devon: A mother otter was hit and killed by a car. 3 NC groups are working to save her orphan pups.
- 05/06/18: North Carolina: A mother otter was hit and killed by a car. 3 NC groups are working to save her orphan pups.
- 03/06/18: The Netherlands: Minister Schauvliege: “Herkolonisatie bevers en otters in Vlaanderen bedreigd door verkeer” [In German: Minister Schauvliege: “Recolonization of beavers and otters in Flanders threatened by traffic”]
- 03/06/18: Germany: Vorsicht vor kreuzenden Fischottern [In German: Beware of otters crossing]
- 02/06/18: India: Threatened otters make a comeback in Gujarat
- 02/06/18: Dubai: Your Chance to Name the Newborn Otter Pups at Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo
- 02/06/18: Australia: Perth Zoo debut for otter-ly gorgeous pups
- 01/06/18: California: River otters populations rebounding in Sonoma
- 01/06/18: Norfolk: Otters spotted on the banks of River Wensum in city centre
- 31/05/18: Derbyshire: Otters ‘breeding for first time’ in Peak District
- 30/05/18: Montenegro: U NP Skadarsko jezero obilježen prvi put u Crnoj Gori Svjetski dan vidre [In Croatian: For the first time, Otter Day is celebrated in Montenegro]
- 31/05/18: Singapore: Otters have wrestling match at Punggol Waterway Park
- 30/05/18: Italy: I giorni della lontra: iniziative all’acquario di cattolica [In Italian: The days of the otter: Initiative at the Catholic Aquarium
- 30/05/18: California: California river otters making comeback, researchers urge citizens to report sightings
- 30/05/18: Shropshire: Zoos and aquariums are sharing pictures for World Otter Day and it's adorable
- 30/05/18: China: In Chinese: World Otter Day
- 30/05/18: Australia: Perth Zoo otter pups given clean bill of health after first check-up
- 29/05/18: Germany: Kampf gegen den Otter [In German: War against the Otter]
[Otter Joy: The Austrian madness is spreading to Germany, who should know better. The plainly innaccurate rhetoric goes unchallenged. The clock is being turned back, and all the lessons of the last fifty years abandoned. All, in the final analysis, for the love of money] - 29/05/18: Japan: Three otters likely living on Japan's Tsushima Island following first sighting in 38 years: Environment Ministry
- 29/05/18: Shropshire: Day promises to be otter-ly good fun
- 25/05/18: Michigan: Check out the new pups at the zoo
- 22/05/18: Austria: Ein Räuber ohne natürliche Feinde[In German: A robber without natural enemies]
[Otter Joy: Another article from Austria demonizing otters. The Austrians are starting to look like real pig-headed animal killers, ignoring ecological fact to appease the folk who make a lot of money from angling. It's not good for the country’s reputation] - 22/05/18: Taiwan: In Japanese: Celebrating World Otter Day; two ambassador shortclaws walking around Ise and Iwase Iwaki Aquarium
- 21/05/18: Taiwan: In Chinese: Celebrating World Otter Day; all about the two new Eurasian Otter cubs born at Taipei City Zoo
- 21/05/18: Taiwan: In Chinese: Celebrating World Otter Day; all about the two new Eurasian Otter cubs born at Taipei City Zoo
- 20/05/18: Florida: Museum of Discovery and Science welcomes new otter to exhibit
- 19/05/18: Japan: Tokyo family's river otter pets making waves as international Instagram stars
[Otter Joy: These people are responsible pet otter keepers - many are not. But where did the baby otters come from? In some countries, wild otter families are killed so the babies can be taken and sold as pets] - 18/05/18: Germany: Otter-Zentrum in Hankensbüttel sucht Bundesfreiwillige [In German: Otter-Zentrum in Hankensbüttel is looking for Federal Volunteers]
- 16/05/18: Japan: Photo Journal: Lucky dip
- 16/05/18: Oxfordshire: Chipping Norton Veterinary Hospital powers up its new CT scanner
[Otter Joy:Among the first patients was an Asian Small-Clawed Otter with kidney stones] - 16/05/18: California: Returning otters to undersea world failing in their absence
- 16/05/18: New Zealand: A trans-Tasman friendship at NPDC's Brooklands Zoo
- 15/05/18: Japan: Expansion Plans With Popular City Mascot Shinjo Kun Start
- 14/05/18: Surrey: Anger as beloved otter sculptures Bruce Lea and Billy subject to 'mindless vandalism' in Farnham
THis is how it SHOULD be: Celebrate spring! - 14/05/18: Singapore: Cute otters feast on 'sashimi' at Pasir Ris Park
- 13/05/18: California: Otterly adorable at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
- 13/05/18: Wisconsin: Otters arrive at Baraboo zoo
- 13/05/18: Japan: View from the zoo: Baby Eurasian otter beating the odds
- 12/05/18: Aberdeenshire: Planner says developer otter do research on Aberdeen homes' impact
- 10/05/18: Yorkshire: Angling Lines from our local clubs
[Otter Joy: "Concern is being shown at the number of damaged sections of the otter fence at Moor Monkton Pools, and anyone caught causing damage will receive a lifetime ban." - Fisheries have invested a lot in fencing and selfish, stupid people who damage them should have no place in angling. Well done, Moor MOnkton Pools. - 10/05/18: Wisconsin: This 'Otter' Be Fun: Milwaukee Zoo Unveils New Exhibit
- 05/05/18: India: Canacona fishermen have a 'shy enemy' they now can't ignore
- 09/05/18: Surrey: Children 'heartbroken' after vandals caught on CCTV trashing otters [Otter Joy: The vandals are children - with parents who have failed dismally at their job]
- 05/05/18: Norway: Otter sex halts construction at Norway marina
- 05/05/18: New York: River otters making a comeback on the North Fork
- 05/05/18: Singapore: Dad of Bishan otter family dies, otter watchers mourn his loss
and more here... - 05/05/18: Florida: Young otter thrives after being rescued in Florida
- 04/05/18: Germany: Otter-Zentrum Hankensbüttel feiert 30-jähriges Jubiläum [In German: Hankensbüttel Otter-Zentrum celebrates its 30 Year Anniversary]
- 04/05/18: South Korea: Otters Symbolically Chosen as Gwangju 2019 World Championships Mascots
- 04/05/18: Rhode Island: R.I. author plunges into the world of the sea otter
- 04/05/18: Ohio: Otter pups now on view at Columbus zoo
- 03/05/18: Lincolnshire: Family of otters caught on camera swimming in the River Witham in Lincoln
- 03/05/18: California: Sea otters are helping save their own habitat
- 03/05/18: Hampshire: Film footage offers more evidence otters have returned to the River Rother
- 02/05/18: Canada: Trio of orphaned otter pups released after a year of care
- 02/05/18: Oregon: 50-foot-tall mural of otter completed on Winston-Salem water tank
- 02/05/18: Cheshire: Look at Chester Zoo's otter-ly adorable pups having their first check-up
- 01/05/18: Brazil: How a social lifestyle helped drive a river otter species to near extinction
- 01/05/18: Louisina: Wild otter caught on video eating at Barataria Preserve
- 01/05/18: Wyoming: Researchers study how to improve southern sea otter survival
- 30/04/18: Surrey: Otters romp into town
- 26/04/18: Austria: Naturschützer wollen Bescheid für das Otter-Töten anfechten [In German: Conservationists are to appeal against the Otter Killing]
[Otter Joy: Conservationists are appealing against the slaughter on legal grounds, plus 22,000 citizens signed a petition opposing the cull] - 27/04/18: Alaska: Wolves are eating sea otters near Gustavus. What does that mean for the deer?
- 27/04/18: Devon: Exmouth otter finds fame on Facebook, but it seems he's been raiding some ponds
- 26/04/18: Florida: Schauen Sie sich dieses Gschau an. Zucker! [In German: Look at this sweetie!]
[Otter Joy: so in one part of Austria, this is a “Sweet guy” and in another, something to be shot for daring to eat the fish it has evolved to catch] - 26/04/18: Florida: A Myakka Couple Rehabilitate Orphaned Otters
- 26/04/18: Florida: Orphaned Baby Otter Walks Into Garage To Ask For Help
- 26/04/18: Austrialia: ‘Treasured son’ legacy left with Otter pup birth
- 26/04/18: Brazil: Two Hungry Jaguars Are No Match for This Plucky Otter
- 25/04/18: New Mexico: BioPark makes progress on otter, penguin exhibits
- 25/04/18: Singapore: 2 otters found dead near Changi Sailing Club, including 1 trapped in illegal fishing cage
- 25/04/18: Austria: Abschuss fast erfüllt: 19 Fischotter getötet 20 Otter wurden im Waldviertel zur Tötung freigegeben, im Winter durften sie direkt ohne Geschlechtsbestimmung geschossen werden. WWF übt Kritik. [ In German: Killing almost finished: 19 of the 20 permitted otters shot without sexing. WWF criticise action]
[Otter Joy: Pointless animal sacrifice; there will be no effect on predation, plus orphaned cubs will die as otters breed all year round. Shame on you, Austria] - 24/04/18: New York: The River Otter's Main Predator: The Motor Vehicle
- 24/04/18: Oregon: 'An otter success': Sea otter pup bonds with geriatric habitat mate at Oregon Zoo
- 24/04/18: Alaska: Sea Otters and Survival in Southeast Alaska
[Otter Joy: a native animal eating native shellfish may, possibly, threaten the income of people who intensively fish said shellfish to sell for top dollar, mainly to Japan] - 24/04/18: Yorkshire: Does otter resurgence pose threat to fish stocks in South Yorkshire?
[Otter Joy: a native animal eating native fish may, possibly, threaten an entertainment, moan a small but shouty proportion of people who enjoy fishing, though not for food] - 24/04/18: Austria: ÖVP-SPÖ-Schnellschuss: Kärnten jagt 86 Otter [In German: Within 12 days of ÖVP-SPÖ coming to power, Carinthia is authorised to hunt 86 otters]
[Otter Joy: The Austrian madness continues, but this one at least says to live trap and remove. It's so pointless - unless they exterminate all otters in all ajoining areas, new ones will move in to replace the ones ones they remove] - 23/04/18: California: An ocean of memories: Aquarium of the Pacific celebrates 20th anniversary
- 23/04/18: Iowa: Older otter dies at National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium
- 23/04/18: New Mexico: Alamogordo zoo welcomes new river otter
- 21/04/18: The Netherlands: Zes faunapassages in Groningen om otter te beschermen [In Dutch: Six animal underpasses in Groningen to protect otters]
- 21/04/18: Missouri: Baby Otter Video from Kansas City goes Viral
- 21/04/18: California: Monterey Bay Aquarium's program to save sea otters revives their habitat
- 20/04/18: Ohio: Rare river otter sighting in Lake Township yard
- 20/04/18: Iowa: How a wild turkey swap with Kentucky helped bring river otters back to Iowa, to the chagrin of some fishermen
- 20/04/18: California: Sea otter makes a rare appearance in Ventura but may not stick around for long
- 20/04/18: Canada: Otter dies at Calgary Zoo
- 20/04/18: Germany: Otter im Kölner Zoo haben Nachwuchs [In German: Otters in Cologne Zoo have offspring]
- 20/04/18: The Netherlands: Voorbijgangers vinden dode otter langs Rijksweg in Beek [In Dutch: Passers-by find dead otter along Rijksweg in Beek]
- 20/04/18: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium celebrates otter's 18th birthday
- 20/04/18: Hampshire: Dead otter found in Mayflower Park
- 18/04/18: The Netherlands: Boswachter woest: ‘Otter sterft langzame dood in illegale fuik’ [In Dutch: Angry Forester: ‘Otter died slow death in illegal fyke net’]
- 18/04/18: Japan: Yokohama zoo puts baby otter on display, seeks public's help with name
- 18/04/18: Washington: Otter Poop Helps Scientists Track Pollution at a Superfund Site
- 17/04/18: Australia: Curious Kids: Why do sea otters clap?
- 13/04/18: Germany: Täter nach Reusen-Tod eines Fischotters noch nicht ermittelt [In German: Culprits not yet found after the death of an otter]
- 13/04/18: Zimbabwe: Unglaubliche Tierrettung: Olympiaschwimmerin bringt gelähmtem Otterbaby das Schwimmen bei [In German: Incredible animal rescue: Olympic swimmer teaches a paralyzed otter baby to swim!]
- 13/04/18: The Netherlands: Opnieuw dode otter aangetroffen [In Dutch: Another dead otter found]
- 12/04/18: Shetland: Caught on camera – mystery creature that demolished stone wall to raid pond
- 12/04/18: South Carolina: The Lowcountry has otters? Yep. But don't get too close, they can take down a gator
- 11/04/18: Virginia: Maymont river otter Ella dies unexpectedly
- 10/04/18: Korea: Geese Return Home to University Grounds as Otter Departs
- 06/04/18: Alaska: Letter: Alaska doesn't need predator control on sea otters
- 06/04/18: Florida: Clay Humane treating baby otter found in Orange Park garage
- 06/04/18: North Carolina: 50-foot tall otter to be seen from Peters Creek Parkway in city mural
- 05/04/18: USA: Trump administration proposes ending most protections for 100 threatened species
[Otter Joy: The Trump administration seems to be determined to systematically throw aside all civilized values and green light the asset strippers in every part of life] - 05/04/18: Cumbria: Adorable baby otter rescued after being spotted washing downstream by dog walker
- 04/04/18: Illinois: Baby otter born at Wildlife Prairie Park
- 04/04/18: Ohio: Otter pups take a swim at Columbus Zoo
- 04/04/18: Florida: Expert says otter attacks are rare after St. Pete dog killed
- 01/04/18: New Mexico: Trout lovers worry otters 'decimating' fish population
[Otter Joy: but the article is more measured and worth reading] - 30/03/18: The Netherlands: Otters weer in beeld [In Dutch: Otters back in the picture]
- 30/03/18: California: Californians Help Endangered Species on State Tax Returns
- 30/03/18: California: Appeals court affirms Fish and Wildlife Service lawfully ended otter program
- 30/03/18: Montana: Otter pups at ZooMontana are doing better, thanks to community help
- 28/03/18: Canada: All about otters: The wild enchanter of Peterborough and the Kawarthas
[Otter Joy: An excellent article!] - 28/03/18: Missouri: KC Zoo welcomes two baby otters
- 28/03/18: Alaska: Stedman's sea otter resolution passes Senate
[Otter Joy: He wants more of them killed for fur and so their food can be used to make money for humans] - 27/03/18: New York: River Otters Are On The Rebound
- 27/03/18: The Netherlands: De otter is eindelijk weer terug in ons gebied [In Dutch: The otter is finally back in our area]
- 27/03/18: Washington: Otters are too small, whales are too big, and seals are just right
Energetic tradeoffs control the size distribution of aquatic mammals - 27/03/18: The Netherlands: 'Otter heeft zich definitief gevestigd in Zuid-Holland' [In Dutch: Otters have settled permanently in South Holland]
- 26/03/18: Washington: How EPM Parasite S. neurona Could Spread from Land to Sea
- 26/03/18: Germany: Zu Besuch bei Otter, Marder und Co. [In German: Visiting otter, Marten and Co]
- 26/03/18: Norfolk: Tarka the Otter director dies aged 87
- 20/03/18: Germany: Bremerhaven: Fischotter werden mit Zaun „eingefangen“ [In German: Bremerhaven: Otters are "captured" with fence]
- 24/03/18: Canada: From Seattle to Vancouver: See how Rialto the otter, once near death, is thriving
- 22/03/18: California: Asian Small-Clawed otter pup dies in pool accident at Santa Barbara Zoo
- 21/03/18: California: San Francisco, a city central to early U.S. fur trade, just banned fur sales
[Otter Joy: WELL DONE!] - 21/03/18: Montana: 2nd grade class donates over $250 for ZooMontana Otters
- 20/03/18: Austria: 19 Fischotter bereits abgeschossen [In German: 19 otters already shot]
[Otter Joy: And it will make NO DIFFERENCE. It's just animal sacrifice to appease anglers and water owners, purely because money might be lost] - 20/03/18: Rhode Island: New Book Documents History Of Sea Otters
- 20/03/18: Ayrshire: Otters could sink plans for hundreds of new Irvine homes
[Otter Joy: the otters were always there, but the planners didn't bother to do an otter survey before granting planning permission.....] - 19/03/18: Shetland: Heart-breaking moment grieving baby otter appears to weep as he refuses to be separated from the body of his dead mother after she was hit by a car
- 17/03/18: Nebraska: River otters, a threatened species in Nebraska, are making a comeback
[Otter Joy: At present, the otters are fully protected, but I hope this doesn't lead to a Nebraska otter trapping season in a few years' time, as has happened in other states that reintroduced otters] - 16/03/18: California: Sea Otters Are Walled in by Hungry Sharks
- 15/03/18: Milwaukee: Baraboo zoo acquires otters
- 15/03/18: India: WII holds workshop to train local communities in protecting Ganga, aquatic species
- 15/03/18: California: River otters move south
- 15/03/18: Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Zoo's river otter pups get first checkup
- 15/03/18: Clackmannanshire: Otter's last chance to be returned back into the wild
- 14/03/18: Norfolk: Have you spotted this otter in Norwich?
- 13/03/18: New Zealand: Australian investigator keen to prove existence of folklore animals
- 13/03/18: Alaska: State seeks federal exemption to manage sea otters
[Otter Joy: KILL. "harvest" or "manage" are cowardly weasel words - KILL is what they intend to do, for profit and convenience] - 13/03/18: Minnesota: The North American river otter: Harbinger of clean water, healthy habitat
- 13/03/18: California: When a Facebook event goes otterly bad
- 13/03/18: Canada: Baby otters born at Aquatarium
- 13/03/18: Florida: Kayaker victim of ‘very un-otter-like behaviour’
- 23/02/18: Germany:"Das Otter-Zentrum ist kein Zoo" [In German: The Otter-Zentrum is not a zoo]
- 10/03/18: Suffolk: Minsmere's mystery of the 'weird' otters
- 08/03/18: Alaska: Officials investigate otter deaths in southwestern Alaska
- 08/03/18: Greater Manchester: Otters spotted in Greater Manchester's rivers after years of declining numbers
- 07/03/18: Tibet: How Tibetan Buddhism and conservation efforts helped Eurasian otters thrive in a city of 200,000 people
- 07/03/18: Tennessee: Wild otter spotted in North Memphis neighborhood
- 07/03/18: Texas: Elusive river otters remain rare sight in parts of Texas
- 06/03/18: Illinois: Zoo welcomes otter pups
- 06/03/18: Florida: Kayakers report bloody otter attack on Braden River
- 06/03/18: Montana: Billings boy braves winter storm to raise money for Zoo Montana otter pups
- 05/03/18: Gwynedd: Injured otter cub found wandering without mum in Gwynedd
- 05/03/18: Lao PDR: Ecotourism payments for more wildlife sightings linked to conservation benefits in Laos
- 04/03/18: Minnesota: Pine Grove Zoo to acquire 'otterly adorable' new animals
- 02/03/18: California: Aquarium of the Pacific celebrates sea otter's 21st birthday
- 02/03/18: Oregon: Eddie the slam-dunking sea otter still rocking the rim at age 20
- 01/03/18: China: China shares in mission of wildlife protection to mark UN World Wildlife Day
- 01/03/18: Somerset: Orphaned otter saved by Secret World
- 01/03/18: California: Court calls third strike on industry challenges to decision to end failed otter translocation and "No Otter Zone" program
- 28/02/18: Montana: Adorable otter pups fight for life at Montana zoo
- 27/02/18: Montana: Four otter pups born at ZooMontana
- 25/02/18: Peru: Peru moves to protect 'One of the last great intact forests'
- 25/02/18: Germany: Fischotter in Gesmold nachgewiesen [In German: Otter proven to be in Gesmold]
- 25/02/18: Singapore: Angler filmed throwing stones at otters in Punggol Waterfront
- 25/02/18: Massachusetts: Elusive river otter caught on camera at Acushnet Sawmill
- 24/02/18: Austria: Kärntner Grüne setzen sich im Wahlkampf für Fischotter ein [In German: Carinthian Green Party active in the campaign on behalf of the otter]
- 24/02/18: India: The otters of Hampi have a new conservation reserve. But they also face a new threat
- 23/02/18: Austria: Fischotter und Mölltaler Gletscher: Keine faulen Kompromisse auf Kosten der Natur [In German: Otters and the Mölltal Glacier: No lazy compromises at the expense of nature. Only the Greens campaign for nature conservation]
- 22/02/18: Germany: Düsseldorfs Lieblings-Otter Nemo ist tot [In German: Düsseldorf's darling otter, Nemo, has died]
- 21/02/18: Ireland: Ollie the otter thrills nature lovers on Tipperary's River Suir
- 21/02/18: Gloucestershire: One of the UK's most charismatic mammals has been spotted in the Cotswolds
- 21/02/18: Surrey: Simply Unique gets in on the otter action
- 21/02/18: York: Injured otter cub rescued from side of A64 in Ryedale
- 20/02/18: Bangladesh: Oiled sanctuary
- 20/02/18: The Netherlands: Otter trekt zich van niemand wat aan en rent en zwemt bij Wilhelminabrug in Deventer [In Dutch: Otter does not take notice of anyone and runs and swims at Wilhelminabrug in Deventer]
- 20/02/18: West Midlands: Otterly awesome: Black Country volunteers track down elusive otters
- 18/02/18: Virginia: Meet the Newest Bronze Animal Residents of the UVA Children's Hospital
- 18/02/18: Canada: We ought to mind Mother Nature's boundaries even when not visible
- 17/02/18: London: Should we give up half of the Earth to wildlife?
- 16/02/18: California: CDFW Says Californians Can Help Save Wildlife at Tax Time
- 16/02/18: India: Endangered smooth-coated otters make comeback in city
- 16/02/18: New York: By gum, it's an otter!
- 16/02/18: Michigan: Potter Park Zoo welcomes river otter pups
- 15/02/18: Florida: Fishing with Dan: Fishing is great, but nature may be better!
- 15/02/18: Canada: Victoria veterinarian warns pet owners after otters attacked her dog
- 15/02/18: Somerset: Otter cub which had been calling for its mother rescued by Secret World Wildlife Rescue
- 14/02/18: Peru: Peru moves to protect 'one of the last great intact forests'
- 15/02/18: Pennsylvania: Crowd learns about river otters at Sweet Arrow Lake program
- 13/02/18: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium shares photos of the late 15-year-old sea otter Mari
- 13/02/18: Singapore: Indranee Rajah shares 'Budget preview video' featuring Singapore otters
- 12/02/18: Colorado: Support endangered and non-game wildlife on tax return
- 11/02/18: Minnesota: River otters: Living and playing in Minnesota
- 11/02/18: Buckinghamshire: Buckingham sees the return of the otter
- 10/02/18: Germany: Gute Nachrichten: Die Bestände von Fischottern sind im Unesco-Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee gestiegen [In German: Good News: The stocks of otters have risen in the Unesco Biosphere Reserve Schaalsee]
- 10/02/18: Devon: Orphaned baby otters being care for in Devon
- 07/02/18: Herefordshire: Wildlife 'shot dead' on Herefordshire nature reserve
- 07/02/18: Singapore: A tale of two otters: settling in Singapore, suffering in China
- 06/02/18: Yorkshire: Pickering guest house captures damp intruder on video
- 05/02/18: Switzerland: Rückkehr des Fischotters - "In fünf Jahren ist der Fischotter wieder da" [In German: Return of the otter - "The otter will be back in five years"]
- 05/02/18: Singapore: NEA investigating incident of 'curry dumping' into Tampines river
- 04/02/18: Germany: Otter-Überfälle bedrohen die oberfränkische Teichwirtschaft [In German: Otter raids threaten the Upper Franconian pond economy]
- 03/02/18: Pennsylvania: Tight game? Overtime? Lehigh Valley Zoo otters pick Super Bowl winner
- 02/02/18: Austria: Grüne/Johann: Fischotter- Studie widerlegt Darmann - Monitoring-Studie ergibt 361 und nicht 600 Fischotter [In German: Grün / Johann: Otter study refutes Darmann - Monitoring study yields 361 and not 600 otters]
- 02/02/18: The Netherlands: Het gaat goed met de otters in de Onlanden [In Dutch: Things are going well for the otters in Onlanden]
- 02/02/18: The Netherlands: Het gaat goed met de otters in de Onlanden [In Dutch: Things are going well for the otters in Onlanden]
- 02/02/18: Oregon: Oregon Coast Aquarium sea otter predicted whether spring will arrive
- 01/02/18: Ohio: Conservation Corner:Tracking down river otters in Fairfield County
- 01/02/18: Florida: Three-week-old otter found in Odessa backyard
- 31/01/18: Canada: Get up close and personal with some wild baby animals
- 31/01/18: Austria: Otter im Fadenkreuz der Wahlstrategen [In German: Otters in the crosshairs of the election strategists]
- 30/01/18: Colorado: River otters resurge in Boulder County
- 30/01/18: Gloucestershire: Abandonned baby otter reared in total silence - so it can be returned to the wild
- 29/01/18: Illinois: Cuddling river otters spotted in Whiteside Co.
- 29/01/18: California: Local authors promote ocean advocacy
- 29/01/18: Illinois: Snow is no problem for the Shedd Aquarium's otters
- 26/01/18: Alaska: Rescued sea otter pup swimming on his own
- 25/01/18: Canada: River otter spotted cruising Saanich Road
- 25/01/18: California: Officials investigating shooting of river otter in Walnut Creek
- 24/01/18: California: Otter found in Walnut Creek business park had been shot
- 24/01/18: Gloucestershire: Otter-ly adorable pup rescued by RSPCA cared for at wildlife hospital
- 23/01/18: Kansas: Sunset Zoo shows off its newest faces
- 23/01/18: The Netherlands: Otter gesignaleerd in Midden-Limburg [In Dutch: Otter spotted in Central Limburg]
- 23/01/18: Suffolk: Pair of otter pups rescued in Layham die despite best efforts of vets
- 23/01/18: Lincolnshire: How patience paid off as fantastic footage of an otter exploring his territory is captured near Grimsby
- 22/01/18: China: Otters reflect ecological progress of Yangtze headwater
- 18/01/18: Germany: Otterschutz in der Wüste [In German: Otter Protection in the Desert]
- 19/01/18: Somerset: Wildlife group to share good news on return of otters
- 19/01/18: Somerset: Dorset resident claims otters have been killed by slurry pollution of river near Sherborne
- 19/01/18: Alaska: SeaLife Center rescues first animal of 2018
- 18/01/18: Germany: Otter-Zentrum Hankensbüttel feiert Geburtstag [In German: Otter-Zentrum Hankensbüttel celebrates its birthday]
- 19/01/18: Washington: Some boaters object to trapping, killing of river otters at Kingston Marina
[Otter Joy: some signs of civilisation breaking out in the USA: ""I understand they're a nuisance, I've had them come into my backyard ... But we kind of put our stuff on top of their world."] - 19/01/18: London: Tarka the otter is a must read and a great place to see them is at the London Wetland Centre
- 19/01/18: South Yorkshire: Country diary: tracking otters on the Steel City riverbank
- 18/01/18: Washington: Local filmmaker wins award for nature documentary
- 18/01/18: The Netherlands: Otter nu ook in het westen van de Noordoostpolder [In Dutch: Otter now in the west of Noordoostpolder]
- 18/01/18: India: An otter surprise at Pilerne's Saulem lake
- 15/01/18: Minnesota: In Response: Reprehensible for newspaper to promote trapping as worthy
- 15/01/18: Germany: Zwergotter erobern Herzen [In German: Asian Small-Clawed Otters conquer hearts]
- 15/01/18: Montana: The Story Of A River Otter Found Dead In A Snare
- 13/01/18: Germany: Juhu! Tolle Nachrichten für sächsische Otter [In German: Yoohoo! Great news for Saxony otters]
- 13/01/18: Gloucestershire: Otters pictured playing in Stroud river
- 13/01/18: Canada: River otters in the Squamish Estuary
- 13/01/18: Wales: Call to report more animal road deaths to help save others
- 13/01/18: India: Orphans in the wild: What the otter's trying to tell us about our oceans
- 11/01/18: North Carolina: Grandfather Mountain family welcomes Uno the River Otter
- 11/01/18: Devon: Fears rogue otter 'could wipe out' Darts Farm fish stock
[Otter Joy: I seldom bother with these reports because they are so drearily repetitive: people who enjoy repeatedly hooking a non-native living thing through its jaw, distressing it until exhausted so they can haul it in, take a photo and throw it back complain bitterly that a native animal eats the fish, while wailing that big money is invested in this. Well, spend some of your big money fencing properly. You are running an entertainment venue - investing in security is part of the running costs. And I really, really hope you find yourself in the same situation as those fish some day, and find out just how enjoyable it is from the fish's perspective] - 10/01/18: Singapore: New six-month programme will promote co-existence between humans and wildlife
- 10/01/18: Singapore: Surprising branch in Singapore's otter family tree
- 09/01/18: Cumbria: Fishy studies land Sam in deep water
- 09/01/18: Highlands: Orphaned otter Uisge loves fish soup
- 09/01/18: Ohio: Cleveland Zoo announces names for 3 otter pups
- 07/01/18: China: 2 female otters join Shanghai Zoo
- 05/01/18: Clackmannanshire: Orphaned otter Wriggle enjoys new lease of life
- 03/01/18: Oregon: Orphaned Sea Otter "Lincoln" Is Quickly Making His Way To The Big Leagues
- 03/01/18: Norfolk: Tiny otters from Suffolk being cared for at RSPCA's East Winch Wildlife Hospital near King's Lynn
- 03/01/18: Stirlingshire: Orphaned otter cub is rescued after being found in Scots garden
- 02/01/18: Tennessee: Otto the Otter the newest addition at Bays Mountain Park
- 01/01/18: New Zealand: Clever little otter uses his own face to make a sprinkler for his pool party
- 30/12/17: Taiwan: Wounded Otter Rescued After Wandering into Kinmen Elementary School
- 30/12/17: Clackmannanshire: Roadside otter who couldn’t find mum
- 30/12/17: Singapore: Girl, 5, bitten by otter at Gardens by the Bay; observers advise that the animals be watched from a distance
- 29/12/17: Derbyshire: End of an era for Chapel-en-le-Frith’s much-loved wildlife park
- 29/12/17: Shetland: Otterly bizarre Christmas visitor gives West Side woman a shock
- 29/12/17: Clackmannanshire: Wriggle the otter plays in the snow at Scottish SPCA centre
- 28/12/17: Singapore: 2 lost otter pups reunited with Bishan family after volunteers came to their rescue
- 24/12/17: North Ayrshire: Shivering otter rescued by Largs greenkeepers
- 23/12/17: The Netherlands: Al jaren 4 otters in Gelderland [In Dutch: For years, the number of otters in Gelderland has been 4]
- 23/12/17: California: Gary Griggs, Our Ocean Backyard: Discovery in 1938: Southern sea otters not extinct after all
- 23/12/17: The Netherlands: De otter is weer gespot [In Dutch: The Otter is spotted again]
- 23/12/17: California: Sea otter pup found with shark bites is now recovering in Monterey
- 22/12/17: California: Watch these river otters get surprised with snow at SF aquarium
- 22/12/17: Norfolk: Otters spotted in River Yare at Cobholm and Gorleston
- 20/12/17: Oregon: Is this your fish head?
- 19/12/17: New York: Trailing The Elusive Otter
- 19/12/17: Ohio: Otter pups at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo are on exhibit for 1st time
- 18/12/17: Oregon: Orphaned sea otter gets new name
- 17/12/17:Colorado: Otter spotted eating trout at Colorado toxic mine site raises hope for new kind of cleanup
- 16/12/17:Florida: Distressed newborn otter brought to Clearwater Marine Aquarium
- 15/12/17: Stirlingshire: Reflective barriers help wildlife cross road safely in Stirlingshire
- 14/12/17: Singapore: Pasir Ris otters a favourite subject of Nat Geo's Nature Photographer of the Year Jayaprakash Bojan
- 14/12/17: California: Sea otter pup rescued in Carmel after shark attack
- 13/12/17: Germany: Otis macht Otter-Kunst [In German: Otis makes otter art]
- 13/12/17: Wales: Wild otters speak with distinct smells, Cardiff uni finds
[Otter Joy: And this time the BBC decides to use an image of a North American River Otter] - 12/12/17: Illinois: Shedd’s Rescued Animals: How Are They Doing?
- 12/12/17: Cornwall: Study shows otters learn by copying ‘friends’
- 12/12/17: Washington: Police looking for possible lost otter owner
- 11/12/17: South Africa: Search for rescued otters’ mother proves unsuccessful
- 11/12/17: The Netherlands: Geen ruimte voor nieuwe otters in Limburg [In Dutch: No room for new otters in Limburg]
- 11/12/17: Oregon: Rescued sea otter pup finds new home at Oregon Zoo
- 10/12/17: Germany: Ostbayern: Werden Fischotter zum Problem? [In German: East Bavaria: will otters become a problem?]
- 10/12/17: The Netherlands: De otter rukt op; aantal is verdubbeld [In Dutch: Otters bob up: numbers double]
- 08/12/17: Lancashire: Dead otters a sign of growing numbers
- 08/12/17: Lincolnshire: Otters are coming to Grantham
- 08/12/17: Oregon: Judge, a favorite otter at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, dies
- 07/12/17: Ohio: Baby otter triplets get first taste of flowing water
- 07/12/17: Hampshire: Got to spot an otter
- 05/12/17: Ohio: Baby Otter Makes Public Debut in Ohio
- 04/12/17: Wiltshire: Thousands raised as public rush to help wildlife rescue charity
- 04/12/17: New York: Measuring the Feeding Capability of Extinct Giant Otter
- 04/12/17: Dorset: Stricken Blandford otter frees itself from plastic tie
- 02/12/17: The Netherlands: Partij voor de Dieren wil Limburgse otters helpen [In Dutch: Party for the Animals wants to help Limburg otters]
- 01/12/17: North Carolina: New rules could hurt N.C. cougars, bears, otters at Grandfather Mountain, critics say
- 01/12/17: The Netherlands: Otter aast op koikarpers in Giethoorn [In Dutch: Otter chews on Koi carp in Giethoorn]
- 01/12/17: Ohio: Must This Baby Otter Learn to Swim?
- 30/11/17: Indonesia: Victory! Zoo Ends Cruel Orangutan, Sun Bear, and Otter Acts Thanks to Public Pressure
- 29/11/17: Warwickshire: RSPCA rescue otter from Rugby pet store
- 28/11/17: Dorset: Otter with plastic cable wrapped around neck to be freed amid fears for its life
- 28/11/17: Singapore: New litter of pups in Bishan otter family brings total number of otters in Singapore to over 60
- 23/11/17: Wiltshire: Struggling wildlife rescue charity could close by Christmas
- 23/11/17: The Netherlands: Hoe je schuwe otters lokt [In Dutch: How to attract shy otters]
- 23/11/17: Cambridgeshire: Baby otter rescued from water tank
- 22/11/17: Glamorgan: 'New wildlife survey needed' insists community council
- 22/11/17: The Netherlands: Hans Blom vertelt over de otter [In Dutch: Hans Bom talks about otters]
- 21/11/17: Germany: Mangelnde Scheu wird Fischottern zum Verhängnis [In German: Lack of timidity brings doom to otters]
- 21/11/17: Germany: Ein Fischotter zu Besuch im Bocholter Wohnzimmer [In German: An otter visits Bocholt's living room]
- 21/11/17: Devon: Otter killed by commuter traffic near Exeter
- 20/11/17: Shropshire: Family of otters spotted by River Severn in Shropshire
- 17/11/17: Germany: Hi, ich bin der Neue: Gibt es in diesem Zoo bald süße Otter-Babys? [In German: Hi, I'm now - are there any sweet otter babes in this zoo?]
- 17/11/17: The Netherlands: Otters hier alleen welkom als ze uit zichzelf komen [In Dutch: Otters are only welcome here if they arrive naturally - i.e. no human reintroductions]
- 17/11/17: California: Another otter falls victim in spate of killings
- 17/11/17: Ohio: Cleveland Metroparks Zoo welcomes new litter of otter pups
- 16/11/17: The Netherlands: Dode otters gevonden in Flevoland [In Dutch: Dead otters found in Flevoland]
- 16/11/17:
Singapore: Wounded otter pup successfully caught, treated in first such operation
[Otter Joy: This is an amazing operation. The whole situation shows how a highly urban population can co-exist peacefully and positively with wildlife] - 15/11/17: India: Arunachal’s empty forests and hunting practices
- 15/11/17: Singapore: Changi Airport pays punny tribute to furry otter friends
- 15/11/17: Peru: With voices joined in chorus, giant otter families create a distinct sound signature
- 15/11/17: Germany: Für Otter und Seehunde, Düsseldorfer Aquazoo träumt von Außenbecken [In German: For otters and seals, Aquazoo Dusseldorf dreams of outdoor pools]
- 14/11/17: Canada: Two rescued sea otters at the Vancouver Aquarium meet for first time
- 13/11/17: Texas: Otters team up to try to take down S.A.-area zoo employee
- 13/11/17: Yorkshire: How otters came home to the Peak District
- 13/11/17: Singapore: Otters spotted on tarmac at Changi Airport, guided out to beach by airside safety team
- 13/11/17: California: Once-Abandoned Otter Celebrates Her 5th Birthday at Aquarium
- 10/11/17: Germany: Cuxland: Wo der Otter sich richtig wohlfühlt [In German: Cuxland, where otters feel really good]
- 10/11/17: Austria: Otter fühlen sich in der Landeshauptstadttadt wohl [In German: Otters doing well in the state capital]
- 09/11/17: Austria: Galgenfrist vorbei: 19 Fischottern droht jetzt der Abschuss [In German: Amnesty over: 19 otters now threatened with death]
- 09/11/17: Yorkshire: Wild otter caught on film in Peak District for first time
- 07/11/17: New York: A giant, prehistoric otter's surprisingly powerful bite
- 05/11/17: Germany: Osnabrücker Otterbabys sind Meister im Verstecken [In German: Osnabruck's baby Otters are masters at hiding]
- 07/11/17: India: Census finds 500 smooth-coated otters along Maharashtra’s coast
- 07/11/17: California: Rehabilitated Otter found shot, killed in Morro Bay in string of otter deaths
- 05/11/17: Japan: 「カワウソ」をペットには絶対できない [In Japanese: Otters absolutely cannot be pets]
- 05/11/17: Singapore: Pasir Ris otter family protect injured pup while animal welfare groups plan to capture and treat it
- 05/11/17: Canada: Otter-ly adorable rescues need winter home
- 03/11/17: California: How California's sea otters came back from brink of extinction
- 03/11/17: Leicestershire: Has the Hinckley otter been caught on camera?
- 02/11/17: California: Sea otters actually use Moss Landing crosswalk created for them
- 02/11/17: Suffolk: Otter pup rescued from Suffolk sewage tank drowning
- 01/11/17:
Derbyshire: Popular High Peak animal sanctuary to close
[Otter Joy: Sad news - it is a wonderful place to see otters and other animals. The first place I ever saw Giant Otters!] - 01/11/17: Avon: Passers-by stunned in Eastville Park after spotting this creature in the waters
- 01/11/17: California: Otterly gorgeous! Three adorable rare Asian clawed otter pups born in Santa Barbara zoo
- 31/10/17: Thailand: Japanese woman arrested for baby otter smuggling
- 31/10/17: Cornwall: How Cornwall's seals and otters celebrate Halloween
- 31/10/17: South Glamorgan: The Language of Odors: Different Odor Dialects in Wild Otter Populations
- 31/10/17: California: Californians Care for the Sea Otter
- 30/10/17: Singapore: Injured otter with metal wire wrapped around body spotted at Pasir Ris Park
- 30/10/17: Switzerland: Otter makes a comeback in Switzerland
- 29/10/17: Germany: Das süßeste Pflegekind des Ruhrgebiets [In German: The sweetest foster child in the Ruhr area]
- 28/10/17: Belgium: Na 30 jaar opnieuw otters in Vlaanderen [In Flemish: After 30 years, otters are back in Flanders]
- 28/10/17: California: Citizen scientists at Elkhorn Slough aid in sea otter research
- 27/10/17: The Netherlands: Natuurorganisaties praten met ministerie over otteroversteekplaatsen [In Dutch: Nature organisations talking to ministry about otter crossings]
- 27/10/17: The Netherlands: Dit jaar al elf otters doodgereden: hoe erg is dat? [In Dutch: Eleven otters died this year: how bad is that?]
- 27/10/17: Germany: Fischotter im Altenburger Land vermehrt gesichtet [In German: Otters being seen more and more frequently in Altenburger area]
- 25/10/17: California: Robust jaws and crushing bites allow sea otters to specialize their diets
- 25/10/17: Clackmannanshire: Stream, Smoult and Eddie: trio of orphaned otters return to the wild
- 24/10/17: The Netherlands: Otter doodgereden op de Centrale As [In Dutch: Otter killed on the Centrale As road]
- 24/10/17: California: Cuteness Break: Sea Otter Released Back to Wild
- 23/10/17: California: Skinned sea otter spurs investigation
- 21/10/17: Trinidad and Tobago: River otter runs from Debe flood waters
- 20/10/17: Germany: Ein Laufsteg für den Fischotter [In German: Spotlight on the otter]
- 20/10/17: The Netherlands: Binnen een maand vijf otters dood in natuurgebied De Onlanden [In Dutch: Five otters die in a month in the Onlanden nature reserve]
- 20/10/17: The Netherlands: Sindibad Park verwelkomt twee nieuwe bewoners [In Dutch: Sindibad Park welcomes two new residents]
- 20/10/17: Oregon: A name for High Desert's Museum's newest otter
- 20/10/17: Devon: Moor otter spotting raises more than £126,000 for national park
- 19/10/17: Austria: Erster Otter getötet: Kritik von Umweltschützern [In German: First otter killed: Criticism from Environmentalists (because it is justified using bad science)]
- 18/10/17: Spain: Two otter cubs born at Terra Natura wildlife park in Murcia
- 18/10/17: California: Skinned sea otter found on SLO County beach
- 17/10/17: Devon: North Devon man receives national award for protecting 'Tarka'
- 17/10/17: California: So cute! Trio of tiny baby otters born at Santa Barbara Zoo
- 16/10/17:
Switzerland: Der Fischotter ist in Bern daheim [In
German:The otter is at home in Bern]
[Otter Joy: Otters have bred in Switzerland for the first time in decades, having been wiped out by pollution] - 13/10/17: Germany: Die Fischotter erobern Pinnebergs City [In German: Otters conquer the city of Pinneberg]
- 14/10/17:
Austria: Galgenfrist vorbei, erster Fischotter getötet [In
German: Execution time: the first otter is dead]
[Otter Joy: A stupid, senseless and ineffective animal sacrifice to appease fishery owners. More otters will replace this one. FENCE THE FISHERIES!] - 13/10/17: The Netherlands: Otters gebruiken nieuwe otterpassage Kraenlânswei (met filmpje!) [In Dutch: Otters use the new Kraenlânswei ottertunnel, with video]
- 13/10/17: The Netherlands: De kans dat je otters tegenkomt, wordt steeds groter [In Dutch: The chance of seeing otters is growing]
- 12/10/17: Germany: Verliebt bis in die Fellspitzen [In German: In love to the tips of their fur]
- 12/10/17:
Japan: River otter spotted on Tsushima probably not native species: researcher
[Otter Joy: What they mean is that it is not the Japanese otter but the Eurasian otter which obviously IS native to that island, halfway between Korea and Japan] - 12/10/17: Scotland: Husky dog sought over 'otter worrying'
- 11/10/17: Pennsylvania: Otters looking for new habitat at Lehigh Valley Zoo
- 11/10/17: Devon: Warning issued over inland otters, after fish are killed
- 10/10/17: Germany: Tierschützer und Fischer entwickeln Netze [In German: Conservationists and fishermen are developing nets that provide the strictly-protected otter an escape route]
- 10/10/17: Austria: Fischotterzählung ergibt 300 ansässige Tiere [In German: Otter census gives 300 resident animals]
- 10/10/17: The Netherlands: Gevonden dode otters zijn moeder en kind [In Dutch: Otters found dead are mother and cub]
- 10/10/17: Germany: Chance für Otter [In German: A chance for the otter - about nets with built in otter release hatches]
- 09/10/17: Germany: Ein Lebensraum für die Fischotter [In German: A habitat for the otter]
- 09/10/17: Oregon: Oregon Zoo says goodbye to 19-year-old otter, Thelma: 'She beat the odds at every turn'
- 09/10/17: Devon: Book celebrating Bideford's otter statue goes on sale
- 09/10/17: Devon: Good-looking otters raise thousands to protect Dartmoor
- 06/10/17: India: Biodiversity of Indian Sunderbans recorded in one compendium for first time
- 06/10/17: Romania: Road signs may tell drivers to watch out for otters near Bucharest's Delta
- 06/10/17: Missouri: Kansas City Zoo asks for help naming new baby otter
- 05/10/17: California: As data on sea otters gets a technological boost, a looming threat rears its head.
- 05/10/17: Florida: Ticuna, a giant river otter, gets double root canal at Zoo Miami
- 04/10/17: Scotland: Otters are making a splash at Scottish SPCA rescue centre
- 04/10/17: Scotland: Pics show five of the smallest otter species in the world playing in autumn leaves
- 02/10/17: New York: Long Island Aquarium Commemorates Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Honor of Jelly the Otter
- 02/10/17: Alaska: Wildlife team cares for abandoned sea otter pup
- 01/10/17: Devon: Otters sell for £40,000
- 30/09/17: Germany: Süßes Fischotter-Baby Lilli ist ein Flaschen-Kind [In German: Sweet Otter Cub Lili is a bottle baby]
- 29/09/17: California: Annual Southern Sea Otter Survey: Despite Small Population Dip, Species Moves a Step Closer to Recovery
- 28/09/17: Florida: Three North American river otters released
- 28/09/17: California: Marine Mammal Center Releases Rehabilitated Sea Otter "Otto"
- 28/09/17: Alaska: Alaska SeaLife Center Sea Otter Rescue
- 27/09/17: Denbighshire: Otters move in to Llyn Brenig
- 26/09/17: Germany: Tönning : Weg frei für das Otter-Gehege – [In German: The way is free for the otter enclosure]
- 25/09/17: Shetland: Cheeky otter caught stealing fish from Lerwick market
- 23/09/17: Yorkshire: DNA survey monitors health of Sheffield's urban otters
- 22/09/17: The Netherlands: Otter dood in klem voor muskusrat [In Dutch: Otter dead in muskrat trap]
- 22/09/17:
Devon: Social skills could save endangered otters
[Otter Joy: Bizarre statement that Asian short claws are not known to forage in groups - that's exactly what they do!] - 22/09/17: Singapore: Otter spotting with wildlife enthusiast at Nature Society event
- 22/09/17: California: Sea Otter Awareness Week: 3 months ago, a sick Otto the sea otter was rescued in Morro Bay. On Friday, he came home
- 22/09/17 : Canada: Sea Otter Awareness Week: Vancouver Aquarium's orphan sea otter has a new mom and it's too cute
- 22/09/17: California: Sea Otter Awareness Week: Four Incredible Facts About Sea Otters
- 22/09/17: Germany: Weiterer Fischotter könnte in Bruchmühlen leben [In German: Another otter could be living in Bruchmühlen]
- 21/09/17: The Netherlands: Otter dood in klem voor muskusrat [In Dutch: Otter dead in muskrat trap]
- 21/09/17: California: You Otter be a Citizen Scientist
- 21/09/17: Yorkshire: Amazing photos show otters returning to Sheffield river once dubbed Europe's 'most polluted'
- 19/09/17: Germany: Mit Otter Nemo durch den Aquazoo [In GErman: Through the Aquazoo with Nemo the Otter]
- 17/09/17: Florida: Palm Beach Zoo recovering after Hurricane Irma
- 17/09/17: Lincolnshire: Varied wildlife habitat along South Holland's drains
- 15/09/17: Singapore: Otters spotted in Bukit Panjang's newly revitalised Pang Sua pond
- 15/09/17: Texas: While the rest of Texas gets loose gators, Denison gets baby otters
- 14/09/17: Wiltshire: Mystery killer attacks prized Koi carp
- 13/09/17: California: In Bay Area, Even Sea Otters Have Wearable Med
- 13/09/17: Gwynedd: I'm otter here! Watch slippery mammal in high street police chase
- 13/09/17: India: A fragile ark that shelters 2,626 creatures
- 12/09/17: India: Otter population growing in Rawatbhata and the Chambal River [In Hindu, I think]
- 11/09/17: Florida: Irma Update 9/11 (Final update on effects of Hurricane Irma)
- 06/09/17: The Netherlands: Tunnel als zebra voor otter [In Dutch: Tunnel is zebra crossing for otters]
- 01/09/17: Germany: Otter zurück in der Dinkel [In German: Otters back in the Dinkel river]
- 01/09/17: The Netherlands: Otter population growth stagnates as a quarter die on the roads or in traps
- 01/09/17: California: Sea otters may be victims of toxin that crippled crab industry
- 01/09/17: Ohio: River otters return to Cuyahoga Valley National Park
- 01/09/17: Pennsylvania: Swimmer attacked by river otter in lake at Bear Creek Village
- 31/08/17: Shetland: Wildlife sanctuary celebrates after reaching fundraising goal
- 31/08/17: Florida: Florida Wildlife Hospital releases river otter in Banana River
- 30/08/17:
Minnesota: Winona's otter whisperer
[Otter Joy: Emil Liers made a lot of fantastic observations on otter behaviour - 30/08/17:
Essex and Devon: Smooth-Coated Otters Can Learn How to Solve Puzzles
by Copying Each Other, Research Shows
[Otter Joy: bizarrely they claim that short claws do not learn from each other, and do not forage together - doesn't sound like any shortclaws I know!] - 29/08/17: Wiltshire: Otters are prime suspects in fish raids on local ponds
- 29/08/17: California: How otters are making a comeback from the brink of extinction
- 29/08/17: Durham: Species in danger of becoming victims of their own success
- 27/08/17: California: Rare sea otter spotted off Dana Point
- 26/08/17:
India: Huge haul of body parts of wild animals in Assam, 2 men
[Otter Joy: including otter skins] - 25/08/17: Germany: Fischotterbestände in Salzburg stark gewachsen [In German: Otter population in Salzburg growing strongly]
- 25/08/17: India: Campaign to save otter
- 24/08/17: California: Otters, seals and sea lions male rare appearences in Oakland's waterways
- 23/08/17:
Japan: Otter spotted in Japan for first time in 38 years
[Otter Joy: This is big news!] - 22/08/17: Germany: Bayern stockt Fischotter-Entschädigungsfonds auf [In German: Bavaria increases otter compensation fund]
- 22/08/17: Scotland: Where, when and how to spot an otter in the wild
- 21/08/17: Gloucestershire: Meet the man who looks after the adorable otters at Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre as he reveals their cheeky antics
- 18/08/17: India: Smooth-coated Otter, a new enemy of aqua farmers
- 17/08/17: Japan: Wild otter filmed alive in Japan, 1st sighting in 38 yrs
[Otter Joy: This is HUGELY IMPORTANT news!!"] - 17/08/17: South Africa: SA rivers in deep water
[Otter Joy: "When a Cape clawless otter is found with missing back toes in the Hout Bay River in Cape Town, it's a sign the survival of the river is at stake"] - 17/08/17: Germany: Samtgemeinderat stimmt für Pläne des Otterzentrums [In German: The municipa] council agrees Otter-Zentrum's plans]
- 16/08/17: Germany: Fischotter-Schäden in Ostbayern: Teichwirte bekommen mehr Geld [In German: Otter damage in Eastern Bavaria: Fishfarmers get more money]
- 16/08/17: The Netherlands: Stichting De Rietnymf zet otter Abby uit [In Dutch: Stichting De Rietnymf releases Abby the otter]
- 15/08/17: Germany: Im Zoom malen Otter und Orang-Utans wie Picasso [In German: Otters and Orang-Utans paint like Picasso]
- 14/08/17: Minnesota: Great Lakes Aquarium Announces Death of Retired River Otter
- 14/08/17: Cheshire: Blue Planet Aquarium confirms escapee otter Cho is back with her family
- 12/08/17: Abu Dhabi: Emirates Park Zoo offers chance to see otters
- 11/08/17: Shetland: Wildlife sanctuary celebration
- 11/08/17: Colorado: Rescued river otter learns how to be an animal at Denver Aquarium
- 11/08/17: Cheshire: Blue Planet Aquarium appeals for help in finding Cho the otter
- 09/08/17: Germany: Kinder bei Rotwild, Wölfen und Ottern [In German: Children with Deer, Wolves and Otters]
- 09/08/17: The Netherlands: Jong ottertje zwerft alleen door de Ooijpolder [In Dutch: Young otters only passing through the Ooijpolder]
- 09/08/17: Germany: Otter sind die neuen Stadtbewohner [In German: Otters are the new city dwellers]
- 09/08/17: Vermont: Flimsy excuse for otter rule
[Otter Joy: Otter trapping in Vermont based on hunters' anecdotes not scientific fact] - 08/08/17: Japan: 2 baby otters make debut at Ise Sea Paradise
- 07/08/17: Highlands and Islands: Ripples and the ring of truth
[Otter Joy: This is beautifully written] - 04/08/17: India: A King in Hiding: The barren, cold desert of Ladakh sees signs of a new life – the otter
- 04/08/17: Devon: An otter pops into the marina for lunch
- 04/08/17: Devon: Meanwhile, in otter news
- 04/08/17: Highlands & Islands: Meanwhile, in otter news
- 04/08/17: Devon: New 'Royal Otter' unveiled at Princetown
- 03/08/17: Montana: Otter bites floater on Missouri River
[Otter Joy: the bitten floater has a really sensible attitude] - 02/08/17: Canada: Canada's 'otterly' adorable, playful, social animals
- 02/08/17: Colorado: Growing up otter: How the Denver Aquarium taught a rescued river otter the ropes of being an animal
- 01/08/17: India: Poor monsoon hits aquatic life in the Tungabhadra
- 01/08/17: Oregon: Fullerton Wines Sea Otter Benefit
- 01/08/17: Massachusetts: Oh, baby! Ecotarium welcomes new otter
- 31/07/17: Canada: Baby sea otter moves to Vancouver Aquarium nursery
- 31/07/17: Gloucestershire: Couple in Cashes Green shocked and surprised after finding otter in back garden, who ate their three goldfish
[Otter Joy: Trying to catch the otter is a really bad idea - someone will end up being bitten] - 30/07/17: Michigan: Help find owner of stuffed otter left at northern Michigan winery
- 29/07/17: Ohio: Otter pup makes public debut at Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
- 29/07/17: Tennessee: Otters show up in Knoxville's Third Creek
- 25/07/17: Germany: Fischotter ist der Koi-Killer [In German: The Koi killer is an otter]
- 27/07/17: Yorkshire: Otters are back in the water in Pontefract
- 25/07/17: The Netherlands: Deze prachtige dieren zijn terug van weggeweest [In Dutch: These beautiful animals are coming back]
- 25/07/17: Germany: Mistgabel-Attacke - Herzlose Brandenburgerin massakriert Fischotter [In German: Manure-fork attack - Heartless Brandenburg woman massacred otter]
- 25/07/17: North Dakota: Otter trapping ban may be lifted in N.D.
[Otter Joy: Yes, they carefully restored otter populations so they could subject them to prolonged pain and suffering for fun and profit. Traps are not quick and clean, and trap lines do not get serviced every day, let alone every hour, so any trapped animal either slowly drowns, or endures pain till shot or bludgeoned to death] - 25/07/17: Canada: Rescued sea otter pup named Hardy
- 25/07/17: India: Missing otter leaves village in despair
- 25/07/17: The Netherlands: Otter sneuvelt op de A7 [In Dutch: Otter underpasses needed on A7]
- 25/07/17: The Netherlands: Otter geboren in de Ooijpolder [In Dutch: Otter born in the Ooijpolder]
- 24/07/17: Canada: Maman loutre garde bébé, sec et chaud, sur son ventre douillet [In French: Mother otter keeps baby dry and warm on her cozy belly]
- 22/07/17: Norfolk: Are these East Anglia's 'Big 5' must-see species?
- 22/07/17: Devon: East Devon artist helps to raise funds for Dartmoor National Park
- 21/07/17: Cumbria: Something fishy going on in West Cumbrian ponds
- 21/07/17: Michigan: The Detroit Zoo expanded its otter exhibit by three times and we love them for it
- 19/07/17: Virginia: The river otters of Cave Mountain Lake
- 18/07/17: Maryland: Dead otter found in abandoned crab pot in Ocean City
- 16/07/17: The Netherlands: Het succesverhaal van 15 jaar otters in Nederland [In Dutch: Fifteen year success story for otters in the Netherlands]
- 14/07/17: South Lanarkshire: Heartache as River Clyde's rare albino otter found dead at roadside
- 13/07/17: Montana: Cliff Lake otter attacks visiting triathlete over holiday weekend
- 13/07/17: Canada: Snared otter released back in Ambleside
[Otter Joy: Excellent points about snares] - 12/07/17: Nepal: Wildlife poaching on the rise
- 12/07/17: Ohio: Columbus Zoo announces birth of otter pup, Pallas' cat
- 12/07/17: Leicestershire: Otter attacks fear as gardens ponds in Hinckley targeted
- 09/07/17: The Netherlands: 'De kans om otters te zien, is echt minimaal' [In Dutch: The chances of seeing an otter are minimal]
- 08/07/17: Cumbria: BOOK REVIEW: the hidden secrets of the otter beautifully told
- 07/07/17: Vermont: Dear Vermont: Please stop killing otters for profit
- 07/07/17: Australia: National Zoo and Aquarium welcomes new otters
- 06/07/17: Indiana: Senior goes wild over otter research
- 06/07/17: Scotland: Otter-ly adorable: Scottish SPCA centre caring for 14 otters
- 06/07/17: Norfolk: 'Mystery creature' crossing road on CCTV 'was an otter'
- 04/07/17: Massachusetts: New Buttonwood Park Zoo otters make a splash in big debut
- 04/07/17: Mexico: Discovery Suggests Otters Migrated Across U.S. Through Mexico
- 05/07/17: Washington: Swimmer bitten by otters in lake south of Ennis
- 04/07/17: India: Smooth-coated otters from Gujarat find new home at Mysuru Zoo/
- 03/07/17: Alaska: Kraken snackin': Alaska's sea otters can take down giant Pacific octopuses
- 01/07/17: Singapore: Can Singapore's growing otter population continue to thrive in an urban landscape?
- 29/06/17: Canada: MARS' new wildlife hospital is overrun with baby animals
- 29/06/17: California: Sequoia Park Zoo's otter exhibit ranked third best in the world
- 28/06/17: Japan: Japan's oldest aquarium-born sea otter celebrates 21st birthday with 'ice cake'
- 28/06/17: Canada: Newborn otter brought in by boaters 'would not survive on his own'
- 25/06/17: Singapore: Otters & monkeys make friends with one another at Marina Barrage
- 24/06/17: Malaysia: Penampang lass highlights otter conservation in Sabah
- 23/06/17: Florida: Watch: Otters rehabilitated at Florida Wildlife Hospital
- 22/06/17: Massachusetts: They 'otter' have names and now they do: Lucky, Clover and Shamrock
- 21/06/17: Norfolk: Badly injured otter found stranded on driveway in Thetford euthanased
- 21/06/17: India: Drive to clean Tungabhadra to be launched on June 24
- 21/06/17: Yorkshire: Work helps otters to thrive
- 20/06/17: Cambodia: Conservation Success for Otters on the Brink
- 19/06/17: California: Where Have All The Sea Otters Gone?
- 19/06/17: Florida: Family of otters rescued from car in Sanford
- 16/06/17: Singapore: Dead otter found in cage at Marina Promenade; man caught setting traps
- 15/06/17: Mexico: A sea otter’s jawbone surprises scientists
- 14/06/17: Carmarthenshire: Rescued otter is returned to wild near Llandovery
- 13/06/17: Arizona: Bearizona debuts bears, otters and bighorn sheep lambs for summer
- 13/06/17: Mexico: Ancient otter tooth found in Mexico suggests mammals migrated across America
- 12/06/17: Virginia: Fans choose “Ella” as name for Maymont’s female otter
- 11/06/17: Singapore: Singaporeans step in to protect otters living in Marina from Bishan rivals
[Otter Joy: Purists may bemoan the "interference with nature" but this is a great indication that local people care about "their" otters, and bodes well for the future of all the otter families in a highly urbanised habitat] - 10/06/17: Arizona: Rescued baby otter finds new home at Out of Africa
- 09/06/17: Germany: Der Fischotter ist flächendeckend im Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach angekommen [In German: The otter has reached the Amberg-Sulzbach region]
- 09/06/17: Singapore: Male from first otter group missing, presumed dead
- 08/06/17: Singapore: Father of family of otters at Singapore River dies; poisoning suspected
- 08/06/17: Devon: Otter auction open to bidders
- 06/06/17: Austria: Fischotter in Salzburger Altstadt gesichtet [In German: Otter sighted in Salzburg Old Town]
- 03/06/17: Switzerland: Fischotter breitet sich aus [In German: Otters spread out]
- 03/06/17: Arizona: Out of Africa Wildlife Park names otter rescued in a canal
- 02/06/17: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium Team Cares for Abandoned Sea Otter Pup in Alaska
- 01/05/17: The Netherlands: De Veenhoop krijgt otterpassage onder weg door [In Dutch: the Veenhoop gets otter underpasses under way]
- 01/06/17: India: Bengaluru has a wild side that hadn’t been seen
- 01/06/17: The Netherlands: Provincie worstelt met het uitzetten van otters [InDutch: State struggles with otter restoration]
- 01/06/17: California: Otters Eat Otter Pops on World Otter Day at Los Angeles Zoo
- 01/06/17: Singapore: 20 photos of S’pore otters in completely identifiable work scenarios for World Otter Day
- 31/05/17: Germany: Fast ausgerottet! Jetzt ist die Mark wieder Fischotter-Revier [In German: Almost eradicated! Now the otter has returned]
- 31/05/17: Singapore: Otter babies receive intensive care by zoo keepers in Singapore Zoo
- 30/05/17: Germany: Spannender Wildtier-Aktionstag „CityOTTER“: Wo leben Fischotter, Steinmarder, Biber, Fuchs und Wolf in unseren Städten? [In German: Exciting wild animal action day "CityOTTER": Where do fishotters, stone marten, beaver, fox and wolf live in our cities?]
- 30/05/17: Somerset: World Otter Day: RSPCA release video of otters at its West Hatch animal centre in Somerset
- 29/05/17: Germany: Fischottern droht der Verkehrstod [In German: About road traffic threat to otters]
- 29/05/17: India: Smooth-coated Otter found in Roerich estate
- 28/05/17: Florida: Orphaned otter pups growing up at wildlife hospital
- 24/05/17: Oregon: High Desert’s newest otter was found in the wild
- 24/05/17: Devon: 100 otter models are being hidden on a huge trail for a new summer attraction
- 23/05/17: Canada: Reward offered after wounded otter found snared in West Van
- 22/05/17: Singapore: Bishan otters gatecrash National Day prep at Marina Bay floating platform
- 22/05/17: Ohio: Meet the Cincinnati Zoo’s newest critter, Wesley the otter
- 20/05/17: North Carolina: Watch these “otterly” adorable babies learning to swim
- 19/05/17: Georgia: Camera traps at Georgia’s national parks catch rare, amusing moments of wildlife
- 19/05/17: Scotland: Photographer captures otter and eagle battle over tasty fish on banks of Scottish loch
- 19/05/17: Caithness: Otter rescue bid has no happy ending in Thurso
- 18/05/17: India: Biodiversity profile of Ganga being reconstructed
- 18/05/17: Ireland: Galway public otter survey
- 18/05/17: Australia: Taronga’s Miracle Otter Pup Explores Outside World for the First Time
- 18/05/17: Carmarthenshire: Sick otter found lying in puddle near Llandovery
- 17/05/17: Canada: Vortisand filtration system benefits otter environment
- 17/05/17: Cambridgeshire: Environment Agency agrees to controversial otter fence at Manea Pit
- 16/05/17: India: Forest department proposes first ever rescue centre for wildlife in UP
- 16/05/17: Japan: 4 new otter pups steal the show at Osaka amusement park
- 16/05/17: Oregon: Otter Pups Graduate From Zoo's Swimming Lessons
- 15/05/17: United Kingdom: playing politics with animal welfare
- 15/05/17: Australia: Budjarn Lambeth raising awareness for otters at Kelso High Campus
- 15/05/17: Switzerland: Switzerland’s recent Baby Animals stamp depicts the wrong otter
[Otter Joy: Very common occurence. Very cute picture though...] - 15/05/17: Pennsylvania: Lehigh Valley Zoo welcomes pair of North American River otters
- 13/05/17: Illinois: Baby otters make public debut at Brookfield Zoo
- 13/05/17: Singapore: Bishan otter an awesome supermum who deserves to be celebrated and loved this Mother’s Day
- 12/05/17: Alaska: Staff stands in for pup’s mom to provide around the clock care
- 12/05/17: Devon: Colourful otters to be released on Dartmoor
- 11/05/17: Netherlands: Opvallend veel ottersporen in de Burchtkamp [In Dutch: Remarkable number of otter tracks in Burchtkamp]
- 11/05/17: Norfolk: Are we winning the fight against American mink across Norfolk?
- 11/05/17: Cumbria: Help track down West Cumbria's otters
- 11/05/17: California: Otter mortality rate to help researchers learn more about sharks on the Central Coast
- 10/05/17: Cambodia: Cambodia’s Virachey National Park in Danger
- 10/05/17: Vermont: A significant majority of Vermonters want to ban trapping and eliminate the wasteful killing of wildlife.
- 10/05/17: Shetland: Wildlife sanctuary marks 30th birthday by launching fundraiser to secure future
- 10/05/17: Wisconsin: Leia the otter arrives at the NEW Zoo in Suamico
- 09/05/17: Virginia: Meet the new otters of Maymont Nature Center
- 09/05/17: California: Three new river otter pups on display at Oakland Zoo
- 09/05/17: Alaska: Alaska has more orphaned otters than the world's zoos have room for
- 08/05/17: Illinois: Niabi Zoo official speaking at otter workshop in Colombia
- 08/05/17: Washington: Meet Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium's newest sea otter
- 05/05/17: Alaska: Almost Three Decades After Massive Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska, Some Species Still Recovering
- 04/05/17: Arizona: Abandoned baby otter was 'swimming for its life,' rescuers say
- 04/05/17: Oregon: River otter pups make a splash at the Oregon Zoo
- 03/05/17: Monmouthshire: 'Tails' of the riverbank – Risca Girl Guides help build otter holt
- 03/05/17: Essex: Otter-ly brilliant! Volunteers build homes for otters in Wanstead Park
- 03/05/17: Arizona: SRP employees rescue baby otter from Arizona Canal
- 02/05/17: Washington: Seattle Aquarium river otter celebrates 19th birthday
- 02/05/17: Singapore: Entrance to Marina otter family's den found blocked by footpath slab and rock
- 02/05/17: South Africa: Otter juvenile seeks safety in PE garden
Break due to pressure of work
- 21/02/17: Canada: You 'otter' believe it
- 20/02/17: Germany: Langeweile? Gibt's nicht [In German: Boredom? No way!]
- 20/02/17: Singapore: These photos of S'pore otters getting tangled up in our litter should serve as an impetus to stop littering
- 18/02/17: Kansas: Two otters found dead in Bonner Springs offer reminder of conservation efforts
- 18/02/17: China: Otters The Size Of Wolves Once Roamed The Earth
- 17/02/17: Northern Ireland: Take on Nature: A voyage into otter space
- 16/02/17: California: Tax filers can help save otters
- 16/02/17: Yorkshire: Mixed feelings over discovery of dead otter in Swaledale
- 15/02/17: Thailand: Otter cleans up after litterbug pigs at Thailand zoo
- 14/02/17: Dorset: OTTER-LY BEAUTIFUL: Photographer captures animal fishing as species enjoys local resurgence
- 13/02/17: Northern Ireland: Puppy love at Exploris
- 13/02/17: Singapore: Teacher's pet? Otters spotted at NUS
- 13/02/17: Lincolnshiire: A rare sight: Otter spotted in Brayford Pool in Lincoln
- 10/02/17: Colorado: River otters making triumphant return to Colorado
- 10/02/17: Eire: Rare picture of otter captured at Wexford Bridge
- 10/02/17: Singapore: 10 photos of Bishan otter family pups are exactly what you need to end your week
- 09/02/17: Essex: New arrivals move into Sea Life Adventure after revamp
- 09/02/17: Canada: Sea otter recovery may bring fewer abalone, but richer kelp
- 08/02/17: Illinois: Wild Things Conference shines spotlight on otters in Chicago
- 08/02/17: South Glamorgan: Cowbridge resident 'surprised by dead otter'
- 08/02/17: Cheshire: Chester Zoo hopes giant otter's arrival can help boost species
- 07/02/17: The Netherlands: Weer een vrouwtjesotter doodgereden bij Giethoorn [In Dutch: Another female otter killed in Giethoorn]
- 07/02/17: Canada: Bill Tierney: What we can learn from the otters at the Ecomuseum Zoo
- 07/02/17: Florida: CROW helps baby otter search for new home
- 07/02/17: California: Monterey veterinarian leaves legacy of otter care
- 05/02/17: Surrey: Chance to become an otter detective
- 04/02/17: Canada: Otters make themselves at home in the Ecomuseum
- 03/02/17: Washington: Otter pups get clean bill of health at first vet visit
- 03/02/17: Alaska: Options dwindle for orphaned sea otters
- 03/02/17: Scotland : Hopes of friendship for otterly adorable river rescue cubs
- 03/02/17: Germany : Fuchs bettelt Fischotter um Fisch an [In German: Fox begs Otter to fish]
- 03/02/17: Cheshire : Rare giant otter has arrives at Chester Zoo
- 01/02/17: Florida : Living Sanibel: The river otter
- 31/01/17: Germany: Otter-Zentrum Hankensbüttel startet in die neue Saison [In German: Otter-Zentrum in Hankensbüttel starts new season]
- 31/01/17: Cumbria : Otters are back in Kendal
- 31/01/17: Canada : Ecomuseum Zoo welcomes back crowd-pleasing river otter with new exhibit
- 29/01/17: Singapore: Otters go to Gardens By The Bay on Chinese New Year Day 1 for good luck
- 29/01/17: Maine: Otters: A Telltale Sign of Acadia's Health
- 29/01/17: California: Otter populations reach a new high, but great white sharks keep their numbers at bay
- 28/01/17: The Netherlands: Leerlingen uit Rosmalen op de bres voor otters [In German:Pupils from Rosmalen stand in the gap for otters]
- 27/01/17: South Lanarkshire: Bothwell couple spot rare albino otter in the River Clyde
- 27/01/17: Avon: Otter caught on camera playing in river in inner city Bristol by passing police officer
- 27/01/17: Washington: 4 otter pups at the Woodland Park Zoo begin to open their eyes
- 26/01/17: Germany: Otters im Augsburger Zoo - Schlittern statt Schlottern [In German:Otters in Augsberg Zoo - Sliding not shivering]
- 26/01/17: North Ayrshire: A78 Wildlife warning
- 26/01/17: Lincolnshire: "An otterly wonderful sight": River critter gives Lincoln cameraman a friendly greeting
- 26/01/17: Singapore: Otter watchers come to rescue of pup separated from Bishan otter family
- 25/01/17: Germany: Nemo - Einen Otter aufs Glatteis führen [In German:Nemo - Take an Otter on the Ice]
- 25/01/17: Florida: Asian otters guest star at Tallahassee Museum
- 24/01/17: Georgia: Southern sea otter dies just shy of 20th birthday
- 24/01/17: Hampshire: Otters now back in every county thanks to conservation work
- 23/01/17: China: Fossils of wolf-sized otter unearthed in China
- 22/01/17: Germany: OTTER-ZENTRUM geht in die neue Saison � Viele neue Veranstaltungen [In German: OTTER-ZENTRUM goes into the new season - many new events]
- 22/01/17: Colorado: Boulder County sees return of threatened river otter
- 21/01/17: Surrey: Surrey Wildlife Trust wants wildlife lovers to become 'otter spotters'
- 20/01/17: South Ayrshire: Amateur photographer captures amazing shot of an otter on the River Ayr just yards from his lens
- 20/01/17: Cumbria: Otter antics in River Kent
- 19/01/17: Massachusetts: Release into the wild was otter this world
- 18/01/17: Surrey: Otter cubs are getting out and about at British Wildlife Centre
- 18/01/17: South Korea: Endangered Otters Found in Han River in Seoul
- 17/01/17: Alaska: River Otters Use Latrines As Social Hubs
- 17/01/17: Japan: Zoo otter loves to spin from rope
- 17/01/17: Surrey: County on 'brink of otter recolonisation', Surrey Wildlife Charity believes
- 15/01/17: Alaska: Memoir details the thrills, controversies of a career studying Aleutian otters
- 15/01/17: Maryland: Calvert Marine Museum's new otter cam
- 14/01/17: Australia: Adelaide Zoo's Asian small-clawed otters chill out from the summer heat with fish frozen into ice blocks
- 14/01/17: East Ayrshire: 'I've never seen anything like it': Scottish wildlife expert hails footage of rare white otter taken in Kilmarnock garden
- 13/01/17: The Netherlands:Te veel otters dood door verdrinking [In Dutch: Still too many otters being drowned]
- 11/01/17: Florida: Otters are bold, happy-go-lucky waterway pranksters
- 07/01/17: Germany: Otter-Ausstellung im Museum in Hilden [In German: Otter exhibition at Museum in Hilden]
- 07/01/17: Germany: Otter Nemo [In German: Nemo the Otter
- 07/01/17: Germany: Hankensb�teler Otter-Zentrum nutzt Winterpause f�r Instandsetzungsarbeiten [In German: Hankensb�ttel Otter Zentrum uses winter closure for repair work]
- 07/01/17: The Netherlands: Otter komt terug naar Limburg [In Dutch: Otters return to Limburg]
- 07/01/17: Denbighshire: Otterly good news for Rhuddlan nature reserve
- 07/01/17: Singapore: Injured 'mother' otter now free of fishing line
- 07/01/17: Cambridgeshire: Orphaned baby otter in roadside rescue
- 06/01/17: Aberdeenshire: Aberdeen photographer capture up-close footage of otter swimming along River Don
- 04/01/17: Nebraska: Otters making comeback in Nebraska
- 02/01/17: Singapore: Bishan 'mum' otter with new litter spotted with fish hook in its body
- 01/01/17: California: Sea Otter Adoptees Born in Elkhorn Slough
- 28/12/16: Germany: Kadaver von Fischotter in Leinemasch entdeckt [In German: Body of otter found in Leinemasch]
- 26/12/16: California: Otters spotted in Lake Chabot delight onlookers, leave fishermen wary
- 25/12/16: West Midlands: Christmas lunch is served at National Sea Life Centre Birmingham
- 23/12/16: California: Sea otter healed by Monterey Bay Aquarium returns to the wild
- 22/12/16: California: Otter jumps aboard a kayak
- 22/12/16: Cheshire: Otters released back to wild after year of care in Nantwich
- 22/12/16: California: Percy the otter is euthanized
- 21/12/16: Germany: Artenschutz: Der Fischotter ist in SH zur�ck [In German: Species Protection: the Otter is back in Schleswig-Holstein]
- 21/12/16: Surrey: 'Adventurous' otter cubs delight visitors at British Wildlife Centre
- 20/12/16: Kentucky: Newport Aquarium�s otters leaving in January, making room for new exhibit
- 19/12/16: Germany: Asiatische Zwergotter im Zoo Osnabr�ck mit dreifachem Nachwuchs [In German: Asian Small-Clawed Otters in Osnabr�ck Zoo have three cubs]
- 19/12/16: The Netherlands: Otter gespot in grachten stad [In Dutch: Otter spotted in city canal]
- 19/12/16: Surrey: Adorable baby otter cubs born at British Wildlife Centre near Lingfield
- 19/12/16: Wiltshire: Otter pup found on doorstep
- 14/12/16: The Netherlands: Twee dode otters gevonden op Schokland [In Dutch: Two dead otters found on Schokland]
- 14/12/16: Highlands and Islands: And finally� Roadside traffic reflectors installed to help otters cross the road
- 13/12/16: Germany: Wenn Fische und Otter profitieren [In German: When fish and otters benefit]
- 13/12/16: India: World�s tiniest asian otter vulnerable in India...
- 12/12/16: Alaska: Endangered Sea Otters fly from Alaska to France
- 12/12/16: California: Making a Difference for California Sea Otters
- 12/12/16: Scotland: Why didn�t the otter cross the road? It saw the light
- 11/12/16: India: Wildlife hunting in the North East is much more complex than the simple act of killing
- 11/12/16: Guyana: Guyanese conservationist and wildlife expert, Diane McTurk, dies
- 10/12/16: India: On the banks of Tungabhadra, a home for the otter
- 09/12/16: Germany: Wie Tiere sich vor K�lte sch�tzen [In German: How animals protect themselves from cold]
- 09/12/16: Devon: Dartmoor Otter sculptures officially unveiled at launch event
- 08/12/16: Singapore: Initiatives to preserve and restore nature on island
- 08/12/16: New Orleans: Sea otter dies at Audubon Aquarium; Emma had been ailing
- 08/12/16: Pembrokeshire: Otters take up residence in specially-built holt at Pembroke Upper Mill Pond
- 08/12/16: The Netherlands: Onderzoek naar otter in Limburg [In Dutch: Otter Research in Limburg]
- 07/12/16: Colorado: These otters are super excited about their first snow ever
- 06/12/16: Northern Ireland: Alistair �the early bird� who catches otter at breakfast
- 02/12/16: Gloucestershire: Warning to drivers about otters near park
- 01/12/16: The Netherlands: Faunatunnels optie voor veilige oversteek voor dieren op A28 en A7 [In Dutch: Animal culverts are safe option for animals crossing the A28 and A7]
- 01/12/16: Louisiana: Otter This World
- 30/11/16: Phillippines: Historic Rainforest Protection for Endangered Wildlife and Indigenous People in the Philippines
- 30/11/16: California: Traffic protection for sea otters
- 30/11/16: California: 'Completely Shell-Shocked': Otter Leaps Aboard Bay Area Man's Kayak
- 29/11/16: India: Fish farmers face sea otter menace
- 28/11/16: The Netherlands: Vier otters gespot bij de Nieuwkoopse Plassen [In Dutch: Four otters spotted in the Nieuwkoopseplassen]
- 28/11/16: California: Otter therapy helps sick kids
- 22/11/16: Canada: Naming of otter pups brightens Vancouver Aquarium as vets fight to save beluga
- 22/11/16: Cumbria: Unexpected thief discovered in disappearing fish mystery
- 22/11/16: Germany: Vorfahrt f�r den Fischotter [In German: Right of way for the otter]
- 21/11/16: The Netherlands: Vier bijeenkomsten om kennis te delen over gedrag otter [In Dutch: Four meetings to share knowledge about behavior otter]
- 21/11/16: California: What UC Santa Cruz is learning about otters
- 19/11/16: The Netherlands: Passage onder Westerdijk helpt otter [In Dutch: Culvert under Westerdijk helps otters]
- 17/11/16: California: River otter nursed back to health and returned to Richardson Bay
- 16/11/16: The Netherlands: Friese otters gedijen goed in Zuidlaardermeer [In Dutch: Friesland otters thrive in Zuidlaardermeer]
- 16/11/16: Wyoming: Photographer finds 'otter heaven'
- 14/11/16: Singapore: Otter family hangs out at Sports Hub volleyball court like real naturalised S'poreans
- 12/11/16: Somerset: Otter makes itself popular at Prior Park in Bath by eating invasive crayfish
- 12/11/16: Scotland: Otterly chilled out: Extremely relaxed otter is snapped taking a break on a rock
- 10/11/16: Lancashire: Abandoned baby otter rescued from garden
- 08/11/16: Canada: Public asked to help name rescued otters
- 07/11/16: Japan: Otter voted top yurukyara
- 07/11/16: Montana: Unique Fur And A Nomadic Nature: Otter Survival In Winter
- 07/11/16: Virginia: Otterly adorable otters entertain at Stumpy Lake
- 06/11/16: Germany: Der Fischotter kehrt zur�ck [In German: The otter returns]
- 06/11/16: Staffordshire: Red squirrels are extinct in Staffordshire - but otters are on the up
- 04/11/16: Scotland: He must be hungry! Moment a tiny otter manages to snare a huge 35lbs thornback ray in an incredible show of strength
- 03/11/16: The Netherlands: Otter kan veilig onder de Vogelweg door [In Dutch: Otters can pass safely under the Vogelveg]
- 03/11/16: The Netherlands: Eerste dode otter op Sintrale As [In Dutch: First dead otter on Sintrale As]
- 02/11/16: Canada: Two more rescued sea otter pups arrive at Vancouver Aquarium
- 02/11/16: Virginia: Neptune the river otter dies at Maymont just over a month after death of partner
- 02/11/16: Somerset: Otter takes a dip in River Avon next to Sainsbury's Green Park foot bridge in Bath
- 02/11/16: The Netherlands: Dode otter Beilen blijkt niet beschoten te zijn [In Dutch: Dead otter at Beilen was not shot]
- 01/11/16: Aberdeenshire: Orphaned otters set to get new pool as more than �700 raised
- 01/11/16: Wiltshire: Rare sighting of otter splashing around in Bradford on Avon
- 28/10/16: The Netherlands: Opnieuw otter doodgereden bij Huis ter Heide [In Dutch: Another otter killed at Huis ter Heide]
- 31/10/16: Sussex: Otter caught on camera on West Sussex river for the first time
- 29/10/16: Alaska: Dead wildlife near Bella Bella diesel spill 'disturbing'
- 29/10/16: Aberdeenshire: Otterly adorable orphaned North-east kits in need of special pool
- 28/10/16: The Netherlands: GroenLinks wil otters naar Den Bosch halen[In Dutch: GroenLinks wants to get otters to Den Bosch]
- 28/10/16: Devon: 100 otter sculptures to be dotted around Dartmoor
[Otter Joy: Illustrated by Beenie the Asian Small-Claw] - 26/10/16: Canada: Sea otter Rialto thriving and �brimming with joy and life� at Vancouver Aquarium
- 26/10/16: Clackmannanshire: Adorable orphan otter cub Dylan finds some pals at Clackmannanshire SSPCA centre
- 24/10/16: Alaska: Saving sea otters is just part of her normal day at work
- 24/10/16: Florida: Otter sighting a rare treat in New Smyrna
- 22/10/16: Germany: Neuer Landweg unter Alsterbr�cke f�r Fischotter [In German: New Land Route under Alterbr�cke for Otters]
- 22/10/16: Eire: Otters slap bang in the city centre - and look how cute he is!
- 22/10/16: Colorado: Otter drowns at Pueblo Zoo
- 22/10/16: India: Smooth-coated otter sighted in Krishna mangrove
- 20/10/16: Massachusetts: Not otter nonsense: Wetsuit tech mimics hairy sea mammal
- 18/10/16: Glamorgan: Otter still on the run in centre of Swansea after more than 12 hours after resting on wheel of bus
- 15/10/16: California: Gary Griggs, Our Ocean Backyard: A slow sea otter comeback
- 15/10/16: California: You otter consider citizen science
- 14/10/16: Montana: Rethinking Trapping And Public Lands [Otter Joy: Excellent article]
- 13/10/16: The Netherlands: Drie baby-otters in De Onlanden [In Dutch: Three baby otters in the Onlanden]
- 12/10/16: Brazil: Revealed: how a hunting boom left the Amazon basin with �empty rivers�
- 11/10/16: The Netherlands: Dode otter met gat in borst gevonden bij Beilen [In Dutch: Dead otter with hole in chest found in Beilen]
- 10/10/16: New York: Buffalo Zoo hosts otter keepers
- 09/10/16: The Netherlands: Voor het eerst Otter gefilmd in de IJssel [In Dutch: Otter filmed inteh Ijssel for the first time]
- 09/10/16: India: Why the Otters Left Goa � and Are Coming Back Now
- 07/10/16: California: Mixed news for otter recovery
- 07/10/16: Colorado: Significant otters: Abandoned pups� rehab is going swimmingly
- 06/10/16: Massachusetts: Brenna Galdenzi: Bobcats and otters at the mercy of special interests
- 02/10/16: Vermont: Brenna Galdenzi: Bobcats and otters at the mercy of special
[Otter Joy: There is no science involved in the US trapping "harvest", just lots and lots and lots of money and people who are happy to torment and kill animals for fun] - 01/10/16: The Netherlands: Wandelen door leefgebied otter [In Dutch: Walking through otter habitat]
- 30/09/16: United Kingdom: North Devon wildlife group granted �first ever�
licence to free trapped otters
[Otter Joy: This is brilliant, and UK-wide - now if fisheries fence to keep otters out, and an otter gets in for some reason, there is a legal and ethical solution - the team will humanely trap the otter, and then release it outside the fence (not at another location, so as not to disrupt otter territories)] - 29/09/16: Colorado: Zookeepers teach otters to respond to shapes and colors
- 29/09/16: Louisiana: Want to meet an otter up close in New Orleans? Now you can
- 28/09/16: The Netherlands: Er komen tóch ottertunnels onder Uitweg bij Nieuwkoopse Plassen [In Dutch: Otter underpasses to be built under road at Nieuwkoopse Plassen]
- 26/09/16: Missouri: Zoo primed for Ottertoberfest
- 22/09/16: Germany: Dem Fischotter auf der Spur [In German: On the Trail of the Otter]
- 22/09/16: Alabama: Meet Karina, the Giant Otter Who Changed Her Keeper�s Life
- 22/09/16: Illinois: Sea Otter Awareness Week: Seeing Healthy Otters at Shedd Aquarium
- 22/09/16: Cambridgeshire: Family are otter-ly delighted with new enclosure at Hamerton Park Zoo
- 21/09/16: West Midlands: 'Otterly' adorable playtime captured on camera at Birmingham Sea Life Centre
- 21/09/16: California: SeaWorld celebrates sea otters during national awareness week
- 21/09/16: California: Friends of the Sea Otter Sounds Cautious Optimism Over Spring Survey Count
- 20/09/16: Florida: Santa Fe Teaching Zoo Loses Two of Its Animal Family Members
- 20/09/16: India: Otter-ly stupid! Startled crocodile is bitten on the tail and chased by a very cheeky otter
- 20/09/16: Virginia: Pandora the otter dies at Maymont
- 20/09/16: Cheshire: Otter-ly dinky: baby otters learn to swim at Chester Zoo
- 19/09/16: Canada: Farewell, Rialto the sea otter, �You�re a Canadian now�
- 19/09/16: Alaska: A River Otter�s Hot Spot? The Latrine
- 19/09/16: California: Sea Otter Survey Encouraging, but Comes Up Short of the �Perfect Story�
- 16/09/16: Germany: Korridore für Luchs und Otter [In German: Migration Corridor for Lynx and Otters]
- 15/09/16: Bedfordshire: Woburn Safari Park keepers have to help otter pup runt
- 15/09/16: Washington: Rialto the rescued sea otter is bigger and faster than ever
- 14/09/16: California: If You Love Otters You Should Probably Stop Eating Fish
- 14/09/16: Illinois: Is There An Ultra-Rare River Otter Swimming In The Chicago River?
- 11/09/16: Devon: Winners chosen for Bideford�s otter book front cover
- 11/09/16: Devon: Parlous state of wildlife in Westcountry shows we must do more
- 07/09/16: Germany: Kleine Otter erkunden die Welt in ostrittrum [In German: Little Otters explore the world in Ostrittrum]
- 07/09/16: Germany: Jahrzehntelange Naturschutzarbeit der Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V. gewürdigt [In German: Decades of Conservation work of Fischotterschutz Aktion eV appreciated]
- 07/09/16: Austria: Fischotter-Probleme sollen gelöst werden [In German: Otter problems to be solved]
- 07/09/16: Wyoming: Nature up close: Otters of Trout Lake
- 06/09/16: The Netherlands: Geld nodig om doodrijden otters tegen te gaan [In Dutch: Money needed to prevent otter traffic deaths]
- 04/09/16: California: Santa Cruz: Hunt for mystery sea otter killer still on
- 04/09/16: India: Bihar�s rescued otter lived longest, triggers global interest
- 03/09/16: Washington: Orphaned baby sea otter leaving Seattle for new home
- 01/09/16: California: Check Out These Amazing Photos of Our Local Wildlife
- 01/09/16: Argyll & Bute: Otter pups gambol on the rocks
- 01/09/16: California: Sea otter killings: Reward doubled to $20,000 to find shooter of endangered animals near Santa Cruz
- 31/08/16: Malaysia: Otters 'Raise' National Flag At Langkawi Wildlife Park
- 31/08/16: Alaska: Troopers seek info on abandoned set net
- 31/08/16: California: Shooting deaths of sea otters in California prompt investigation
- 30/08/16: Austria: Einsames Fischotterbaby in Lieserbrücke gefunden [In German: Lonely baby otter found in Lieserbrüke]
- 30/08/16: Washington: Baby sea otter Rialto's heart-melting story of survival
- 30/08/16: California: Sea otters shot to death near Santa Cruz, 10K reward for information
- 25/08/16: Arizona: Raising otters: Learn what it takes to care for otters at Scottsdale's Odysea Aquarium
- 25/08/16: California: Celebrate Sea Otter Awareness Week this September in Morro Bay - Cuteness is Everywhere!
- 25/08/16: Scotland: Scottish charity heads east to show China how to save its otters
- 23/08/16: The Netherlands: Eerste otterbaby gevonden, maar weer zogende moeder verongelukt [In Dutch: First baby otter found, but again a nursing mother has been killed]
- 23/08/16: Bedfordshire: Woburn Safari Park welcomes new otter pups
- 23/08/16: Norfolk: It's otter at Hunstanton as fishy lollies are enjoyed
- 22/08/16: Merseyside: Mystery of otter found dead in a bag in Wirral
- 22/08/16: California: Sea otter with nine lives gets job as 'mom' at Monterey Bay Aquarium
- 21/08/16: Austria: Auch der Otter nutzt den Fischaufstieg [In German: Even the otter uses the fish ladder]
- 19/08/16: Germany: Badespaß zum Sommerferienende [In German: Bathtime fun for the end of the summer holidays]
- 19/08/16: Devon: Tarka the Otter one step closer to permanent home in Bideford
- 18/08/16: India: 4 Indian smooth-coated otters spotted in Godavari
- 18/08/16: California: Otters attack boys swimming in Shasta Lake
- 17/08/16: Highlands and Islands: Furry service: Orphaned otter on Skye ferry to hospital
- 15/08/16: USA: Save the Animals, Save the Planet?
- 12/08/16: North Dakota: Furry Friday: Training Otters
- 12/08/16: Yorkshire: First footage of otter captured in River Don, Sheffield
- 12/08/16: Argyll and Bute: Otter Lewis mourns death of 'wife' Isla
- 10/08/16: World: Agriculture and overuse greater threats to wildlife than climate change � study
- 10/08/16: Canada: Caught on cam: Bold bald eagle snatches fish out of otter's paws
- 10/08/16: Dumfries and Galloway: Trickle the orphaned otter cub rescued from roadside in Springholm
- 09/08/16: Pacific Coast: The Blob That Cooked the Pacific
- 08/08/16: Cambodia: Endangered Animals Rescued by Police
- 08/08/16: Germany: Web-Portal „OTTER-SPOTTER“ ist online [In German: “Otter Spotter” web portal is online]
- 07/08/16: Singapore: ST readers choose Bishan otters to represent Singapore in her 51st year
- 06/08/16: Germany: Käpt’n Nemo auf großer Fahrt[In German: Captain Nemo's big trip]
- 05/08/16: Germany: Portal für Otter-Spürnasen[In German: Portal for Otter Sleuths]
- 05/08/16: Singapore: Sentosa Cove resident uses electric fence to keep out otters
- 04/08/16: Bedfordshire: Death of an otter in illegal trap is investigated by police
- 03/08/16: California: Soaring metabolic rates place sea otter moms at risk
- 02/08/16: Germany: Die Fischotter markieren ihr Revier im Aubachtal [In German: otters mark their territory in Aubachtal]
- 01/08/16: India: Otters are being poached for fur and seized as pets - and India is at the heart of this trade
- 01/08/16: California: Rumors wrongly blame sea otters for Soberanes Fire
- 01/08/16: Dumfries and Galloway: Otter cub found next to road after getting lost from mother
- 30/07/16: Germany: Hier kommt der Otter nicht unter die Räder [In German: Here otters are not under the wheels]
- 29/07/16: India: Spotted: Three most rare species in Palamu tiger reserve
- 29/07/16: Maryland: Discovery Center Opens Otter Exhibit After Renovations
- 29/07/16: India: Lesser-known species like Otter, Pangolin form a large part of wildlife trade
- 29/07/16: Sweden: Albino Otter Proves to Be as Adorable as You'd Hope
- 26/07/16: Yorkshire: We live in hope on finding otters
- 23/07/16: Singapore: Mad about otters: Enthusiasts look out for charming animals
- 22/07/16: Washington: Sea otter madness close to Hoh Head
- 21/07/16: The Netherlands: Speciale faunapassages om otter te redden [In Dutch: Special Animal Tunnels to save Otters]
- 21/07/16: California: An otter dies crossing the street, and a bureaucratic tangle follows.
- 20/07/16: Somerset: Volunteers build new otter home at Bathampton Meadows nature reserve
- 20/07/16: Florida: Otter-ly Awesome Time to Visit Mote
- 19/07/16: West Midlands: Feeling 'ot 'ot 'ot: Sea Life Centre residents cope in the summer heatwave
- 18/07/16: Germany: Rhinelander Conservationist Making Film For BBC
- 18/07/16: Germany: Der Fischotter ist zurück in NRW [In German: The Otter is back in NRW]
- 18/07/16: Devon: Work on Tarka the Otter statue for Bideford "progressing well"
- 18/07/16: Tyne & Wear: Baby otter quadruplets named
- 15/07/16: Maryland: Young Otter Newest Addition At The Maryland Zoo
- 12/07/16: Germany: Spielplatz für Familie Otter [In Dutch: Playground for the otter family]
- 12/07/16: The Netherlands: Scherper toezicht op vissers om otter [In Dutch: Closer monitoring of fishermen and otters]
- 12/07/16: New York: Otter pair returns to Thompson Park Zoo
- 12/07/16: Alaska: Orphaned river otter pups find temporary home at the Alaska Zoo
- 12/07/16: Washington: Researchers ask the public to report river otter sightings
- 12/07/16: Yorkshire: Latest arrivals are otter delights
- 12/07/16: California: Sea otter hit by car, killed on Moss Landing Road
- 12/07/16: California: Court revives lawsuit over otter-free zone off California
- 12/07/16: Singapore: International Otter Congress
- 11/07/16: Devon: Devon otters receive special birthday treat
- 11/07/16: Scotland: Orphaned baby otter cub found near Inverness
- 10/07/16: Alaska: How sea otters help save the planet
- 08/07/16: Germany: Otter-Spotter: Nachweis per Mausklick [In German: Otter sightings recorded with a click of the mouse]
- 08/07/16: India: Extinct at Keoladeo park, but good number of otters spotted in Kota
- 07/07/16: Georgia: At 19, Georgia Aquarium's Gracie the sea otter enjoys Golden Girl life
- 07/07/16: New York: Zoo's Leroy the Otter Dies at 19
- 06/07/16: Wisconsis: Zoo's otter pups fully recovered from infection
- 06/07/16: Arizona: Zoo 4 You: Zoo uses social media to develop new otter training forum
- 05/07/16: Singapore: Otters in Asia at risk from demand for their skins and increasingly as pets
- 05/07/16: Singapore: Singapore's celebrity urban otter family
- 05/07/16: New York: Repairs continue at Thompson Park Zoo's otter exhibit
- 29/06/16: The Netherlands: Otter kan aanschuiven in nieuw moeras Den Bosch [In Dutch: Otters may colonise the new Den Bosch marshland]
- 29/06/16: Wiltshire: Otter in Churchill Gardens
- 28/06/16: India: There's a healthy otter population in Chambal near Kota
- 24/06/16: Singapore: Cleaner water bodies drawing more otters here
- 23/06/16: Yorkshire: Huge civil engineering work is under way to protect Skipton
- 23/06/16: Netherlands: Otter verdronken in fuik zonder bescherming [In Dutch: Otter drowned in fyke trap with no stop grid]
- 23/06/16: California: Mysterious Great White Shark Attacks on Sea Otters Surge
- 22/06/16: Germany: Otter-Baby in der ZOOM Erlebniswelt erkundet sein Revier [In German: Baby otter explores his territory at ZOOM Experience]
- 22/06/16: Australia: "Otters" by Smug in Melbourne, Australia
- 22/06/16: Pennsylvania: Yes, more otters are calling the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia home
- 21/06/16: Bangladesh: 11 mammalian species vanished from Bangladesh
- 21/06/16: France: Otters swap flippers for wings
- 20/06/16: USA: Wildlife Needs New Corridors to Escape Rising Heat
- 20/06/16: Thailand: ??? '??????????' ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? [In Thai: About pet owners raising Short-Clawed Otters, which are a protected species, as pets, illegally (I think)]
- 20/06/16: The Netherlands: Otter in Randstad opnieuw met uitsterven bedreigd [In Dutch: Otter once again threatened with extinction in Randstad]
- 19/06/16: Germany: Mit Spaß Natur erleben und beobachten � Der Forscher-Tag im OTTER-ZENTRUM [In German: Nature watching and fun epxerience - the researcher day at Otter-Zentrum]
- 17/06/16: Alaska: Bon voyage! Alaska sea otters move to France
- 17/06/16: Cumbria: Call to protect otters as housing estate is built
- 15/06/16: Alaska: Biologists investigate local abalone, otter populations
- 11/06/16: Washington: YOU CAN HELP! How to be an 'Otter Spotter'
- 10/06/16: Germany: Ottilie sagt voraus, wie es ausgeht [In German: Ottilie predicts how it will end[
- 10/06/16: Wisconsin: BBC film crew documenting otter recovery at Rhinelander's Wild Instincts
- 09/06/16: Germany: Zwergotter im Fußballfieber [In German: Asian Small-Clawed Otters in Football Fever]
- 08/06/16: India: Soil salinity poses danger for Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary: Experts
- 08/06/16: Wisconsin: Sudden illness kills 3 NEW Zoo otters
- 07/06/16: Gloucestershire: Otter weather in Gloucestershire? Certainly it was at Slimbridge
- 06/06/16: Montana: River Otters: Montana's Water Loving Web-Footed Weasels
- 06/06/16: India: Illegal road being laid through Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary
- 05/06/16: Kansas: Council to consider contract for otter exhibit design
- 04/06/16: India: Otters' return gives Sunderbans a chance
- 04/06/16: India: Eurasian Otter found in Kanha-Pench corridor
- 03/06/16: Lincolnshire: Surge in otter numbers hitting Lincolnshire fisheries hard
[Otter Joy: the article is much more balanced than the sensationalist headline suggests] - 02/06/16: Ohio: Watch river otters play and fish at the Cuyahoga Valley National Park's Beaver Marsh
- 02/06/16: Scotland: Otter dies tangled in illegal fishing net at island loch
[Otter Joy: illustrated with ... an Asian Small-Clawed Otter] - 02/06/16: Idaho: Grateful Dead fan discovers new species of otter in Idaho and names it after band's guitarist
- 31/05/16: Netherlands: Otter in de Wieden doodgereden [In Dutch: Otter in the Wieden killed]
- 31/05/16: Colorado: Otter pups make their debut at Pueblo Zoo
- 31/05/16: New York: Baby North American river otter debuts at Prospect Park Zoo
- 31/05/16: California: Sea otter pup reunited with mom
- 29/05/16: Borneo: Roadmap for better protection of Borneo's cats and small carnivores
- 29/05/16: Alaska: Where land meets sea, Alaska's wolves sometimes eat otters
- 29/05/16: Belgium: One mammal in three under threat in Belgium
- 27/05/16: Maine: River otter, today's your special day
- 26/05/16: Hertfordshire: Paradise Wildlife Park kicks off Love Your Zoo Week with an otter weekend
- 25/05/16: Netherlands: Otteropvang klaar voor opvang van eerste dieren REGIO4 [In Dutch: Otter Orphanage ready for first animals]
- 25/05/16: Rhode Island: Abandoned Baby Otter Being Moved To Kentucky
- 24/05/16: Louisiana: Audubon Zoo, Aquarium to celebrate World Otter Day
- 23/05/16: Germany: Fischotter am Warnowtunnel [In German: Otter Mural in the Warnow Tunnel]
- 22/05/16: Hampshire: Blue Reef Aquarium otters celebrate tenth birthday
- 22/05/16: Washington: Become an otter spotter
- 22/05/16: Rhode Island: 6-week-old orphaned otter rescued
- 21/05/16: Singapore: New plans to restore Pulau Ubin's north shoreline and support biodiversity on the island
- 19/05/16: California: New Report Highlights 10 Wild Places Saved by Endangered Species Protections
- 19/05/16: Singapore: Six-week-old otter pup rescued, reunited with family after it almost drowned
- 18/05/16: Alaska: Ecology: The sea-otter whisperer
- 17/05/16:
Japan: This adorable otter loves salad more than you ever
[Otter Joy: Funny little otter. Some do have a taste for odd things like lettuce, or tomatoes as an occasional treat! - 17/05/16: Singapore: Otterly-cute: Family of otters spotted in Singapore's CBD
- 16/05/16: Indonesia: Indonesian activists against exotic pets
- 13/05/16:
Tennessee: Training creatures at the Tennessee Aquarium
[Otter Joy: Good explanation of POC training with a happy otter] - 13/05/16: Vietnam: Precious Rescue Otters Squeal Happily For Their Breakfast!
- 14/05/16: Scotland: Where land meets sea, an otter has left its mark
- 09/05/16: Singapore: Otter nearly hit by car at East Coast Park, motorists and cyclists urged to stay vigilant
- 07/05/16: Alaska: Orphans of the ocean
- 04/05/16: Hampshire: Blue Reef Aquarium Portsmouth celebrate otters' tenth birthdays
- 04/05/16: New York: Buffalo Zoo Names New Otter Pups Luke and Leia on 'Star Wars' Day
- 02/05/16: Oregon: High Desert Museum latest upgrade 'otter' be great
- 02/05/16: Colorado: Zoo otters one big, happy family
- 01/05/16: New York: Lisenbee: If you're lucky enough to see otter, stop and watch
- 30/04/16: California: New book by UCSC ecologist James Estes recounts pioneering research in Alaska
- 30/04/16: India: Jungle Book: Poached for fur, Srirangapatna�s otters face extinction
- 28/04/16: Finland: Elderly man strikes up an amazing friendship with an otter
- 28/04/16: New York: Bronx Zoo welcomes otter pup, fruit bats to the jungle
- 27/04/16: Lancashire: Otters spotted at West Lancashire wildlife reserve after 81 year absence
- 27/04/16: Ireland: Public meeting on Galway City otter survey
- 25/04/16: Washington: Point Defiance Zoo sea otter dies
- 25/04/16: Devon: Bideford�s otter appeal moves on step closer
- 21/04/16: Canada: River otter dies at Peterborough's Riverview Park and Zoo
- 22/04/16: India: Coffee for conservation - how one woman�s quest is saving species
- 19/04/16: Colorado: FedEx gets Oliver the otter's seal of approval
- 19/04/16:
Yorkshire: Delight soon turns to horror as otter takes up
residence at stately home - but kills beloved black swan
[Otter Joy: Otters can take mute swans and geese as part of their normal diet. Black swans are not very big, but although very aggressive to other water birds, as native Australians, they might not recognise a native otter as a threat. The people here have taken the right course - removed the other one for her safety till the otter moves on] - 18/04/16: Worcestershire: Rare glimpse of otter in street
- 17/04/16: Singapore: A day with local otter watchers
- 16/04/16: Bedfordshire: Trash-surrounded dead otter on Sandy riverside sparks fury at rubbish filled countryside
- 16/04/16: India: Poachers pose threat to endangered otters
- 15/04/16: Germany: Wohin mit den tierischen Findelkindern? [In German: What to do with Orphan Animals]
- 14/04/16: Illinois: Oakley the Otter Goes Under
- 14/04/16: Cornwall: Unlucky otters find love in Cornwall
- 14/04/16: Shropshire: Shadow proving elusive for Bridgnorth otter spotters
- 12/04/16: Virginia: An otterly adorable rescue
- 10/04/16: Netherlands: Vier recent doodgevonden otters waarschijnlijk in (illegale) visfuiken verdronken [In Dutch: Four otters recently found dead probably drowned in (illegal) fish traps]
- 08/04/16: Wisconsin: Wisconsin Zoo Shows Off Four Otter Pops
- 05/04/16: Worcestershire: Rudi the otter to be star attraction at the Museum of Carpet
- 05/04/16: Scotland: An otter pup took a trip to Borders General Hospital
- 04/04/16: Taiwan: Five otter pups make public debut at Taipei Zoo
- 04/04/16: Singapore: ACRES seeks to locate otter with fishing hook stuck near eye [Otter Joy: the hook was pulled out, possibly by another otter, and ACRES monitored the pup's return to health]
- 02/04/16: Germany: Einzigartiges Otter-Zentrum k�mmert sich um die Wiederausbreitung der Best�nde : Die R�ckkehr der Fischotter [In German: Unique Otter Center cares about the further spread of population: The return of the Otter]
- 02/04/16: Japan: Hard-to-breed sea otters set to vanish from nation�s aquariums
- 01/04/16: Netherlands: Vier Dode Otters in ��n week tijd [In Dutch: Four dead otters in a week]
- 31/03/16: New Jersey: Wildlife rehab center in Dennis Township running out of money
- 31/03/16: Jersey: Welcome mat is out for Geoff�s return
- 31/03/16: California: How two volunteers changed our understanding of sea otters.
- 30/03/16: Gibralter: Dung clue points to otters in Sandy bay
- 29/03/16: California: Monterey Bay salmon anglers asked to steer clear of sea otters
- 28/03/16: India: Otters Return to a Revitalised Kerala River
- 28/03/16: Somerset: Abandoned otter Drift needs a friend to grow up with
- 28/03/16: Colorado: Oliver the otter makes the Downtown Aquarium his new home
- 27/03/16: Germany: Drillinge zeigen sich den Besuchern in Th�le [ In German: Triplets on show to Visitors in Th�le]
- 27/03/16: New Mexico: Wild river otters thriving in New Mexico rivers again
- 26/03/16: Devon: Wildlife centre search for baby otter to befriend orphan cub
- 23/03/16: Thailand: Rescued Baby Otter Could Not Be More Excited For Mealtime
- 23/03/16: California: Flaws in Government�s Analysis of Offshore Fracking and Acidizing Exposed by Environmental Groups
- 23/03/16: Canada: Take a rare peek at critter care in Metchosin
- 22/03/16: California: There's a Place for Wildlife on Your Tax Return
- 22/03/16: Yorkshire: Mansfield swim star Rebecca Adlington opens otter reserve at wildlife park
- 21/03/16: Alaska: Otters at Sealife center
- 19/03/16:
California: Peter Hiller: Hard to ignore otters�
[Otter Joy: They did all the right things, and there was a good outcome] - 18/03/16: Alaska: Alaska SeaLife Center prepares for influx of sick sea otters
- 18/03/16: Thailand: This tiny otter might be adorable, but there is more to his rescue story
- 18/03/16: California: Rare sea otter sighting in Orange County offers hope of resurgence
- 18/03/16:
Scotland: Otter slaughter destroys kois
[Otter Joy: Sensible reaction from owner: �I was realistic about it, it�s a wild animal and it�s entitled to be there. You just need to try and work around nature.� - 18/03/16: California: Shedd Aquarium reveals name of sea otter pup
- 17/03/16: Netherlands: Veilige 'oversteek' voor otters bij Nieuwkoopse Plassen [In Dutch: Safe "crossing" for otters at Nieuwkoopseplassen]
- 17/03/16: Wiltshire: Return of otters 'positive' news for wildlife in city
- 17/03/16: Thailand: Rescued Orphaned Otter Gets a New Life
- 17/03/16:
Wiltshire: Sadness as otter killed by rat poison in
[Otter Joy: most likely as a result of eating a poisoned rat ....] - 16/03/16: New Jersey: West Wildwood animal control officer is giving animals a second chance
- 16/03/16: Colorado: Pueblo Zoo welcomes two river otter pups
- 16/03/16: Tyne & Wear: WATCH: Quartet of otter cubs born at Washington Wetland Centre
- 15/03/16: Alaska: Arctic Offshore Oil Drilling Is Back in Play
- 15/03/16: California: An awww-some spring with newborn and baby animals at the zoo
- 15/03/16: Maryland: 13 adorable photos of new river otter at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
- 15/03/16: Somerset: Lonely otter rescued after storm gets new companion
- 13/03/16: Missouri: River Otters Showcase Their Swimming Prowess
- 13/03/16: Alaska: Cordova sea otter latest in statewide trend
- 10/03/16: California: River Otters Stage a Comeback in Bay Area
- 10/03/16: Michigan: Why these playful zoo otters are lining up for their shots
- 09/03/16: Devon: Lucky otter to sit next to the Torridge on Bideford Quay
- 07/03/16: Netherlands: Verrassing: twee baby-otters in de Onlanden [In Dutch: Surprise! Two baby otters in Onlanden]
- 06/03/16: California: Video Captures Wild Sea Otter Giving Birth at Monterey Bay Aquarium
- 05/03/16: Ohio: Minks and Otters
- 05/03/16: California: Helping otter pups survive El Ni�o
- 05/03/16: California: Otter gives birth in Monterey aquarium�s tide pool
- 04/03/16: Germany: Der Fischotter, ein Phantom im Karpfenteich [In German: The Otter, a Phantom in the Carp Fishery]
- 04/03/16: Louisiana: Mollie the sea otter at the Audubon Aquarium has died
- 03/03/16: Alaska: Annual training for oiled sea otter rehabilitation responders
- 03/03/16: Malaysia: Bought an otter on Facebook? You may have trafficked in endangered wildlife
- 03/03/16: Spain: River Segura clean-up project competes for European prize
- 02/03/16: California: Remember endangered species at tax time
- 01/03/16: California: Monterey marine biologist avoids jail time for getting too close to sea otters
- 01/03/16: Ohio: Public, activists decry trapping of otter in Mill Creek's wildlife sanctuary
- 29/02/16: Germany: Kleiner Otter und gro�e Herausforderung [In German: A little otter and a big chsllenge]
- 29/02/16: California: Sea otter populations doing well, benefiting ecosytem
- 28/02/16: Germany: Finissage mit "Nemo" im Museum [In German: Ending with "Nemo" at the museum]
- 28/02/16: Canada: What Is That � a Sea Lion or a River Otter?
- 27/02/16: Michigan: Otters enjoy snow day at Michigan zoo following winter storm
- 27/02/16: California: California sea otters: Success but more work ahead
- 26/02/16: California: Why Are Birds Still Dying from a 63-Year-Old Shipwrecked Oil Spill? - including eight sea otters
- 26/02/16: Florida: Rescued baby otter loves her cuddly otter look-a-like teddies but keeps drowning them
- 25/02/16: Germany: Ein Otter dr�ckt die Schulbank [In German: An otter goes to school]
- 23/02/16: Vietnam: Vietnam�s southern national park recognized as ramsar site
- 23/02/16: Austria: Tierpfleger trainieren freche Otter in Sch�nbrunn [In German: Zookeepers train cheeky Otter in Sch�nbrunn]
- 23/02/16: California: Otters a common sight at Clear Lake
- 23/02/16: Lincolnshire: Wildlife police puzzled by dead otter find in Tetford
- 22/02/16: California: Marine biologist violates probation when she gets too close to otter
- 22/02/16: Shropshire: Otter rescued by police turns out to be faux-fur collar
- 19/02/16: India: ????????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????? [In Tamil: Mayaru otters reeling from crisis]
- 19/02/16: Wiltshire: Otter family spotted at Longleat Forest
- 18/02/16: North Dakota: 'She's pretty self-sufficient': Annabelle doing fine without significant otter at Red River Zoo
- 17/02/16: Canada: Aquatarium otters settle in to new habitat
- 17/02/16: India: Otters resurface in Thoothapuzha
- 17/02/16: Canada: 'Unauthorized' pants kill otter: zoo
- 17/02/16: Somerset: Baby otter recovering well at rescue centre
- 16/02/16: Michigan: Otters in wintertime at the Detroit Zoo
- 16/02/16: Scotland: Baby Otter Finds A Family After Being Swept Away From His Mother
- 16/02/16: Illinois: Chicago Aquarium Takes in Stranded Sea Otter Pup
- 16/02/16: Singapore: Singaporeans coo over newly born wild otters at local park
- 16/02/16: Shropshire: Wet winter putting otters in peril, says Shropshire group
- 15/02/16: Florida: Otters at Mote are literary, but message is environmental
- 14/02/16: Oregon: Otterly brilliant: Portland sea otter keeps fit by shooting hoops
- 12/02/16: Bangladesh: What to See in Sundarban
- 12/02/16: Singapore: Bishan 5 now Bishan 10 with new otter pups
- 11/02/16: Switzerland: Fr�hlingsgef�hle bei den Fischottern [In German: Spring fever with the otters]
- 08/02/16: Somerset: Heartbreak: Orphaned otter pup saved after flooding, sibling lost
- 08/02/16: Bedfordshire: Meet the new otter trio who have settled in at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
- 08/02/16: California: Abundant number of sea otter pups in Elkhorn Slough
- 08/02/16: Italy: L�eccezionale lontra gigante che viveva in Umbria. Un nuovo genere e una nuova specie estinta [In Italian: the exceptional gian otter that lived in Umbria. A new extinct genus and species.]
- 08/02/16: Germany: Die erstaunliche R�ckkehr des Fischotters [In German: The amazing return of the otter]
- 05/02/16: Somerset: The Somerset Wildlife Trust reveals how to find otters and water voles in your area
- 02/02/16: California: River otter makes Super Bowl pick
- 02/02/16: Bangladesh: Tourism in Bangladesh, backpacking is the missing link
- 01/02/16: Malaysia: Traditional planting of fruit trees promotes animal diversity in the Mala
- 01/02/16: Worcestershire: Droitwich resident 'amazed' to spot rare otter fishing in the River Salwarpe
- 31/01/16: California: In A Victory For Environmentalists, Officials Halt Offshore Fracking Permits In California
- 29/01/16: California: Monterey Bay sea otters use tools more than other otters
- 29/01/16: New York: Meet Slydell the otter, Long Island Aquarium�s newest resident
- 29/01/16: Florida: Two Otter Pups Die At Florida Wildlife Hospital
- 26/01/16: Florida: Mote sets date for otter exhibit
- 26/01/16: North Carolina: These Otters Had a Blast Playing in the Snow
- 25/01/16: Canada: Rising sea otter population signals major ecological changes
- 24/01/16: Florida: River Otter Saved By Busch Wildlife Sanctuary
- 24/01/16: North Carolina: North Carolina river otter may give viral snow panda some competition
- 24/01/16: New York: Zoo, Watertown officials agree how to proceed with otter project
- 22/01/16: Cambodia: Wildlife make dramatic comeback to Cambodia wetlands
- 22/01/16: Germany: Hankensb�ttel - Das Otter-Zentrum startet in die Saison [In German: Otter-Zentrum opens for the new season]
- 20/01/16: California: River Otter spotted in man-made pond in Pleasant Hill
- 20/01/16: New Hampshire: Be patient and you too can see an otter
- 20/01/16: Florida: Florida Wildlife Hospital caring for 3 orphaned otter pups
- 19/01/16: Netherlands: Onderzoekers buigen zich over doodgereden otters [In Dutch: Researchers examine dead otters]
- 19/01/16: Netherlands: Beijumers werken aan terugkeer otter in Groningen-Stad [In Dutch: Beijum residents work to return otters to the city of Groningen]
- 19/01/16:
Gloucestershire: Otters spotted playing in River Frome in Ebley
[Otter Joy: illustrated with the RIGHT SPECIES for once!!!] - 18/01/16: Germany: Ein Tag als Tierpfleger bei Marder und Co. [In German: A day as a zookeeper at Martens & Co]
- 18/01/16:
Hertfordshire: Are otters living near Verulamium Park in St Albans?
[Otter Joy: a lovely picture of a North American River Otter ...] - 18/01/16: Isle of Man: Isle of Man experts 'perplexed' by dead otter find
- 17/01/16: Netherlands: Omrop TIP: Het spoor van de otter [In Dutch: The Spirit of the Otter]
- 17/01/16: Netherlands: Steeds meer otters in Friese wateren [In Dutch: Rising number of otters in Frisian waters]
- 17/01/16: Minnesota: Blane Klemek: The sociable and curious river otter will sometimes surprise you
- 17/01/16: Isle of Man: Otter spotted!
- 12/01/16:
Yorkshire: Once the most polluted river in Europe, now otters come home
to Sheffield
[Otter Joy: "Otters like this have been spotted .." the image caption claims. I think not, since the photo is Beenie the Asian Small-Clawed Otter!] - 12/01/16:
Germany: Fischotter an der Pinnau gesichtet!
[In German: Otter spotted at Pinnau] - 12/01/16:
Netherlands: Otter aan de wandel; sporen gevonden op de Horte in de
Emmertochtsloot bij Dalfsen
[In Dutch: Otter Talk: traces found on the Horte at Emmertochtsloot near Dalfsen] - 12/01/16: Ireland: Ireland gets its first otter sign
- 12/01/16: Jersey: Jersey wildlife park's love-struck otter recaptured
- 12/01/16: Cheshire: Baby otter orphans land Stapeley Grange with �3k food bill
- 10/01/16:
Germany: Otterfreunde setzen auf K�ddel und
[In German: Otter friends count on spraint and footprints] - 10/01/16: California: River otters making a comeback, but not everyone is happy
- 10/01/16:
Netherlands: Zwolle Ottervriendelijke stad
[In Dutch: Zwolle is an Otter-friendly city] - 10/01/16:
Germany: Fischotterbestand im Aufwind
[In German: Otter numbers on the upturn] - 09/01/16: Nottinghamshire: Nottingham otter road death 'a good sign' say wildlife experts
- 08/01/16:
Germany: Die besten Freunde des Riesenotters
[In German: The Best Friend of the Giant Otter] - 08/01/16:
Switzerland: Den Fischotter ziehts nach Z�rich
[In German: Otter restoration project near Z�rich denied planning permission] - 07/01/16: Canada: Do wolves hunt sea otters?
- 07/01/16: Canada: Otter search back on
- 07/01/16: Illinois: Meet Cook County's Significant Otter
- 07/01/16: Shropshire: Baby otters rescued hours from death in Shrewsbury
- 07/01/16: Scotland: Is 2016 the year of the otter?
- 07/01/16: Shetland: Orphaned otter ends up in police custody
- 07/01/16: Florida: Jacksonville Zoo cares for abandoned newborn otter
- 06/01/16: Florida: Mote announces otter names ahead of February exhibit opening
- 06/01/16: California: Aquarium takes in lost sea otter pup at Carmel Beach
- 06/01/16: California: A Crushing Bite Gives Sea Otters Their Cute Mugs
- 06/01/16: Fife: Orphaned baby otter saved from floods on Christmas Day recuperating
- 05/01/16: Shropshire: Flooded baby otter recovering well after Rea Brook rescue
- 05/01/16: Worcestershire: Otter proves a crowd pleaser in Upton-upon-Severn
- 04/01/16: Shropshire: W-otter shot for Shropshire photographer!
- 04/01/16: Essex: Otters surprise passers by as they play during daylight in the River Colne
- 03/01/16: Dubai: Otter this world: new Animal Encounters at the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo
- 02/01/16: Illinois: Shedd officials will conduct tests after otter�s sudden death
- 31/12/15: Ireland: Take on Nature: Otter is �the noblest little soul'
- 31/12/15: Scotland: Happy Christmas for Rona the draatsi
- 31/12/15: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium's sea otter Cayucos dies suddenly
- 30/12/15: Scotland: Had an Unexpected Visitor while reporting on the flooding in Dumfries
- 28/12/15: Florida: Orphaned otters find siblings and, finally, freedom
- 28/12/15: Alaska: Bacterial infection to blame in Kachemak otter die-off
- 24/12/15: Scotland: Call to help protect threatened otter
- 20/12/15:
Tyne & Wear: Sunderland�s otters population near
River Wear to �increase� as new holts installed
[Otter Joy: the number of otters will depend on the amount of food, but the holts are helpful to compensate for the loss of natural holts] - 20/12/15: California: Wild Sea Otter Swims into Monterey Bay Aquarium, Gives Birth to Adorable Pup
- 18/12/15: Germany: Der Fischotter ist trotz G�lleunfall noch da [In German: Despite slurry disaster, otters are still present!]
- 18/12/15: Germany: Otter zum Fr�hst�ck? Nein, hier wird geschmust! [In German: Otter for breakfast? No, for cuddles!]
- 17/12/15: California: Some otters wear red algae
- 16/12/15: California: River otters romp in snow at San Francisco's Aquarium of the Bay
- 15/12/15: Washington: Sea otter who learn to stack cups dies at Tacoma zoo
- 15/12/15: Wiltshire: Wildlife rehabilitation unit in Leigh launches �30,000 appeal
- 12/12/15: India: Abandoned otter pups shifted to Maharajbagh zoo
- 12/12/15: Northern Ireland: Police officers raid house over otter killed by snare
- 11/12/15: Somerset: First otter spotted in Taunton in living memory
- 11/12/15: Dumfries and Galloway: Otter Cub Who Lost Mum Is Found On Doorstep
- 10/12/15:
Herefordshire: Herefordshire wildlife group battles against the current
to make sure eels have a future in our rivers
[Otter Joy: Eurasian Otters were originally eel specialists - the decline of eels thorugh over-fishing caused them to turn their paw to any other fish to make a living] - 10/12/15: Perthshire: Work on Perth building reveals secret carving
- 09/12/15: India: Forest team in search of mother otter attacked by drunkard
- 09/12/15: Canada: Wally, blind sea otter, dies in his sleep at Vancouver Aquarium
- 08/12/15: Netherlands: Veilige passage voor otters [In Dutch: Safe Passage for Otters]
- 08/12/15: Germany: Mitten durchs Otter-Gebiet: Politiker beschliessen Wanderweg [In German: Politicians must decide route of trail through otter's home territory]
- 06/12/15: California: Luna: A Sea Otter's Story
- 06/12/15:
Northern Ireland: Fury over otter killed in trap in Nothern Ireland
[Otter Joy: an enlightened and wise angler!] - 06/12/15:
Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City pet shop owner arrested for wildlife smuggling
[Otter Joy: NINE baby shortclaws - at least two sets of parents and who knows how many older siblings were killed to acquire these cubs] - 05/12/15: New York: Fix the problem: Zoo�s otter exhibit should be connected to sanitary sewer service
- 03/12/15: India: Foresters bid to reunite otter pups with mother
- 03/12/15:
India: Two rare smooth-coated otter pups found in lake near Gadchiroli
[Otter Joy: The mother was probably watching hidden while her cubs were stolen.....] - 03/12/15: Tyne & Wear: More otters on the way to Wearside
- 03/12/15:
Norfolk: You can turn back the clock � but a fish�s
habits remain the same
[Otter Joy: Same people, same river, 50 years ago. In fact, otters had not yet been lost so there would have been more otters than today. Whatever has made angling so terribly hard for anglers in East Anglia today is NOT the presence of otters!] - 02/12/15:
Florida: Otter being treated at CROW after being hit by a car in Fort
Myers area
[Otter Joy: Not a North American Sea Otter but a North American River Otter - Sea Otters live in the Pacific!] - 02/12/15: New York: Watertown could sink zoo�s otter project because of sanitary sewer
- 02/12/15: Montana: Watch A Mama Otter Teach Her Son How To 'Ski'
- 26/11/15: Scotland: Orphaned otter cubs found in Earlston and Brechin
- 20/11/15: Germany: Gratulanten stehen Schlange f�r Otter Nemo [In German: Well-wishers are lining up for otter Nemo]
- 19/11/15: Germany: Diverse Winterm�rkte und ein Otter-Geburtstag locken [In German: Various winter markets and an otter's birthday beckon]
- 19/11/15: Alaska: More otters washing up; cause remains unknown
- 18/11/15: Oxfordshire: Otter picnics in Oxford park
- 18/11/15: Netherlands: Otter steeds actiever rond Lelystad [In Dutch: Otter increasingly active around Lelystad]
- 17/11/15: Wales: Otter found 'wandering' on a Port Talbot industrial estate
- 17/11/15: India: Soon, DRDO missile test centre near Krishna wildlife sanctuary
- 16/11/15: Illinois: Urban River Otter Moves into Forest Preserves Pond
- 16/11/15: Australia: Watch Curious Otter Pups Play With Mum And Dad At Taronga Western Plains Zoo
- 13/11/15: Germany: Das Wappentier ist zur�ck [In German: The Emblematic Animal is back]
- 13/11/15: New Jersey: Otters Mork and Annie move back into their home at the zoo
- 13/11/15: Louisiana: Audubon Aquarium welcomes pair of rescued sea otters
- 13/11/15: Cheshire: Cheeky Chester Zoo otters make Cotebrook their new home
- 12/11/15: Tennessee: �Otter Spotter' project calls on citizen scientists to participate
- 12/11/15: California: Moss Landing man sentenced in sea otter shooting
- 12/11/15: Australia: Otter delight as five pups born at Taronga Western Plains Zoo
- 09/11/15: Scotland: Wet summers 'hit' otter survey work in Scotland
- 09/11/15: Spain: Otter dies next to the River Segura near Murcia
- 08/11/15: Netherlands: Otter duikt op langs de IJssel bij Deventer [In Dutch: Otter emerges along the Ijssel at Deventer]
- 07/11/15: Leicestershire: Dead otter leads to warning over illegal traps
- 07/11/15: Netherlands: Weesotters voelen zich thuis in Zuidlaardermeer [In Dutch: Otters are at home in the Zuidlaardermeer]
- 06/11/15: Scotland: Shetland: Watch out for otters!
- 05/11/15: Netherlands: Triest: pasgeboren otter doodgereden bij Nieuwkoop [In Dutch: Sad - Young Otter killed at Nieuwkoop]
- 05/11/15: New Jersey: North American River Otter Exhibit Reopened at Cape May County Zoo
- 03/11/15: Netherlands: Veilige oversteek voor otters bij provinciale wegen Frysl�n [In Dutch: Safe Otter Crossings on roads in Friedland]
- 03/11/15: New York: Bronx Zoo Introduces Otter Pup
- 02/11/15: Idaho: Otters moving into North Idaho in increasing numbers - and not the gubernatorial kind
- 31/10/15: Devon: Could an otter be saviour of Barnstaple's barnhenge?
- 29/10/15: Germany: Liebeserklärung an den Otter [In German: Declaration of love to the Otter - Exhibition at Fabry Museum in Hilden]
- 28/10/15: Singapore: Otters find a shiok sandbath in Potong Pasir
- 28/10/15: Germany: Düsseldorf - Otter Nemo besucht seine Ausstellung [In German: Nemo Otter visits his exhibition]
- 26/10/15: California: How Hunting Sea Otters Killed the Sea Cow�Maybe�and Other Tales of Megafauna Extinction - link to original paper by Estes, Burdin and Doak
- 26/10/15: Wyoming: Zoologist Merav Ben-David to Give UW Faculty Senate Speaker Series Talk
- 26/10/15: California: Morro Bay Harbor Patrol Rescues Baby Sea Otter
- 26/10/15: Netherlands: Rijkswaterstaat start met aanleg otterpassages Tjeukemeer [In Dutch: State water company starts building otter underpasses a Tjeukemeer]
- 24/10/15: Singapore: Alleged otter baiting: Authorities looking into possible case of animal cruelty
- 23/10/15: Germany: Sechs Handvoll Baby-Otter im Osnabrücker Zoo [In German: A handful of six baby otters at Osnabrück Zoo]
- 23/10/15: Alaska: Why Are There So Many Sick and Dying Otters in Alaska?
- 23/10/15: Singapore: Angler who hooked otter comes forward to help police with investigations
- 22/10/15: Singapore: Otter hurt with hook by illegal angler no longer limping
- 21/10/15: Singapore: ACRES looking for man who hurt otter with fishing hook
- 19/10/15: Trinidad: A plea for the wild animals
- 18/10/15: Germany: Kinder dürfen Otter füttern � Ferien-Aktion: Kinder werden Tierbetreuer im OTTER-ZENTRUM [In German: Children can feed otters - Holiday Special: Children are keepers at OTTER-CENTRUM]
- 16/10/15: Trinidad: Public outrage growing : Slaughter of protected wildlife
- 16/10/15: Trinidad: Who killed the river otter?
- 16/10/15: Scotland: An otter rides the waves, bobbing like a sea duck
- 15/10/15: Alaska: Scientists ask for public help with sick otters in Alaska
- 14/10/15: Texas: Stella finds her groove
- 09/10/15: New York: New Otter for Autumn at the Bronx Zoo
- 08/10/15: Florida: Clearwater Marine Aquarium has become Walle�s world
- 08/10/15: Alaska: Unusually high number of sea otter deaths reported in Kachemak Bay
- 08/10/15: California: First Humboldt coast sea otter sighting in years
- 08/10/15: Gloucestershire: Searching for otters with wildlife expert Gareth Parry
- 07/10/15: Canada: Vancouver Aquarium saddened by loss of Corky the sea otter after historic operation
- 06/10/15: California: Fish die-offs raise several questions
- 06/10/15: Texas: Crossroads to name zoo's otter
- 06/10/15: Gloucestershire: Otterly gorgeous! Pup rescued after ivy mishap
- 06/10/15: Alaska: Newsflash: Poking sleeping sea otters is actually illegal
- 06/10/15: Canada: Vancouver Aquarium performs historic sea otter operation
- 05/10/15: Kentucky: Newport Aquarium holds birthday party for 7-year-old otter
- 01/10/15: Shropshire: Otter enjoys a spot of sunbathing in River Severn at Shrewsbury
- 29/09/15: Scotland: Unexpected visitor at guest house
- 28/09/15: Somerset: Otter dies after being caught in illegal trap
- 27/09/15: Northumberland: New animal sculpture addition to park
- 26/09/15: Pennsylvania: Otterly Incredible Efforts In East-African Wildlife Conservation
- 24/09/15: India: On the trail of otters in Goa
- 24/09/15: New York: River otter sightings a rare occurrence
- 23/09/15: Dorset: Otter remains found in an illegal trap in Bridport
- 23/09/15: Hampshire: Wildlife camera spots otter in Hampshire river for first time in 14 years
- 22/09/15: California: See What Sea Otters Do When No One's Looking
- 21/09/15: Warwickshire: Is this Britain�s most environmentally friendly golf club?
- 21/09/15: California: Court Ruling Means Greater Protections for California Sea Otters
- 20/09/15: Germany: Arbeitseinsatz bei Otter, Nerz und Co. im OTTER-ZENTRUM [In German: Working Party with Otters, Mink and co at Otter-Zentrum]
- 18/09/15: California: Elkhorn Slough Reserve Celebrates National Estuaries Day 2015
- 18/09/15: Scotland: Skye helps in Japanese attempt to reintroduce extinct otters
- 18/09/15: Scotland: Two orphaned otter cubs abandoned hundreds of miles apart find love on the isle of Skye
- 17/09/15: South Korea: South Korea in Breach of Olympic Charter over 2018 Winter Games
- 17/09/15: Somerset: Cash Reward offered to find Culprit who set 'Evil' Snare that killed Otter
[Otter Joy: Snares are indiscriminate - pets, endangered species - any animal can be caught and suffer horribly] - 17/09/15: California: Numbers Encouraging, but Shark Bites Still Problematic for Sea Otter Recovery
- 16/09/15: California: Volunteers rescue abandoned newborn otter pup
- 16/09/15: Washington: Asthmatic sea otter learns to use inhaler
- 12/09/15: Somerset: Anger after 'evil' snare kills otter in Somerset
- 12/09/15: Germany: Uhu, Luchs und Otter: Einsatzkr�fte gegen Wilderer [In German: Owl, Lynx and Otter: Special Units against Poachers]
- 11/09/15: North Dakota: Red River Zoo otter dies following dental surgery
- 08/09/15: Colorado: A fond, feathery, furry farewell
- 08/09/15: Canada: Blind Rescued Otter Finally Gets To Eat As Much As He Wants
- 07/09/15: India: Researchers to track an elusive predator lurking in Tamil Nadu�s rivers
- 04/09/15: Wiltshire: Otter pays visit to Swindon garden in rare day-time appearance
- 03/09/15: Utah: Utah otters doing well 4 years after reintroduction to Provo River
[Otter Joy: let's hope they never do well enough for Division of Wildlife Resources to allow trapping again - yes, they are just another exploitable commodity; "conservation" = "having enough of them to kill for fun and profit and still have some left over"] - 02/09/15: California: Richardson Bay Sea Otter Likely Died From Parasite, Biotoxin
- 02/09/15: Netherlands: Last Gelderland otter killed by a car
- 31/08/15: Mississippi: Spanky the Otter
- 28/08/15: California: Monterey Bay
- 27/08/15: California: The nonprofit leader at center of water war calls for logic in heated debates.
- 27/08/15: Singapore: Otters, threatened native species, spotted having fun at Marina Bay!
- 27/08/15: Dorset: Sea Life Centre bids farewell to Johnny the otter
- 26/08/15: California: Two new wildlife cams zero in on otters and condors.
- 26/08/15: California: Comeback of the century: The California sea otter's return from the brink of extinction
- 22/08/15: United Kingdom: If you do one thing this week ... (try to) spot an otter
- 21/08/15: Netherlands: Voorkom dat otters Zuidlaardermeer worden platgereden op A7 [In Dutch: Prevent otters being squashed on the A7]
- 21/08/15: Netherlands: Dode otter gevonden op Oostvaardersdijk [In Dutch: Dead Otter found on Oostvaardersdijk]
- 21/08/15: Florida: Otters raised by CROW released back out into wild
- 20/08/15: Gloucestershire: Lottie the Otter comes out on top in WWT Slimbridge's LEGO brick animal trail
- 20/08/15: Bangladesh:?????????? ?????? ?????? [In Bengali: Endangered otters in the Sundarbans - the author has recently seen Asian Small-clawed Otters Aonyx cinereus in the Sundarbans]
- 20/08/15: California: Now in HD: Elkhorn Slough Otter Cam
- 20/08/15: Singapore: Otter family spotted having a fun time at Marina Bay
- 19/08/15: Scotland: Man accused of trapping otter
- 18/08/15: Canada: Bloated sea otter rescued after suffering 'blunt force trauma'
- 15/08/15: Hampshire: Blue Reef Aquarium Otter Weekend
- 13/08/15: Wyoming: Yellowstone Natural History: River Otters
- 12/08/15: California: Kayakers spotted violating Marine Mammal Protection Act
- 11/08/15: Oregon: Rescued river otter pup makes surprise debut at the Oregon Zoo
- 11/08/15: Cumbria: Otter cub dies following oil pollution in Cumbria river
- 10/08/15: Massachusetts: Cape Wildlife Center returns orphaned otter to the wild
- 09/08/15: Austria: Probleme mit den Rückkehrern [In German: Problem with Returnees]
- 09/08/15: Netherlands: Kleine marters gebruiken otterplanken onder Limburgse wegen [In Dutch: Weasels use otter boards under Limburg roads]
- 08/08/15: Netherlands: Diefstal camera's hindert otterstudie in Rijnstrangengebied [In Dutch: Camera theft hinders otter study in Rijnstrangenge area]
- 07/08/15: California: Oakland - Are angry anglers angling to take out family of river otters?
See also Who Would Hurt An Otter? Lake Temescal Critters Receiving Death Threats, Park Rangers Say - 07/08/15: California: Brown signs bill to protect California sea otter
- 05/08/15: Powys: Otter cub found at side of road taken into care
- 03/08/15: Canada: Aquatarium mourns sister otter
- 30/07/15: Northumberland: Julian gets to know one of the region�s real nature nuts
- 30/07/15: Germany: Benefizdinner zugunsten der Deutschen Otter Stiftung � Exklusiver Abend mit Nachtführung durch das OTTER-ZENTRUM [In German: Charity Dinner in aid of the German Otter Foundation - exclusive evening at the Otter-Zentrum]
- 30/07/15: Scotland: Young otters return to the wild
- 29/07/15: Vietnam: Doc Nielsen explores Vietnam's unique wildlife on 'Born to be Wild'
- 29/07/15: Oregon: Oregon Zoo otter now named 'Little Pudding'
- 29/07/15: Dorset: Gillingham 'nature nut' teams up with Julian Clary for new ITV show
- 29/07/15: Scotland: He r-eeled that in! Amazing pictures capture the moment an otter caught a 4ft-long conger eel in Scotland
- 28/07/15: Singapore: Bukit Brown's ecological significance
- 28/07/15: Wales: Glyn Rhonwy campaign group warns Natural Resources Wales over hydro power scheme
- 26/07/15: California: Sea Otters Use Tools, and Archaeologists Are On the Case
- 24/07/15: Germany: Fischotter gibt Geheimnisse preis [In German: Secretive Otters]
- 24/07/15: Bangladesh: Tourism takes off in Bangladesh [includes photo of otter fishermen in the Sundarbans]
- 24/07/15: Netherlands: Steenmarters gebruiken loopplanken voor otters [In Dutch: Stone Martens use otter boards (walkways for otters in culverts to avoid them running over roads during high water]
- 23/07/15: Oregon: Oregon Zoo holds vote to name rescued otter pup
- 23/07/15: Scotland: Otter cub rescued after severe flooding in Aberfeldy
- 22/07/15: Tanzania: African Otter Training Workshop
[Otter Joy: Experienced Otter rehabilitators traning other wildlife protectors in otter-specific techniques]
Blog at - 20/07/15: Netherlands: Waarschuwingsbord otters bij Headammen gestolen [In Dutch: Otter Crossing sign stolen]
- 20/07/15: Staffordshire: Agencies still working to clear River Penk pollution following M6 lorry fire
- 20/07/15: Virginia: Otter takes a break on the pier near Nauticus in Norfolk
- 19/07/15: Netherlands: Reuzenotters te zien bij AquaZoo Friesland: jonge otters geboren [In Dutch: See Giant Otters at Aquazoo Friesland]
- 17/07/15: Netherlands: Beschuit met muisjes in De Onlanden: jonge otters geboren [In Dutch: "Biscuits with mice" in De Onlanden: Young otters born. Crispbreads (beschuit) with sugar granules (known as "mice") are traditional in the Netherlands at a birth]
- 16/07/15: California: Richardson Bay Sea Otter, First in San Francisco Bay Since 2011, Dies
- 16/07/15: South Africa: Those four Scarborough otters are even cuter in photographs
- 16/07/15: Somerset: Drayton man calls for motorists to slow down after dead otter found
- 15/07/15: California: Los Angeles Zoo Debuts 3 New Giant Otter Pups
- 15/07/15: India: Otters make their presence felt in filthy St Inez creek
- 15/07/15: Germany: Drei Otter machen "Fit for Fisch" [In German: Three Otters get "Fit for Fish"]
- 15/07/15: California: Otters Starting a Return to Lamorinda Creeks?
- 13/07/15: California: Summer Lecture Series: Sea otter conservation
- 13/07/15: Leicestershire: Otters under threat if 270-home scheme approved claim objectors
- 11/07/15: Oregon: Orphan river otter pup found near Cottage Grove finds home at zoo
- 10/07/15: Japan: Baby sea otters charm coastal Hokkaido city for second year in row
- 08/07/15: Canada: Tour guide steps in to save baby otter
- 08/07/15: Singapore: Did otters eat koi worth $80,000?
[Otter Joy: a sensible approach - an otter can't tell a domestic fish from a wild one so fence your fish!] - 08/07/15: Oregon: Orphaned river otter finds new home at Oregon Zoo
- 06/07/15: Germany: Fischotter kehrt an die Wümme zurück
[In German: Otter returns to Wümme] - 06/07/15: New Zealand: Wellington Zoo's otter brothers settle in to their new bachelor pad
- 03/07/15: Germany: Der Mann mit dem ber�hmten Otter
[In German: the Man with the Famous Otter - Nemo!] - 03/07/15: Florida: Otter pups on display at Brevard Zoo
- 01/07/15: Florida: SeaWorld gets you up close, personal
- 01/07/15: California: Cute and coming soon: Santa Ana Zoo looks to welcome giant river otters
- 01/07/15: Devon: Wildlife group�s call for otter road signs
- 01/07/15: Scotland: Skye charity aims to save otters in Africa
[Otter Joy: They have arranged for the people from the Congo who have hands-on experience in otter-raising and rehabilitation into the wild to come to the workshop - it is about practical experience-sharing, not theory!] - 30/06/15: California: Aquarium of the Bay celebrates two year otter-versary
- 27/06/15: India: Shed, Ramp, Dens in New Habitat for Otters at Vandalur Zoo
- 26/06/15: Cumbria: Deer fencing work to improve safety will begin on M6 on Monday
[Otter Joy: The fencing is otter-proof too, and should stop some otter road deaths too] - 26/06/15: Scotland: An experience you �otter� try
- 25/06/15: Maine: MERI kicks off lecture series with Swedish success story
- 25/06/15: Wyoming: Wildlife Conservation and its Effects on River Otters Topic of AMK Ranch Talk
[Otter Joy: this is important work. The North American Model is being promoted worldwide, but it has serious and documented flaws which are not being addressed and lead to effective over-consumption of wildlife - in the case of otters, fur trapping] - 25/06/15: Japan: Want to shake hands with an adorable otter? You can right now at this Tokyo
[Otter Joy: NB these otters are trained, and only do this for a short period each day with breaks every five minutes, and only for a couple of weeks in the summer. Each otter takes it in turn so no one otter is being overloaded. It would act as an enrichment activity] - 24/06/15: Mexico: Morphological variability of the cranium of Lontra longicaudis (Carnivora: Mustelidae): a morphometric and geographic analysis
- 24/06/15: Washington: Third sea otter washes up on Long Beach Peninsula
- 22/06/15: Warwickshire: Twycross Zoo needs your vote!
- 22/06/15: India: A safe haven for otters in TB river bed
- 22/06/15: Germany: What droppings can tell us
- 20/06/15: Georgia: Veloci-Otters!
- 20/06/15: Malaysia: Otter family breathes hope for river that�s brought to life
- 19/06/15: Germany: Brome: Fischotter tot aufgefunden
[in German: Otter found dead in Brome] - 18/06/15: Norfolk: Disturbing pictures emerge of otters drowned in illegal Broads nets
- 17/06/15: Indonesia: Can you save the rainforest and still profit? Research team finds a way
- 17/06/15: South Dakota: Deadwood sinks its teeth into dangerous exotic animal ordinance
- 17/06/15: Dorset: Otterly grand birthday for SEALIFE's oldest resident
- 14/06/15: Missouri: New otter living at Saginaw's Children's Zoo at Celebration Square
- 14/06/15: Gloucestershire: Otters under the spotlight at Nature In Art
- 08/06/15: Oregon: Sea otter recovery would help rebalance local marine ecology: Restoration of this keystone species offers tangible and symbolic benefits
- 08/06/15: Louisiana: Audubon Aquarium�s sea otter Buck dies at 18
- 08/06/15: South Dakota: Bramble Park Zoo Opens Ottertown, KidZoo
- 08/06/15: Nebraska: Hansen: He'll spend his summer searching for river otter � a Nebraska wildlife success story
- 08/06/15: India: Two otter species spotted in Goa
- 07/06/15: Sweden: Endangered otters make comeback in Sweden
- 06/06/15: North Dakota: Zoo Otter "Cinnamon" Dies
- 05/06/15: New Jersey: Students, teachers to add mural to river otter habitat
- 05/06/15: Scotland: Sneaky otter steals a salmon from boat in Lerwick, Shetland
- 05/06/15: Tyne & Wear: Washington Wildlife Centre has a new resident baby otter cub called Little Squeak
- 04/06/15: South America: Proposed Andean headwater dams an ecological calamity for Amazon Basin
- 04/06/15: Germany: Mysteriöse Attacke auf Otter-Gehege: Wildpark reagiert mit Verbot [in German: Mysterious attack on otter enclosure: Wildpark reacts by banning overnight stays]
- 04/06/15: Alaska: Alaska researchers study sea otters with unmanned aircraft
- 04/06/15: Oregon: The return of the sea otter?
- 02/06/15: Gloucestershire: Friends and family pay tribute to Martin Neville at St Kenelm's Church in Sapperton
- 02/06/15: South Africa: Roaming animals better off at home
- 30/05/15: North Dakota: Otter exhibit damaged by 2011 Souris flooding makes a comeback at Minot's Roosevelt Park Zoo
- 29/05/15: Netherlands: Piek in parende otters!
[in Dutch: Peak in mating otters] - 28/05/15: Washington: Death of two endangered sea otters at Long Beach sparks inquiry
- 28/05/15: Scotland: You really otter go to Harestanes
- 27/05/15: World: International Otter Awareness Day!
- 27/05/15: Wales: Otter Day!
- 27/05/15: Hampshire: Otter Day!
- 27/05/15: Sri Lanka: Otter Day - Shy, elusive and nocturnal otters important for ecosystem
- 27/05/15: Scotland: Otter Day!
- 27/05/15: Devon: Otter Day! - North Devon otter spotters urged to report sightings
- 26/05/15: Czech Republic: Vydra ňíční, pňirozený ukazatel čistoty vody
[in Czech: River otter, a natural indicator of water purity] - 26/05/15: New Zealand: Wellington Zoo welcomes otter brothers
- 26/05/15: Northumberland: Otter survey to be carried out
- 26/05/15: Yorkshire: Otter drowns in illegal crayfish trap in Selby
- 25/05/15: Australia: Wildlife backs Queensland to win State of Origin series
- 22/05/15: Northumberland: Berwick woman's legacy will fund Northumberland otter project
- 22/05/15: Wiltshire: First sighting of otter at Warminster's Longleat Forest
- 19/05/15: Netherlands: Otterbord geplaatst in Lindewijk Spanga [in Dutch: Otter Crossing Sign put up in Lindewijk Spanga]
- 18/05/15: USA: Endangered Species Act Caught in Congressional Crosshairs
- 15/05/15: Devon: Otter surprise on a South Hams beach!
- 14/05/15: Ohio: Conservation Corner: River otter survey coming soon
- 14/05/15: Trinidad and Tobago: Wildlife and the law
- 12/05/15: Netherlands: Otter Skittle van Sea Life Scheveningen heeft watervrees
[in Dutch: Skittles the otter at Sea Life Scheveningen is afraid of water - 12/05/15: Scotland: Loch Ness Monster? You otter know better, says wildlife expert
- 11/05/15: Switzerland: Die Rückkehr des R�ubers im Samtpelz
[in German: The return of the predator in a velvet coat] - 11/05/15: Netherlands: Provincie moet otter beter beschermen tegen aanrijdingen
[in Dutch: the Province must do more to protect otters from road traffic accidents] - 11/05/15: California: Making a Difference: Otter Project
- 11/05/15: North Dakota: Zoo levels criticism in wake of otter-iPhone battle
- 09/05/15: Scotland: Otter Watching
[Otter Joy: Illustrated with Pacific Sea Otters ... you'd need very good binoculars to see them from Scotland!] - 09/05/15: Oregon: Thelma The Sea Otter Wins Zoo Mother Of The Year
- 07/05/15: North Dakota: Zoo Incident Proves OtterBoxes Are No Match for Actual Otters
- 06/05/15: United Kingdom: The return of Britain's otters offers a glimpse of rewilding's great rewards
- 05/05/15: Germany: Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V. tagt in Lenzen an der Elbe � Personelle Weichen f�r die n�chsten f�nf Jahre gestellt [in German: members of the association for otter science meet to elect officers for the next five years]
- 30/04/15: Illinois: Baby otter joins exhibit at Miller Park Zoo
- 29/04/15: New York: Thompson Park Zoo otter gets root canal from Watertown dentist
- 28/04/15: Netherlands: Otter in bebouwde kom Leeuwarden [in Dutch: Otter in Leeuwarden village]
- 28/04/15: Netherlands: Otters geboren in natuurgebied Nieuwkoopse Plassen: 'Dit is geweldig' [in Dutch: Two cubs born at the Nieuwkoopse Plassen nature reserve]
- 27/04/15: Georgia: Injured baby otter found during Benderdinker food and music festival
- 26/04/15: North Dakota: Fargo zoo seeking replacement after sister in otter duo dies
- 22/04/15: Cumbria: Take look at Cumbria otter carers� other duties
- 22/04/15: Scotland: Doing well, Lewis the baby otter rescued after losing his mum
- 21/04/15: Cornwall: Heamoor fishing lake closed as otters move in
[Otter Joy: Everone involved in this has acted very responsibly and sensibly! Well done, them!] - 20/04/15: Scotland: Otter cub found orphaned in Stornoway taken into care
- 20/04/15: Singapore: Antics of female otter and her triplets caught on video at Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park
- 17/04/15: Alabama: Baby beavers, otters increase need for pond at Big Bend Wildlife Sanctuary
- 16/04/15: South Carolina: Injured baby otter rescued on Hilton Head Island dies
- 15/04/15: Carmarthenshire: Adorable baby otter rescued from Amman Valley garden
- 14/04/15: California: Birthing season turns Elkhorn Slough into marine-life nursery
- 12/04/15: Tyneside: Road casualty otter is nursed back to health and released into the wild
- 11/04/15: California: Sea star die off unleashes urchin hordes
- 11/04/15: Canada: Playful otters celebrate spring with sliding party near Yellowknife
- 11/04/15: Aberdeenshire: T in the Park organisers accused of breaking animal protection laws
- 10/04/15: Canada: Questions linger as oil spill cleanup begins on West Vancouver beaches
- 10/04/15: New York: Say cheese! Meet these adorable baby otters named 'Monterey' and 'Jack'
- 09/04/15: Germany: Ausgebüxter Fischotter vergn�gt sich in Wimsheimer Weiher
[In German: Ausgebüxter otter has fun in Wimsheimer pond] - 09/04/15: Australia: Cheeky otters take the cake at party
- 07/04/15: Cumbria: Puddles the Cumbria otter cub travels to specialist hospital in Scotland
- 06/04/15: Massachusetts: Orphaned Baby Otter Heads Back to the Wild
- 03/04/15: California: Bay Area river otters make a comeback
- 03/04/15: California: 14-Year-Old Otter Undergoes Annual Physical and Dental Exam at the Aquarium
- 03/04/15: New York: Syracuse zoo has two new baby river otters
- 02/04/15: California: Anglers urged to go slow in Elkhorn Slough for otters
- 30/03/15: California: Meet Aquarium of the Bay�s otter-able new residents
- 30/03/15: Wiltshire: Otter killed on road in Harnham
- 28/03/15: Dubai: Meet Ginger: Dubai�s newborn otter
- 27/03/15: Massachusetts: Ollie the Baby Otter Is a Therapy Robot That's Actually Affordable
- 27/03/15: Cumbria: Otter found in South Cumbria puddle is now doing swimming
- 26/03/15: Alaska: Keep you and your dog safe; avoid sea otters on the beac
- 26/03/15: California: Sea otter rescued in California oil spill dies of shark bite
- 25/03/15: Cumbria: Tiny teething eight-week-old orphaned otter rescued by Grange marine biologist
- 21/03/15: Montana: You "otter" love these new babies
- 21/03/15: Florida: Brevard Zoo�s River Otter �Saba� Passes Away
- 19/03/15: Northumberland: Otter heaven at Allen Banks
- 18/03/15: California: The Great Sea Otter Mystery!
- 17/03/15: Florida: Clearwater Marine Aquarium rescues 3 otter kits
- 15/03/15: Asia: A ravenous market for wildlife parts is pushing Earth's biota to the brink
- 13/03/15: Oregon: River otter born at Oregon Zoo headed to new home in Seattle
- 13/03/15: Wales: Swansea nickel refinery otter Ludwig returned to wild
- 13/03/15: The Netherlands: Otter gebruikt nieuwe otterpassage tussen Rotsterhaule en Rotstergaast
[in Dutch: Otters use new Otter Tunnel between Rotsterhaule and Rotstergaast] - 13/03/15: Shropshire: Some like it otter: Shropshire photographer's stunning picture
- 12/03/15: Norfolk: Otters return to Thetford expected to spark flood of tourism to the town
- 12/03/15: Leicestershire: Otters spotted in Leicester city centre
- 12/03/15: Oregon: Zigzag the river otter moving from Oregon zoo to Seattle
- 12/03/15: Cumbria: Mystery of how otter ended up in Cumbrian town
- 11/03/15: Kentucky: Newport Aquarium welcoming otters to new exhibit
- 11/03/15: Hertfordshire: Water company splashes the plastic to help Herts' otter population
- 10/03/15: Minnesota: DNR takes custody of animals in wildlife rehabilitation dispute
- 09/03/15: Shropshire: Experts thrilled as otters filmed at Shropshire beauty spot
- 09/03/15: Australia: Taronga Western Plains Zoo welcomes birth of otter pups
- 07/03/15: Spain: Dos nutrias nacidas en Jerez son liberadas en Holanda [in Spanish: Two otters born in Jerez are released in Holland]
- 06/03/15: New York: River otters sighted at Mashomack Preserve
- 05/03/15: Washington: Zoo loses elderly river otter
- 04/03/15: China: Tibetans in Yunnan Give Up Wearing Animal Skins, Burn Valuable Furs
[Otter Joy: Good for them! Reducing demand reduces the illegal wildlife trade decimating all kinds of animals in south east Asia] - 04/03/15: Yorkshire: Twin sea otter pup rescued at Point Lobos
- 04/03/15: California: Twin sea otter pup rescued at Point Lobos
- 27/02/15: Peru: Lobos de r�o se recuperan en Parque Nacional peruano, sin embargo su amenaza continua [in Spanish: Giant Otters recover in Peru National Park, but threats continue]
- 27/02/15: Yorkshire: Otto the Otter rescued after losing family
- 27/02/15: Washington: Followup: One fewer Alki otter � but �Otto� is doing okay
- 25/02/15: Congo: IOSF seeks crowdfunding to send otter rehabilitators from Kikongo Otter Sanctuary
to workshop in Tanzania
Otter Joy: Real conservation is done by people like Delphin and Sico, not by professional conservation bureaucrats in big organisations. This is a GOOD CAUSE!] - 23/02/15: Florida: Baby otters rescued near Naples, munch on scrambled eggs
- 22/02/15: Canada: Mural makes otters' home 'authentic'
[Otter Joy: Very good painting but I think the otters would prefer real trees and sky - to them, it may as well be a blank wall. Plus within days, the bottom part will be covered in mud...] - 21/02/15: Germany: Seltenes Raubtier im Reservat [in German: Rare wild animal in Schaalsee Biosphere Reserve]
- 20/02/15: Netherlands: Faunatunnels dagelijks gebruikt door otters [in Dutch: Tunnels under roads used daily by otters]
- 20/02/15: Maryland: Calvert Marine Museum welcomes newest river otter �Bubbles�
- 19/02/15: London: Chessington Zoo welcomes TWO new adorable baby otters!
- 19/02/15: California: An Otter Named Fabio
- 19/02/15: Florida: Otter family grows larger
- 18/02/15: Germany: Gifhorn: Otter-Zentrum startet mit neuen Angeboten in die Saison [In German: Otter-Zentrum has two new features for this season]
- 14/02/15: The Netherlands: Verse sporen wijzen op tweede otter in Twente [in Dutch - Fresh tracks indicate second otter in Twente]
- 13/02/15: Cheshire: Baby otter set to take first steps outside at Blue Planet Aquarium
- 13/02/15: California: Wild river otter finds home in San Ramon lake
- 12/02/15: Russia: Pioneering Far East aquarium hit by allegations of shocking conditions
- 12/02/15: Wales: Lucky Ludwig the otter is rescued from a 'sticky' situation under a factory conveyor belt
- 12/02/15: Scotland: Baby otter found weak and alone is finally on the mend
- 10/02/15: Maryland: New otter arrives at the Calvert Marine Museum
- 05/02/15: Avon: Bristol Zoo loses rare animals after two fatal incidents
[Otter Joy: A golden lion tamarin fell into the lake, drowned and was trapped in the drain; the otters ate it - hello, they are carnivores! Both incidents were simple accidents that could happen anywhere and do happen in the wild] - 04/02/15: Netherlands: Otter vestigt zich in Fochtelo�rveen
[in Durch - Otter settles in Fochteloërveen] - 03/02/15: Lancashire: eBay trader caught selling coats made of tiger and otter fur
[Otter Joy: CAUTIONED!!! Yes, that's how seriously the UK takes wildlife crime.] - 02/02/15: Netherlands: Dode otter Nieuwkoopse Plassen mogelijk gedumpt
[in Durch - Dead otter may have been dumped] - 02/02/15: Pennsylvania: Otter picks Super Bowl winner
- 02/02/15: Washington: Alaska sea otter makes Super Bowl Sunday splash in Seattle
- 02/02/15: Leicestershire: First picture of Harborough otter pups
- 31/01/15: India: Small clawed otter released in the wild
[Otter Joy: This appears to have been done properly with prior rehabilitation and follow-up] - 31/01/15: Scotland: Scottish couple on global mission to save otter
- 30/01/15: Hampshire: Slippery otters scupper plans for new car wash in Bishopstoke Road, Eastleigh
- 30/01/15: Washington: Wildlife-proof your home BEFORE there is a problem
- 30/01/15: Phillippines: Rescued Baby Otters Chirp Like Little Ducklings
- 30/01/15: Czech Republic: Poachers kill dozens of otters in Czech Republic a year
- 30/01/15: Canada: Brother, sister otters await new Brockville home
- 30/01/15: Washington: Mishka, a new sea otter, coming to Seattle Aquarium
- 28/01/15: Germany: Neues Zuhause für Otter entsteht im Tiergarten
[in German - New house for otters at the zoo] - 23/01/15: Minnesota: DNR pulls permit of Iron Range wildlife rehabilitator for habituating animals
[Otter Joy: Yes, River the Otter is to be taken from his owner, with whom he has been since two weeks old, and either euthenased, put in a zoo or rehabilitated into the wild so he can be trapped for his fur by people the DNR approves of. What a country. You can't keep otters as educational animals but you can torment and kill them for fun. Unless he can find a place in a zoo, I hope for his sake they kill him humanely right away] - 23/01/15: Northumberland: Thieves steal Allen Banks camera set-up to capture antics of otters in Northumberland
- 22/01/15: California: River Otters Make Guest Appearance in Fremont Park
- 22/01/15: Surrey: Valentine's Day: adopt an otter for your loved one
- 22/01/15: California: Sea otter pup conceived in wild is first born in captivity
- 20/01/15: Indonesia: Hand-raised small-clawed otter released in KNP
[Otter Joy - this was a TERRIBLE example of a release - every single rule of release was broken and an unrehablitated animal from a highly social species was dumped alone in the wild in a territory containing an existing otter group. It is almost certainly dead since the family living there already would either kill it or drive it off, and an otter of this species does not thrive alone. I am very sorry for this animal - althought it was kept EXTREMELY badly in captivity, surely Indonesia could have found someone in its entire territory that understands otters and could have done rehabilitation and release properly. It's a well-known process these days so they have no excuse whatsoever. This animal would have been better euthenazed than go through this horrible captivity and dumping] - 20/01/15: California: Why Sea Otters are the Eco-Warriors of California�s Coast
- 21/01/15: Pembrokeshire: Expert's concern over more otter road deaths in Kidwelly
[Otter Joy: Illustrated with a North American River Otter - though they would be safer here than in Indiana and Pennsylvania that have spent huge amounts of money reintroducing the otters they trapped out - and have announced trapping can resume. UK roads are much safer for otters than their native range and the people who trap otters for fun, leaving them to drown or wait in pain to be bludgeoned or shot when the trapper chooses to check his traps] - 19/01/15: Japan: Baby Otters To Make Zoo Debut in Fukuoka
- 18/01/15: Sussex: Why our otters love it when the temperature drops below freezing
- 17/01/15: Germany: Otter in der Dinkel � in Lattrop �berfahren [in German - First otter in the Dinkel since 1940 run over in Lattrop]
- 16/01/15: Northumberland: Northumberland otter family captured on film by National Trust
- 15/01/15: South Africa: Splash and grab! Crocodile snatches fish from otter's jaws as it tries to pull its lunch out of the water
- 14/01/15: Belgium: Otters na meer dan dertig jaar terug in Oost-Vlaanderen [In Dutch - Otters back in East Flanders after thirty years
- 14/01/15: Netherlands: Liefdesdrama bij otters in Nieuwkoop na vondst dood exemplaar: Is het slachtoffer de minnares of de vrouw van het mannetje? [In Dutch - Romantic drama in Neieukoop after finding dead one : is the victim the mistress or the wife of the male?
- 14/01/15: Pembrokeshire: Orphaned otter cub on way back to health
- 13/01/15: Netherlands: Populatie in gevaar: dode otter gevonden bij de Nieuwkoopse Plassen [in Dutch - Population at risk : dead otter found at Nieuwkoopseplassen]
- 13/01/15: Pembrokeshire: Orphaned Pembrokeshire otter cub 'Star' is a fighter
- 12/01/15: California: Elkhorn Slough marsh gets $1 million grant
- 12/01/15: Belgium: 2 tot 3 otters gespot in noordelijke Zeescheldevallei [in Flemish - 2 or 3 otters spotted in northern Scheldt River valley
- 12/01/15: Spain: Otters return to the rivers of Cehegín
- 10/01/15: Netherlands: Overreden Twentse otter gaat naar TwentseWelle [in Dutch - Run-Over Twentse Otter to be preserved and displayed ]
- 09/01/15: Surrey: Otters go dancing on ice at British Wildlife Centre
- 08/01/15: California: How do sea otters survive icy water without getting hypothermia?
- 06/01/15: Germany: Hölzerne Laufstege für Fischotter [in German - Wooden walkways for otters]
- 06/01/15: Bangladesh: The Fishing Otters of Bangladesh
- 05/01/15: Netherlands: Mannetjesotter en vrouwtjesotter actief in de Nieuwkoopse Plassen: het is wachten op de eerste jonkies [in Dutch - Male and female otters active in Nieuwkoopse Plassen: now we wait for the first babies]
- 05/01/15: Guyana: There should be laws against the mistreatment of wildlife
- 03/01/15: Gwent: How did the otter cross the road? With an otter ledge, of course
- 03/01/15: Virginia: Playful river otters visit Kempsville yard
- 03/01/15: New Hampshire: Resurgence of otter population continues in NH
- 02/01/15: Ireland: Two otters enjoy river with a view
- 02/01/15: Netherlands: De 'eerste otter' in Twente sinds 1940 is dood gevonden bij Lattrop [in Dutch - the first otter in Twente since 1940 found dead in Lattrop]
- 02/01/15: Somerset: Experts say Midsomer Norton�s otter was �very sick� when spotted in High Street
- 30/12/14: California: Adorable river otters frolic around in the show
- 30/12/14: Michigan: Turning 20 on New Year's Eve, Mika the river otter sets a zoo record
- 30/12/14: Germany: Riesenotter beherrschen exakt 22 Töne [Giant Otters make exactly 22 different sounds]
- 30/12/14: California: Blubber Lovers, Glad Tidings
- 30/12/14: Netherlands: Dutch otter population increases but inbreeding is an issue
- 29/12/14: Germany: Der Fischotter ist zurück in der Düffel [in German - the Otter is back in the Düffel]
- 27/12/14: South Korea: IBSA reveal logo and mascots for 2015 World Games in Seoul
- 26/12/14: Netherlands: Borden voor overstekende otters [in Dutch - Signs for Otters Crossing]
- 26/12/14: Illinois: Otters get the flu, too
- 24/12/14: Germany: Geschenke f�r Zootiere in Osnabrück [in German - Gifts for zoo animals in Osnabruck]
- 24/12/14: California: Monterey Merry: The Otters' Christmas Treats
- 24/12/14: Somerset: Autopsy to be performed on Midsomer Norton�s otter
- 22/12/14: Pennsylvania: Playful otters pop up in Harrison Hills Park pond
- 22/12/14: Scotland: Skye conservationists help Bangladesh's otters
- 20/12/14: Bangladesh: Food for fish down 80pc in Shela river; two otters found dead
- 19/12/14: Netherlands: Eerste otter langs de Dinkel zoekt een vrouwtje [in Dutch: First Otter along the Dinkel is looking for a femail]
- 19/12/14: Australia: Maritime Aquarium Welcomes New Young River Otter
- 19/12/14: Connecticut: Maritime Aquarium Welcomes New Young River Otter
- 19/12/14: Bangladesh: Sundarbans oil spill: Lessons to be learnt
- 17/12/14: California: Baby giraffe, otter pups go on display at Los Angeles Zoo
- 17/12/14: Somerset: Mystery surrounds death of Midsomer Norton�s otter
- 15/12/14: Pembrokeshire: Who's been eating my fish? The moment an otter was captured on camera in a Pembrokeshire garden
- 15/12/14: Australia: Otters settle into new home at Rockhampton Zoo
- 14/12/14: Bangladesh: Toll on wildlife rises in the Sundarbans
- 14/12/14: India: Harike to be developed as eco-tourism hub
- 14/12/14: California: More Than Just Cute, Sea Otters Are Superheroes Of The Marsh
- 13/12/14: Illinos: Orphaned Otter Pup in Chicago Named Luna
- 12/12/14: Netherlands: Just chilling! Adorable moment otter emerges from ice hole
- 12/12/14: Hampshire: Otter spotted at Romsey mill
- 12/12/14: Nebraska: Editorial, 12/13: The otter's happy success
[Otter Joy: and now we will see how long it takes for the trappers to start demanding a "season" and their Game & Parks allies to declare their model shows a "sustainable harvest" is recommended to "manage" the numbers that in fact would simply find an ecological balance if left alone] - 12/12/14: Bangladesh: Devastating Oil Spill Threatens Rare Dolphins and Bengal Tigers
[Otter Joy: dead otters have already been found. The Sundarbans are where the last of the otter fishermen live] - 12/12/14: Bangladesh: Fears of eco catastrophe as oil tanker sinks
- 11/12/14: Somerset: Otter spotted in Midsomer Norton
- 11/12/14: Illinois: A new name for sea otter Pup 681, live Friday
- 11/12/14: Netherlands: Den Bosch collects ideas for returning otters to Moerputten [in Dutch]
- 10/12/14: California: Monterey: Shooting of female sea otter with pups prompts federal probe
[Otter Joy: A female with pups. Is it any surprise that the US is regarded as a bunch of trigger-happy killers? Yet I have many sane, normal American friends who would never dream of killing otters at all. But their voices are seldom heard] - 10/12/14: Illinois: Rutter on research team to study river otter
[Otter Joy: "The main purpose for all this capturing and tracking is to assess otter ecology and response to harvest" - harvest means killing for fur and fun. Just to be clear. This is a rather belated attempt to find out whether the actual otter population can sustain the level of authorised killing allowed because the model used and promoted in the USA has .... flaws] - 10/12/14: Maine: Otters are natural entertainers
[Otter Joy: Happy to see that not all Americans regard otters as furs on legs or nuisances...] - 09/12/14: Cornwall: Works starts on new otter island at Paradise Park
- 09/12/14: Indiana: Killing river otters isn�t only solution to overpopulation
[Otter Joy: EXACTLY!!! At least there are SOME sane voices in Indiana] - 08/12/14: California: UC sea otter surpasses age record, earns keep
- 06/12/14: Nebraska: Otters in Nebraska a success story
[Otter Joy: Let's see if they can resist the temptation to resume killing them for fun. Maybe Nebraskans have higher ethical standards than, for example, Indiana. Time will tell] - 05/12/14: Massachusetts: Taunton resident gets rare look at otter living in Lake Sabbatia
- 04/12/14: Virginia: Howell Creative Group Offers Otter Toys to Children Through Salvation Army
- 03/12/14: Scotland: Eels otter watch out
- 03/12/14: Delaware: Otter spotted in downtown Wilmington
- 02/12/14: Florida: Jet-skis 'n' baby otters: Clean water advocates say new federal water rules are good for both
- 02/12/14: Illinois: You could name Sea Otter Pup 681 at Chicago aquarium
- 02/12/14: Singapore: More visitors likely but 'numbers will be managed'
- 02/12/14: California: Legislation introduced to extend funding source for sea otter research
- 01/12/14: Bangladesh: Bangladesh's Trained Fishing Otters Fade as Catches Dwindle
[Otter Joy: This is sad. Otters have worked alongside humans in fishing for centuries (Gudger, 1927) and this is probably the last culture that does so, with respect between human and otter.
Fortunately IOSF are going to run a workshop on this in Bangladesh in December to envocourage the next generation of fishermen to continue the good working relationship with otters] - 01/12/14: Africa: Monday Mustelid - Aonyx capensis Edition
- 29/11/14: Pakistan: Wildlife at risk in Lal Suhanra Park
- 28/11/14: Norfolk: Playful otter at Great Yarmouth�s Breydon Bridge
- 28/11/14: Peru: Giants otters create a chorus of sounds in the Amazon
- 28/11/14: Cambodia: Trade in otter skins is booming: report
- 25/11/14: New Zealand: Third otter for Brooklands Zoo
[Otter Joy: Jen was Bud's mate. Not an easy introduction to do, but this species cannot live healthily alone] - 25/11/14: New Zealand: Wellington Zoo saddened by passing of Bud the Otter
[Otter Joy: Bud was formerly mate to Jin, New Zealand's escapologist Otter. ] - 24/11/14: Vermont: Be Good In School, And Earn Some 'Bucks'
- 21/11/14: Surrey: Franklin the Otter
- 21/11/14: Wales: Wales' first otters warning road signs installed to protect them in West Wales
[Otter Joy: Daphne's Neville's Beenie the Asian Small-Clawed Otter standing in for a native Lutra lutra] - 21/11/14: Scotland: Skye charity helps to protect otters in Bangladesh
- 21/11/14: Scotland: Distressed otter is on the mend
- 19/11/14: Scotland: Otter in ecstasy after turning lobster creels into giant loofah
- 18/11/14: Virginia: Young Grandfather Mountain otter passes away
- 18/11/14: Florida: Brevard Zoo river otter dies at age 15
- 14/11/14: Colorado: Asian small-clawed otter pup ventures out at Denver Zoo
- 13/11/14: Scotland: Mouse the otter found in garden
- 13/11/14: Shetlsnd: Brother and sister otter pups saved by sanctuary
- 13/11/14: India: Otters, at the water�s edge
- 13/11/14: Texas: Six-foot-tall otter visiting North Texas schools
- 12/11/14: Peru: Eavesdropping on the Secret Social World of Giant Otters
- 12/11/14: Scotland: Beach joy: Otter snapped at surfing hotspot
- 07/11/14: Bedfordshire: Otters return to Ivel
- 06/11/14: Canada: Blind sea otter Walter meets companion at Vancouver Aquarium
- 06/11/14: Illinois: Orphaned Baby Otter Learning To Swim At Chicago's Shedd Aquarium Redefines Cute
- 04/11/14: California: Getting up close and personal with otters of Elkhorn Slough
- 04/11/14: The Netherlands: Court rules otters must be protected from cars
[Otter Joy: This is really good news! Let's hope more countries follow suit] - 04/11/14: North Carolina: New Grandfather Mountain Otters Make Public Debut
- 31/10/14: Scotland: Edinburgh Zoo otters enjoy Halloween pumpkin treat
- 30/10/14: Singapore: Otter spotted taking dip in pond at Botanic Gardens
- 30/10/14: California: SeaWorld nursing baby sea otter back to health
- 28/10/14: Japan: Sea otter makes friends with stuffed toy of itself
[Otter Joy: Both otters are Asian Small-Claws not Sea Otters] - 28/10/14: Cheshire: Wildlife fans celebrate rare otter sighting in Warrington
- 27/10/14: Illinois: Sea otters at the Shedd celebrate Halloween
- 27/10/14: Singapore: Underwater World Singapore criticised for �sub-standard� animal living conditions
[Otter Joy: Including the otters: poor welfare, poor husbandry ... no excuses, Singapore - you have the resources to do things properly] - 24/10/14: California: A big splash: Finishing touches on new Monterey otter mural go up
- 24/10/14: Maryland: Marine Museum�s river otter dies
- 21/10/14: Cornwall: Otter-ly adorable new arrivals at Newquay Zoo
- 18/10/14: Washington: Investigating pumpkins at Woodland Park Zoo
- 16/10/14: Viet Nam: The haunting eyes of wild animals at Cu Chi animal rescue station
[Otter Joy: and before it could ever be released, the otter would need retraining to live in the wild, rather than just being dumped on a river bank as so many people seem to think is adequate as a wildlife release. The people here are really doing their best for the animals and following the correct protocols. ] - 15/10/14: India: Zoo admin to part with PWD, eyes pvt players
- 15/10/14: Peru: Peru River Otters Recovering but Still Threatened
- 14/10/14: Shetland: Jan to receive animal welfare award
- 14/10/14: New York: Sea otter teeth more than twice as tough as ours
- 14/10/14: London: Meerkats and otters and tortoises, oh my!
- 13/10/14: Washington: Do otters eat a lot of rockfish?
- 12/10/14: Scotland: �Otters dying early because of poisoned seas�
- 09/10/14: Netherlands: You Wish You Were As Happy As This Otter Playing With A Feather
- 09/10/14: Oregon: Rescued otter getting along well with her elder companions at Oregon Zoo
- 08/10/14: Cambodia: �Confession� in wake of raid
- 08/10/14: Cambodia: Chinese Men Fined Then Freed Over Hoard of Rare Animals
[Otter Joy: Illegal wildlife trading is the fourth biggest criminal trade in the world. This pathetic fine does nothing to tackle the problem, which is huge, organised, and stripping animals out of south east Asia] - 08/10/14: Brazil: Large dams vs large otters
- 08/10/14: Oregon: Oregon Zoo Releases New Video of Rescued Otter Pup
- 07/10/14: California: Saving the lives of California sea otters
- 07/10/14: California: Slime-producing molecules help spread disease from cats to sea otters
- 07/10/14: Devon: Calls for Tarka the Otter to welcome tourists into Westward Ho! and Northam
- 07/10/14: Cambodia: Capital raid unearths cache of animal parts - 19 clouded leopard skins, 10 otter skins
- 04/10/14: Nothern Ireland: Rescued otter's survival battle: Struggling animal found on Greyabbey road has huge fight on its hands, says vet
- 01/10/14: Scotland: Skye otter sanctuary to help bring back extinct species to Japan
- 01/10/14: Taiwan: Protection urged for Kinmen otter habitat
- 26/09/14: Vermont: The odor side of otters
- 26/09/14: Cornwall: Tourist's surprise as otter retrieves dropped iPhone
- 25/09/14: India: Friendly, Frolicking Denizens of the River
- 22/09/14: California: Slowly Swimming Towards Recovery, California�s Sea Otter Numbers Holding Steady
- 20/09/14: Singapore: Pond at Bishan Park is an otter's new favourite haunt
[Otter Joy: a fine smooth-coated otter] - 18/09/14: Washington: Wolf Hollow �kick starts� for otter care
- 18/09/14: Oregon: Operation Otter Awareness
- 17/09/14: Staffordshire: Return of the otter is a cause for celebration
[Otter Joy: great picture of a jumping otter! And even the right species for once!] - 17/09/14: India: Otter Reserve Along Tungabhadra Likely
- 13/09/14: South Africa: Creatures of the coastline
- 12/09/14: Cornwall: Otter and wasp stand-off caught on camera
- 11/09/14: Alaska: Alaska SeaLife Center Rescues Newborn Sea Otter
- 10/09/14: Oregon: Aquarium to celebrate sea otters on Sept. 27
- 09/09/14: Alaska: Alaska SeaLife otters to move overseas
- 09/09/14: Alaska: SeaLife Center takes in sea otter pup
- 08/09/14: Scotland: Otter cubs reunited after losing their mum (Shetland)
- 08/09/14: Scotland: Orphaned otter cub found abandoned and crying out for her mother (Fife)
- 07/09/14: Scotland: Roadsign demand as three otters killed in a week
- 05/09/14: Alaska: OTTER UNDERSTANDING - Fourteen years into a study of Prince William sound sea otters, a research team from Texas A and M University contributes to otter understanding.
- 05/09/14: Turkey: Sea otter fossil found in Çankırı
- 05/09/14: New York: Wild Center staffer injured by river otters
- 05/09/14: Netherlands: Return to nature: Dutch environment slowly stabilising
- 04/09/14: Texas: Watch This Cute Baby Otter Learn To Swim At The Dallas Zoo
- 04/09/14: Scotland: Otters found dead in illegal net in River Tyne
- 03/09/14: India: Otter pair pulls crowds at Vandalur zoo
- 03/09/14: Oregon: Oregon Coast Aquarium Launches Operation Otter Awareness
- 31/08/14: Scotland: Otter's puffin prey wins photo prize for marine ecologist
- 30/08/14: California: Otter Research Fund likely to continue
- 30/08/14: North Carolina: Two NC baby otters survive dog attack
- 28/08/14: Washington: Local non-profit wants to open marine life hospital
- 21/08/14: Oxfordshire: A mammal moment is a true thrill
- 18/08/14: California: Otter-ly Dead: South Spit Gets New Dead Otter
- 18/08/14: California: Otter-ly Amazing: Zoo Gets New Exhibit
- 17/08/14: Bedfordshire: Ranger Bob: Otters are adorable to watch at their new enclosure
- 16/08/14: Devon: Otter has eel of a time in The Byes
- 16/08/14: Bangladesh: Bangladesh's otter fishing faces extinction
- 15/08/14: Canada: Rare and friendly sea otter spotted in waters off Saanich
- 15/08/14: Lincolnshire: Stuart Bullen: An otter sighting is a unique experience
- 15/08/14: Wisconsin: Wisconsin officials say otter won't be trapped after attacking 12-year-old Minneapolis girl
[Otter Joy: wiser councils prevail in Wisonsin] - 10/08/14: Washington: Otter suspected of attacks on Pilchuck River is killed
[Otter Joy: AN otter has been killed which should satisfy the need for an animal sacrifice. Hopefully the desire for revenge will be sated by this and they will not need to identify more "otters probably responsible" and execute them as well.] - 09/08/14: India: Rare Asian Otter Sighted in Eastern Ghats of Odisha
- 05/08/14: Chester: Swimming lessons for baby otter
- 04/08/14: New Hampshire: Naturally Curious: How the River Otter Signs Its Name
- 01/08/14: California: Wildfires Cause Trouble for Sea Otters
- 31/07/14: Washington: Otter attacks, injures boy and grandmother on Pilchuck River
- 31/07/14: Nottinghamshire: Ring of bright water as otters return to Nottinghamshire
[Otter Joy: Beenie the Asian Small-Clawed Otter again instead of a native Eurasian otter] - 30/07/14: Canada: Sea otter shot, killed off Tree Island in Clayoquot Sound
- 30/07/14: Japan: A l-otter fun! Water slide helps a family of furry animals beat the heat at a Japanese zoo
- 29/07/14: Gloucestershire: A icy treat for Gloucestershire's otters
- 24/07/14: Hampshire: The weather's getting even otter...
- 20/07/14: Devon: Hope the baby otter gets much needed TLC
- 18/07/14: New York: Triplet baby otters debut at Prospect Park Zoo
- 17/07/14: Iraq: Poverty and Lax Laws Threaten Iraqi Wildlife
- 17/07/14: Alaska: Opportunity to see Sea Otters at the Alaska SeaLife Center
- 17/07/14: California: New River Otter on Exhibit at Oakland Zoo
- 16/07/14: California: New Disease Afflicting Sea Otters
- 15/07/14: Massachusetts: Lost otter finds home at Cape Wildlife Center
- 15/07/14: Northumbria: Trust goes wild with funding boose to continue vital conservation and nature work
- 15/07/14: Maryland: Just an otter day at Calvert Marine Museum
- 15/07/14: Colorado: Otter Pup Dies At Pueblo Zoo
- 15/07/14: Wales: Toxoplasmosis in otters
- 11/07/14: California: Abandoned dog-waste bags growing woe at Carmel Beach
- 11/07/14: Canada: Educational exhibits enhance Valley Zoo
- 11/07/14: Northumbria: Otter has fun in the sun
[Otter Joy: not a sea otter though - a Eurasian (British) otter at the seaside!] - 11/07/14: California: Why sea otters always hold their paws up
- 11/07/14: Pakistan: Coastal community receives fresh Indus water
- 04/07/14: New York: SUNY ESF grad student doing river otter research in Finger Lakes area region
- 28/06/14: South Africa: Otters mussel in on rare find
- 27/06/14: Oregon: Aquarium�s rescued otter pops with personality
- 25/06/14: Washington: Otter crossing
- 23/06/14: Washington: BC's Rising Oil Spill Risk Threatens Otters: Washington State Report
- 20/06/14: Massachusetts: Two otter-ly enchanting pups; Buttonwood Park Zoo greets new duo
- 20/06/14: Wiltshire: Otter spotted on Marlborough bat walk
- 20/06/14: Northumbria: Life on the Otter side of the lens
- 19/06/14: Japan: Japan Ties Greece, Proves Unpatriotic Japanese Otter Wrong
- 19/06/14: Florida: UF veterinary researchers discover new poxvirus in sea otters
- 18/06/14: Maryland: ISpyOtters at Ottermaina on Saturday July 12
- 18/06/14: Oregon: First look: Oregon Zoo's 5-month-old sea otter, Juno
- 17/06/14: Wales: 100 otters spotted on Pembrokeshire coast after appeal
- 17/06/14: Oregon: Rescued otter pup is almost ready for Oregon Zoo debut
- 15/06/14: New York: Otters Are Father's Too
- 15/06/14: California: Aquarium of the Americas: A 24th anniversary shared, a labor of love for aging animals
- 14/06/14: Devon: An otter-ly unsual sighting at River Sid
- 12/06/14: California: Open house celebrates river otters
- 11/06/14: New Zealand: Man vs otter in football World Cup tipping
- 11/06/14: California: Sea Otter Moms Risk Lives to Raise Babies
- 10/06/14: Oregon: Oswald, new otter at Oregon Coast Aquarium, likes his toys cold, wet
- 06/06/14: New York: Otters Learn to Swim at Ross Park Zoo
- 05/06/14: California:Watsonville zaps carp from Pinto Lake
[Otter Joy: exactly the same thing happens in the UK - the angler's precious sport fish is destroying native wildlife and damaging the ecology of our rivers and ponds.] - 04/06/14: Tennessee: River Otter Falls is newest Aquarium feature
- 01/06/14: Israel: Nature survey: Israeli otter population critically endangered
- 29/05/14: Brazil: Otters provide a lesson about the effects of dams
- 28/05/14: Delaware: Orphan Otter Finds Home
- 27/05/14: Washington DC: The National Zoo Gave Their Otters A Keyboard To Play With. It's Fantastic.
- 27/05/14: Delaware: Ridiculously cute baby river otter finds a foster home
- 27/05/14: California: Long Beach's Star Otter
- 22/05/14: Washington: Nintendo characters realised as papercraft otters are strangely adorable
[Otter Joy: not news, but I love them!] - 21/05/14: Indonesia: Timber concessions in Sumatra have high conservation value, according to report
[Otter Joy: As well as the almost-extinct Sumatran tiger, there is evidence of the critically endangered Hairy-Nosed Otter. But will money win? In Indonesia - probably yes. Goodbye tigers, goodbye otters. The world needs palm oil (apparently) but more importantly, the shareholders need profit] - 20/05/14: Connecticut: Occum otter putting fish ladder to good use at dinnertime
- 19/05/14: Washington: Otter a First for Rescue Haven
- 19/05/14: North Carolina: Otter Habitat Reopens
- 17/05/14: Wisconsin: Otter and her pups shut down tours at historic Davidson windmill
- 17/05/14: Tennessee: River Otter Falls opens at Tennessee Aquarium
- 15/05/14: Oregon: Oregon zoo, aquarium welcome new otter pups
- 15/05/14: Illinois: Baby otters on display at zoo
- 15/05/14: Canada: Do sea otters live in the Salish Sea?
- 15/05/14: Yorkshire: New dens for Tophill Low's flood-hit otters
- 13/05/14: Texas: Dallas Zoo�s otter-ly adorable pup thriving after 100 days of hands-on care
- 13/05/14: Canada: Sea otter rescued from B.C. coast dies, may provide clues to deadly disease
- 12/05/14: Pennsylvania: Road kill: Evidence that the river otter is on a comeback
- 07/05/14: County Down: Otter caught on camera on Strangford Lough island
- 06/05/14: Arizona: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum reveals its first ever tweeting otter
- 05/05/14: Scotland: Linn Park Otter by Chris Everett
- 02/05/14: Tennessee: Otter preview party at the Tennessee Aquarium
- 01/05/14: Texas: Zoo's river otter undergoes special training methods
- 01/05/14: Wales: Calls to better safeguard otters being killed on roads
[Otter Joy: Illustrated with beautiful Beenie the Asian Small-Clawed Otter, a pet otter from Gloucestershire - not only not the native species, but not even Welsh!] - 29/04/14: California: Sea otters are in wrong place at the wrong time, researchers say
- 29/04/14: Brazil: Giant Otters Damned by Giant Hydroelectric Dams
- 25/04/14: Tennessee: Aquarium Announces Otter Naming Contest Results
- 25/04/14: Scotland: Orphaned otter cub rescued after found wandering on island croft
- 23/04/14: Somerset: Cheddar Gorge Otter makes a bee line for the pub
- 22/04/14: Viet Nam: The unique animals of U Minh Thuong
- 22/04/14: India: Book on mammals published
- 21/04/14: California: Otters Aren't Just Adorable, They Matter to Human Health
- 15/04/14: Scotland: Broughty Ferry beach visitor is otter-ly unusual!
- 15/04/14: New York: The Buzz on the zoo's otter pups
- 15/04/14: Tyne & Wear: Musa the otter joins selfies craze
- 15/04/14: India: Eco-agents in peril
- 11/04/14: Taiwan: Rescued otter pups in good health: zoo
- 10/04/14: Northern Ireland: Otters delay riverside path project in Omagh
- 10/04/14: Australia: Otterly cute
- 10/04/14: Oregon: Pup�s home is otterly fine
- 08/04/14: Calfornia: Sea otters can get the flu, too
- 07/04/14: Connecticut: Maritime Aquarium In Norwalk Mourns Death Of River Otter
- 07/04/14: Colorado: 8-year-old girl has a life experience she 'otter' never forget
- 04/04/14: Surrey: You otter do as you're told! Mother fights son in playful attempt to toughen him up
- 04/04/14: Taipei: Taipei Zoo taking care of abandoned otter pups
- 03/04/14: Canada: Calgary Zoo celebrates birth of otter pups
- 02/04/14: California: Sacramento Zoo Mourns Loss of 14-Year-Old River Otter
- 02/04/14: Buckinghamshire: Video evidence of otters in the wild
- 02/04/14: California: Moss Landing fishermen urged to slow for sea otters
- 28/03/14: West Lothian: Otter who survived fire at Five Sisters Zoo gives birth to three pups
- 26/03/14: New York: Two litters of river otter pups born at Buffalo Zoo
- 24/03/14: Oregon: Oregon Coast Aquarium adopts sea otter pup; viewing limited now via video at aquarium
- 24/03/14: Canada: Wild ARC's animal webcams serve dual purpose
- 21/03/14: Bangladesh: Bangladesh otter fishing tradition faces extinction
- 20/03/14: California: There's Still Time to Help Endangered Species on Your 2013 Tax Return!
- 20/03/14: California: River otters observed living in Lake Tahoe
- 20/03/14: California: Otter Spotter
- 19/03/14: Durham: Survey seeks out otter river revival
- 19/03/14: Durham: Survey seeks out otter river revival
- 19/03/14: Florida: Orphaned Otter To Get New Home
- 18/03/14: New York: River Otter Triplets Born at Binghamton Zoo
- 17/03/14: Singapore: More wild otters sighted in Singapore
- 15/03/14: Gloucestershire: Otter family captured on camera at Slimbridge
- 12/03/14: India: Endangered otters back in Gavier lake
- 12/03/14: Alaska: Stranded, sick sea otter euthanized
- 12/03/14: Norway: Otter mounts bloody rampage in burger bar
[Otter Joy: it was an injured animal and the wildlife officer reacted quickly but chose not to wait to get gloves and so got a bitten finger. Would you like to handle an injured and terrified dog without protection?
Not an otter "mounting a bloody rampage" but a terrified animal in pain responding to a perceived aggressor. The poor thing had to be euthanased afterwards. Stupid headline, sensible wildlife officer.] - 11/03/14: North Carolina: Furry fun April 5 at Otter Birthday Bash
- 07/03/14: Ireland: Our very own Loch Ness Monster on the River Shannon
- 05/03/14: Florida: Incredible Photos Show Otter Attacking an Alligator � and Then Eating It
- 05/03/14: California: Sea Otter Lawsuit Dismissed
- 04/03/14: Canada: Whiffen the sea otter fights for his life at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre
- 04/03/14: Cheshire: Leeks in the otter tank at Blue Planet Aquarium
- 04/03/14: Oregon: Frogs and lizards OK, otters not so much
- 28/02/14: Florida: Sea otter pup found in 10 News parking lot
[Otter Joy: Not an astounding transcontinental sea otter migration, but a local river otter baby. Glad he was rescued though] - 28/02/14: Alaska: Sea otters declared recovered, 25 years after Exxon Valdez oil spill
- 26/02/14: Canada: Wounded sea otter � dubbed �Wiffen� � gets �24-hour intensive care� treatment in attempt to save him from death
- 26/02/14: Singapore: Ooh, what�s that furry creature spotted near Marina Barrage?
- 26/02/14: Lancashire: Endangered otters making a comeback in East Lancashire
- 26/02/14: Cumbria: Can you get a good picture of Ulverston canal�s camera-shy otters?
- 25/02/14: Canada: Severely emaciated, critically injured otter rescued from Sooke beach
- 25/02/14: Ireland: Romp of otters in playful mood on the Nore at Bennettsbridge
- 25/02/14: Scotland: Fife orphan otter cub in Scottish SPCA care
- 25/02/14: Yorkshire: New additions to wildlife centre don�t care if it�s still wet outside
- 24/02/14: Netherlands: Video: Gouda otter is still alive after all
- 20/02/14: Scotland: Scientists to uncover secret life of otters
[Otter Joy: Illustrated by a lovely pair of Asian Small-Clawed otters .... ] - 20/02/14: Cumbria: Experts say otter numbers are rising in Cumbria based on number of sightings
- 19/02/14: California: Why were officials silent on the Pacific Grove sea otter shooting?
- 18/02/14: North Carolina: People pack Greensboro's SciQuarium to see otter pups
- 18/02/14: Durham: Calling all otter spotters
- 18/02/14: Australia: Otter pups appear in public for the first time at Perth Zoo
- 13/02/14: California: $21,000 reward offered in shootings of 3 California sea otters
- 13/02/14: California: An Accidental Science Project Reveals How Crucial Sea Otters Are to Kelp Forests
- 13/02/14: Netherlands: First Randstad otter in 40 years may have been killed by a car
- 12/02/14: California: River otters returning to a waterway near you
- 10/02/14: Gloucestershire: Otter population must be managed not culled
[Otter Joy: a voice of reason! But still a factual innaccuracy - there were very few otter reintroductions and they were not successful - the current return of otters is exactly that - otters RETURNING to their habitat as we clean up the mess we made that drove them to almost-extinction in the 1970s] - 10/02/14: California: Like sea otters? You might want to see this
- 06/02/14: Illinois: Record levels of banned insecticide found in Illinois otters
- 06/02/14: New Jersey: Secret lives of Great Swamp's otters, coyotes and more revealed
- 04/02/14: Ireland: Weather is otter-ly too wet for freshwater species found at Bog of Allen
- 04/02/14: Buckinghamshire: Rare otter spotted in Buckingham
- 04/02/14: Russia: Harry the Otter, prophetic dolphin and magic seal to predict Sochi Olympics results
- 31/01/14: Washington: Woodland Park Zoo names Otter pups after Seahawks� Legion of Boom
- 30/01/14: Oregon: Oregon Zoo says new otter, 'Zigzag,' living up to name
- 29/01/14: Colorado: Otters! A kid-friendly card game
- 29/01/14: Cambridgeshire: Dramatic rescue of terrified baby otter from Cambridge river by college staff and punters
- 24/01/14: Bangladesh: Fishing With Otters
- 24/01/14: South Dakota: River otters released in area for habitat study
- 23/01/14: Worcestershire: Keith the seal has a new friend - a one-eyed otter
- 23/01/14: Florida: Zoo Miami Taking Care Of Giant Otter Pups And Lion Cub
- 23/01/14: South Dakota: Rules & Regs: There otter be a law
[Otter Joy: South Dakota trappers are being "encouraged to avoid catching river otters"] - 22/01/14: Virginia: The wandering, whimsical water weasel
- 21/01/14: California: Monterey Celeb: Meet Otter #649
- 20/01/14: North Carolina: Greensboro Science Center otter pups named
- 20/01/14: Sussex: Koji the otter is on a detox diet
- 18/01/14: Cheshire: Orphaned otter cubs seperated from mother in storms become BFFs at rescue centre
- 17/01/14: Oregon: Oregon Zoo otter pup Mo is all grown up and heading to Seattle
- 17/01/14: Durham: Otter pup found in caravan park
- 17/01/14: Scotland: Otter pup rescued from Corrie garden
- 16/01/14: Norfolk: Calls for reflectors to protect otters on Queen Adelaide Way
- 15/01/14: Cornwall: Wildlife photographer witnesses otter fishing for lunch near Mousehole
- 12/01/14: Sussex: Alfriston - Otter On New Year Diet
- 12/01/14: Leicestershire: Otters have us talking tales of the riverbank
- 11/01/14: California: River otters coming back to the urban Bay Area
- 10/01/14: California: An Elkhorn Slough Encounter: Man Meets Otter
- 08/01/14: Cumbria: Otter cub saved during Cumbria storms dies after "taking turn for the worse"
- 08/01/14: Massachusetts: Tracking Island otters
- 08/01/14: Scotland: A baby otter was rescued after being swept away from her mother
- 07/01/14: Canada: Blinded sea otter recovers at aquarium - will remain there
- 03/01/14: Oregon: Oregon Zoo: Winter hours kick in Monday; otter pup learns to swim
- 06/01/14: Czech Republic: Prague zoo the only in Europe to keep smooth-coated otter
[Otter Joy: Actually Colchester Zoo also has this species, and the UK is actually part of Europe!] - 06/01/14: North Carolina: Otter pups are thriving at the SciQuarium, and they need names
- 03/01/14: Cheshire: Rare otter family caught on camera for first time
- 03/01/14: California: DoD bested by adorable sea otters in recently passed legislation
- 01/01/14: Carmarthenshire: Campaign to stop otter road deaths
- 30/12/13: Gwynedd: Orphaned otter rescued from Gwynedd riverbank
- 23/12/13: Japan: Otter pleasure to meet you! Marine park offers visitors the chance to shake hands with adorable animals
- 22/12/13: Dubai: Dubai�s amazing painting arty otters
- 20/12/13: Oregon: New name of Ore. Zoo's baby otter is....
- 20/12/13: Norfolk: Jeanne Wayre: to the UK's otters, she was saviour
- 19/12/13: Devon: Otter breaks into fish store at Plymouth quay, eats catch
- 18/12/13: Leicestershire: Video: Otters fight for territory
[Otter Joy: Actually it does look like a sibling play fight. The vocalisations are not as extreme as a real territorial fight ... and there is no blood. But it's a nice piece of footage] - 14/12/13: California: San Francisco Bay river otter sightings suggest comeback
- 12/12/13: Oregon: Name the Oregon Zoo's 5-week-old river otter pup: Vote for your favorite
- 12/12/13: Trinidad: Otter-ly adorable
- 12/12/13: Wales: Drivers warned not to run over Aberdyfi otters
- 09/12/13: India: Otter puppies rescued from Hogenakkal, brought to Vandalur zoo
- 09/12/13: New Jersey: Hard to find river otters make a comeback
- 09/12/13: India: Smooth-coated otter rescued at Cudchirem
- 05/12/13: Cumbria: Meet Conrad the runover baby otter being nursed back to health on a diet of Booths trout!
- 04/12/13: Canada: Sea otter shot in face out of critical condition, eating
- 03/12/13: Dubai: Otters At Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo Display Their Artistic Talent
- 02/12/13: California: River otter spotted in Richmond Marina (video)
- 30/11/13: Wales: They�ve a l-otter cheek! Four-metre wicker mammal stolen from pub garden
- 28/11/13: Canada: Video: Sea otter blinded by gunshot wounds makes slow recovery
- 28/11/13: Wales: Watch out for otter crossing the road!
- 26/11/13: California: 'Boo to you, Ron Burgundy!' Anchorman's 'boring' jibe riles otters
[Otter joy: Who is Ron Burgundy? Can he dive a hundred feet down for clams and then crack them open on his stomach? Or spend the night rolled in kelp? Or elude hungry orcas in the ocean?
Exactly.] - 24/11/13: North Carolina: Otter pups born at Greensboro's Carolina SciQuarium
- 24/11/13: Canada: Video: Blind otter rescued after being shot really likes his clams
- 24/11/13: Kent: Baby otter takes the plunge at Lingfield British Wildlife Centre
- 23/11/13: Shropshire: W-otter surprise for walkers near stream
- 23/11/13: Ireland: Another Life: Surveying territorial toilet stations for signs of our otters
- 21/11/13: Florida: Otter chows down on snake
- 21/11/13: New Zealand: Sightings in quest for otter
- 20/11/13: Yorkshire: Otters spotted in the River Ouse
- 19/11/13: Oregon: Meet the newest otter pup at the Oregon Zoo
- 19/11/13: Canada: Sea otters a sign of coastal renewal
- 19/11/13: California: A Day in the Life of a Rescued Otter Pup
- 18/11/13: Wales: Have you spotted otters?
- 15/11/13: Essex: Otter�s death sparks new calls for speed clampdown
- 15/11/13: New Zealand: Otter-ly absorbed by water creature
- 11/11/13: Sweden: Swedish zoo hails first-ever giant otter birth
- 11/11/13: California: Navy Takes Aim at California Sea Otters
- 11/11/13: Canada: Sea otter shot in face recovering, but future unclear
- 08/11/13: Canada: �Wilder� the river otter has Bob Barker to thank
- 08/11/13: Tennessee: Tennessee Aquarium Otters Now At Chattanooga Arboretum And Nature Center
- 07/11/13: Japan: Japanese otter full of personality winning hearts over Twitter
- 07/11/13: India: Vava Suresh catches Otter
[Otter Joy: Poor otter. Of course it bit them! Why on earth didn't they leave it alone? What kind of life will it have in this zoo? The cage looks dreadful] - 06/11/13: New York State: Beloved Otter Dies at Riverhead Aquarium
- 04/11/13: Scotland: Thurso otters �hid from dogs under wheelie bin�
- 31/10/13: Derbyshire: Chapel�s otters enjoy Halloween
- 31/10/13: Northern Ireland: The otter pops back into view...but ducks won't take to cleaner water
- 30/10/13: Oregon: Thomas the otter is missed
- 29/10/13: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium Euthanizes Rio, 21-Year-Old River Otter
- 29/10/13: Canada: Otter shot in Tofino shows signs of improvement
- 27/10/13: Oregon: Thomas the otter dies at 16
[Otter Joy: I know his owner - much sympathy on the loss of your otter, OtterPop] - 26/10/13: Norfolk: Otter killed by net sparks poaching fears
- 25/10/13: California: Hooray! Otter Pops Up in Downtown Oakland
- 23/10/13: Canada: Sea otter with gunshot wounds rescued (with X-Ray photos)
- 23/10/13: Alaska: Sea otters and kelp forests helping you
- 23/10/13: Minnesota: New otter-themed drinking fountains to be installed at the Visitors Center
- 23/10/13: Wales: Hunt for poacher in Llangefni after otter is killed in trap
- 22/10/13: South Dakota: Otters on the move: GFP to use otters to test potential habitat
- 22/10/13: Canada: Sea otter fighting for his life after being shot in the face and body
- 20/10/13: Peru: Forget Paddington: My journey into darkest Peru on the tail of the giant river otter
- 20/10/13: Trinidad: Nidco: Otters in no danger
- 16/10/13: Illinois: Chemicals Banned Decades Ago Discovered In Dead Illinois River Otters
- 14/10/13: California: New Signs Encourage Otter Respect at Elkhorn Slough
- 11/10/13: Trinidad: More otters may be affected, says zoo
- 11/10/13: Trinidad: �Otter� horror shows up cause for better planning
- 11/10/13: Trinidad: Who will stand up for the voiceless?
- 11/10/13: California: Citizen-scientists spur sea otter research at Elkhorn Slough
[Otter Joy: The Otter Cam is at this link] - 10/10/13: Scotland: Orphaned otter cub rescued from Scottish street on the road to recovery
- 10/10/13: Staffordshire: Otter video 'very good news' for Staffordshire river
- 03/10/13: Singapore: Giant river otter baby among 400 animal babies born at WRS parks this year
- 30/09/13: California: Against all odds, otters make a comeback in Calif.
- 30/09/13: Norfolk: Angler John Wilson wants East Anglian otters controlled
[Otter Joy: and demonstrates his woeful ignorance of ecology and the environment. Is it time anglers were assessed? Their numbers are increasing far above what the environment can sustain, they damage riverbanks and their introduction of non-native fish competing with native species is degrading our rivers. Has the time come to control angler numbers?] - 29/09/13: Minnesota: Celebrate Ottertoberfest!!
- 28/09/13: Oregon: Sea otter sightings in Oregon
- 28/09/13: Ireland: Dodder otters and Tolka Tarkas
- 28/09/13: Germany: Wo steigt der Otter am besten aus?
[In German - about the research at the Hankensbüttel Otter Zentrum on the best way to protect otters from drowning in fish and eel traps] - 26/09/13: California: Otters invade DVC pond
- 24/09/13: Peru: Otter protection program starts in Arequipa, Peru
- 24/09/13: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium's Sea Otters Enjoy Cake In Honor Of Sea Otter Awareness Week
- 24/09/13: California: Hungry Sea Otters Save Shorelines
- 23/09/13: California: Otter Cam offers glimpse into lives of threatened marine mammal
- 23/09/13: California: Sea Otter Awareness Week
- 21/09/13: Somerset: Elusive Otter caught on Camera near Burnham-on-Sea
- 18/09/13: Tennessee: Chattanooga's Tennessee Aquarium adding otters in bigger space
- 16/09/13: California: Otter Study Launches in Elkhorn Slough
- 15/09/13: Hungary: Conservationists kick-start project in Hungary for otters and birds
- 15/09/13: Lincolnshire: Spalding: Otters Thrown Real-life Life-line
- 14/09/13: India: Rescued otter pup dies
- 13/09/13: Tennessee: Grandfather Mountain mourns loss of Oconee the otter
- 13/09/13: Washington: Photos: Woodland Park Zoo's otter pups make public debut
- 12/09/13: California: Monterey Bay Aquarium receives awards from AZA
- 12/09/13: India: Rescued otter pups being hand-reared at CWRC
- 12/09/13: California: Santa Barbara and the Sea Otter
- 11/09/13: India: `Otter�, the water pollution indicator is fighting a losing battle
- 11/09/13: Somerset: Otter snapped at Steart for first time
- 06/09/13: Scotland: Otter �addict� Brydon highly commended for wildlife photography
- 06/09/13: Alaska: Long-delayed Recovery Plan Provides Road Map for Saving Alaska's Sea Otters
- 04/09/13: Michigan: Former Clinch Park Zookeeper Writes About Squirt, The Otter
- 04/09/13: North Dakota: Red River Zoo's new otter exhibit making a splash
- 01/09/13: North Dakota: Red River Zoo to unveil otters and art
- 30/08/13: Brazil: In Brazil, tracking the Big Five: giant otter
- 30/08/13: Wales: Scientists seek public's help to track otters along Welsh coast
[Otter Joy: Illustrated with a picture of the late Beenie, a beautiful Asian Small-Clawed Otter. Of course, the scientists are tracking the Eurasian Otter...] - 29/08/13: California: Sea otter populations could be key to carbon sequestration
- 29/08/13: West Midlands: Otter Juggles Rocks
- 28/08/13: London: Otters in the Lea Valley: just another anglers� tale?
- 26/08/13: Illinois: 23-year-old Alaska otter dies at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium
- 26/08/13: California: Sea otters promote recovery of seagrass beds
- 23/08/13: Canada: Peanut Butter the otter happy with new home in wildlife park
- 22/08/13: Oregon: The distinction between beaver or river otter
- 15/08/13: Washington: When otters attack: Wildlife officer gets 'unusual' call
[Otter Joy: She invaded THEIR territory. What happens in America if someone invades a person's home? I believe that in many states, the home owner is entitled to shoot the invader...] - 13/08/13: Washington: Otter pups get wellness checks at Woodland Park Zoo
- 11/08/13: Pennsylvania: Bobcats, fishers and river otters, once on the ropes in the state, are now firmly
established and growing
[Otter Joy: And now, inevitably, the Americans are looking forward to killing them for fun and profit again.] - 02/08/13: Scotland: Lothian blaze zoo donations over �90,000
- 03/08/13: Cumbria: Welcome the urban otter to your town as numbers grow
[Otter Joy: illustrated with a Giant Otter from South America - I'd be very surprised if that was what the driver saw!] - 02/08/13: West Midlands: Welcome the urban otter to your town as numbers grow
- 01/08/13: California: Formerly Oiled Sea Otter a Mom Again
- 30/07/13: California: Lawsuit challenges sea otter boundary change
[Otter Joy: see Steve Shimek's comment "It's a simple fact that sea otters and abalone coexisted for thousands of years, ....It wasn't until man came along with scuba gear and pry bars that the abalone were decimated] - 28/07/13: California: River otter researchers want reports of sightings in Sacramento area
- 26/07/13: Japan: We go to shake hands with an otter, it�s like that scene in E.T. but way cuter!
- 19/07/13: Washington: Sea otter plays tricks, teases cattle dog
- 19/07/13: Alaska: Sea Otter pups on display at ASLC
- 19/07/13: Gloucestershire: Prince Harry, Prince William, and the otters
- 17/07/13: Minnesota: �Curious and charismatic� Zhoosh dies at Duluth's Great Lakes Aquarium
- 16/07/13: Durham: County Durham otter population making 'natural' recovery
- 14/07/13: United Kingdom: Forty Percent of Otters in England and Wales May Be Infected with Parasitic Disease Toxoplasmosis
- 13/07/13: Japan: Marine park offers chance to shake hands with a loveable otter
- 13/07/13: California: Sea otter has a good ol' time harassing increasingly frustrated dog
- 10/07/13: Montana: FWP warns public after otter attack near West Yellowstone
- 10/07/13: Oregon: Playful otter art by Lynsey Douglas is on display now at Insomnia Coffee in Hillsboro
- 09/07/13: Canada: Sea otters sighted off Langara Island
- 04/07/13: Shetland: Countryfile goes otter tracking in Fetlar
- 03/07/13: Durham: Three-legged thief is caught on camera
- 03/07/13: California: River otters are here to stay � at the Aquarium of the Bay
- 03/07/13: California: Morro Bay otter trio, including rare twin pups, may be down to two
- 28/06/13: California: Sea otter deaths remind boaters to be more careful
- 28/06/13: Durham: Is Stumpy the city otter stranded in Durham by leg injury?
- 28/06/13: Wales: Cardiff University Otter Project under threat after funds pulled
- 28/06/13: Surrey: Delight at photo thought to show wild otter pup
- 28/06/13: California: Tiny Sea Otter Siblings Fight the Odds
- 28/06/13: Essex: Otter pup loose in Chelmsford 'could die', wildlife officers warn
- 27/06/13: California: Boaters urged to lower speeds in sea otter-rich habitat
- 25/06/13: Washington: Last surviving otter from Exxon Valdez spill euthanized at Tacoma zoo
- 24/06/13: New Jersey: Two Zoo Otters Found Dead
- 19/06/13: Wyoming: Cutthroat decline felt by Yellowstone river otters
- 18/06/13: Norfolk: Thetford - Concern for otters following diesel spill in River Thet
- 18/06/13: California: Once near extinction, returning sea otters making a splash
- 18/06/13: California: Scientists tackle otters' great white concern
- 18/06/13: California: River Otters in the Marin Headlands
- 17/06/13: United Kingdom: Nasty parasites turn up in dead otters [Cardiff Otter Project]
- 16/06/13: Ireland: These water babies are our local celebrities
- 15/06/13: United Kingdom: 'Roadkill map': Cardiff scientists ask public to report animal bodies [Cardiff Otter Project]
- 12/06/13: Australia: Perth Zoo otter pups blooming
- 07/06/13: Shropshire: Shropshire wildlife enthusiast discovers unusual otter behaviour
- 06/06/13: Scotland: Five Sisters Zoo handed boost after donation of otter
[Otter Joy: nice story .... apart from putting them in together straight away. They got away with it but could just as easily ended up with a dead otter. Really BAD husbandry decision which they got lucky with] - 04/06/13: India: Dwindling otter count worrisome
[Otter Joy: This has been reported by Indian wildlife organisations for years, but nothing has been done, rather like with the tiger - lots of talk, no action. When the Japanese otter was going extinct, there were lots of surveys discovering it was happening, and lots of media reports - but nothing was done to stop it. Wildlife Protection Society of India produced a DVD in 2003 about the otter situation which sums it all up: " And then there were none...." - 04/06/13: Missouri: Potter Park Zoo Welcomes Three Otter Pups
- 01/06/13: Isle of Man: Have you seen an otter?
[Otter Joy: In 2010, a North American River Otter escaped from Currough Zoo. I wonder if it was ever recaptured, and if not, whether this is that otter] - 01/06/13: Norfolk: Have you been a spotter of this otter in Norwich city centre?
- 01/06/13: Norfolk: How otters have sparked Norfolk town [Thetford] tourism boost
- 30/05/13: Maine: Orphaned otter rescued, gets new family
- 29/05/13: UK: Killing in the Name of Sport
[Otter Joy: Totally agree] - 28/05/13: Florida: Otter Art at the zoo
- 23/05/13: Georgia: Georgia Aquarium launches sea otter encounter
- 22/05/13: Wisconsin: Sister Bay - Readers confirm 'seal' sighting was an otter
- 21/05/13: California: Sea otter spotted in Huntington Harbour
- 21/05/13: London: The Wild Side - A look at the watery world of the otter
- 21/05/13: Florida: Wildlife Sightings - River Otter Plays in the Sun
- 20/05/13: Scotland: Sponsored �otter walk�
- 17/05/13: Colorado: River otters, bald eagles move into Summit County
- 17/05/13: North Carolina: Nature Center Ottercam is live
- 17/05/13: Montana: ZooMontana Otters Learning To Swim
- 16/05/13: Colorado: Otter gets youthful pal at Denver Zoo
- 15/05/13: Surrey: Otters breed in Surrey 'for first time in 40 years'
- 14/05/13: Devon: That sure is a lotta otter...
[Otter Joy: That is a very, very fat otter ... he needs a POC training regime] - 13/05/13: California: River otters are making a comeback in the Bay Area
- 12/05/13: Norfolk: The pike was huge, but not huge enough to fight off an otter
- 10/05/13: Oregon: Tilly, the zoo's river otter, is this year's 'Mother of the Year'
- 10/05/13: United Kingdom: The otter: return of the elusive movie star
- 09/05/13: Somerset: A walk on the wild side right outside your door
- 09/05/13: California: Three New Otter Pups on Exhibit at Oakland Zoo
- 08/05/13: Colorado: Boulder pond rehab work on hold -- otter, or no otter
- 07/05/13: California: Aquarium of the Bay Announces New North American River Otter Exhibit
- 30/04/13: Washington: �Otterly� Aquatic
- 30/04/13: Washington: Oak Harbor marina otters won�t be trapped, just annoyed
- 29/04/13: Malaysia: Otter jumps in car and refuses to leave
[Otter Joy: This is plainly a tame Asian Small-Clawed otter - they were at a wildlife sanctuary apparently.] - 29/04/13: Kansas: New baby otters make debut at Lee Richardson Zoo
- 25/04/13: Washington: See An Adorable Otter Get Released Back Into the Wild By PAWS
- 19/04/13: Scotland: �Gutted� Dundee fish owner blames otter for pet�s death
[Otter Joy: 16 koi in that tiny pond? Either the fish were tiny or they were desperately overcrowded. My neighbour's cat took all of my fish out of a pond twice the size of that one! But blaming otters is sooooo fashionable and so much easier and cheaper than keeping fish responsibly] - 19/04/13: Alaska: Draft Southeast Sea Otter Population Assessment Out
- 18/04/13: Alaska: Sea otter transporter changes plea, sentenced
- 16/04/13: Suffolk: The rise of the otter
- 16/04/13: Scotland: Glazier offers help to ravaged zoo
- 15/04/13: Scotland: Zoo donations boost after blaze
- 15/04/13: Scotland: Heartbroken keeper tells of desperate bid to save animals during horror blaze
at Scottish zoo
[Otter Joy: Poor little otters! If they had had an outside enclosure to run to, they might have escaped to safety - 15/04/13: Pennsylvania: Wildlife DNA lab receives $18K grant to research river otters
- 14/04/13: Scotland: Fire fund set up after meerkats, otter and other animals die in blaze at family-run Scottish zoo
- 12/04/13: Pennsylvania: Penn State student uses a non-invasive technique to obtain DNA samples from elusive river otters in the area
- 12/04/13: USA: New Diseases, Toxins Harming Marine Life
- 11/04/13: Massachusetts: Skunknett�s pocket wilderness: Otters and fishers
- 10/04/13: Surrey: Tilgate Nature Centre otter chooses its own name
- 09/04/13: Alaska: Senators debate otter bounty legality
[Otter Joy: And Americans are surprised the Europeans don't think of them as world leaders ... ] - 07/04/13: Florida: Otters seen in downtown Orlando lake
- 07/04/13: Oregon: Mom uses tough-love for baby otter�s swimming lessons
- 05/04/13: Washington: Director of fishes: Best option for river otters in Oak Harbor is relocation
[Otter Joy: Or apparently killing them. You invade otter habitat, and destroy and degrade it and lo and behold the animals congregate in the bit that's left - but you want that too! Inconvenient for you - life or death for them.] - 05/04/13: California: Boaters Urged to Go Slow for Sea Otters
- 05/04/13: Washington: Seattle Aquarium event celebrates affectionate sea otters
- 04/04/13: Canada: Now is the best time for seeing River Otters
- 04/04/13: Oregon: Oregon Zoo's Baby River Otter 'Mo' Getting Swimming Lessons
- 04/04/13: Washington: Oak Harbor mulling whether to kill pesky otters
[Otter Joy: Yes, they are ANIMALS not mechanical Disney automata] - 04/04/13: Colorado: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo says Boulder otter likely isn't their missing Kitchi
- 03/04/13: Darlington: Has tide turned against otters?
[Otter Joy: the UK press seems to have decided to turn public opinion against otters which is very odd given that the public are not playing along. A powerful and wealthy lobby exercising its ability to influence the press perhaps? It's very peculiar and flies in the face of public opinion....] - 02/04/13: Colorado: Boulder confirms first North American river otter sighting in a century
- 01/04/13: Montana: ZooMontana welcomes two baby otters to the family
- 01/04/13: Alaska: How does kelp complicate the sea otter equation?
- 31/03/13: Norfolk: Paparazzi reception for an elusive star of the natural world � the otter
- 27/03/13: Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University boat club plans would have "tragic" impact on otters
- 27/03/13: West Midlands: Canal and River Trust to help otters in West Midlands
- 26/03/13: California: Otter research money in peril
- 25/03/13: Suffolk: Otters simply looking for easy dinner
- 23/03/13: California: Fresno zoo's new African Otter exhibit
- 22/03/13: California: Sea lion finds refuge on kayak after Moss Landing otter attack
- 22/03/13: Wales: Millennium Coastal Park: Toad deaths blamed on otters
- 22/03/13: Canada: Vancouver Aquarium takes in rescued baby otter
- 21/03/13: Staffordshire: Volunteers repair Otter holt in Wolesey Bridge
- 20/03/13: Alaska: Sea otters not to blame for shellfish decline
- 19/03/13: New York: Naming Contest for 4 Newborn Otters to the Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center
- 19/03/13: California: Otters move into their new aquarium home
- 17/03/13: Teeside: Otters have devastated our fish stock, say Teesside anglers
[Otter Joy: Be sure to read the comments - public opinion, as in so many of these newspaper reports, is definitely on the side of the otters!] - 15/03/13: Oregon: Meet Mo, Oregon Zoo's river otter pup
- 14/03/13: Massachusetts: On the Hunt for Elusive Island Otters
- 14/03/13: Cambridgeshire: Numbers up for predators
- 13/03/13: Scotland: SSPCA rescue orphaned otter cub from Carluke garden
- 13/03/13: Alaska: Assembly covers SEAPA, sea otter bounty
[Otter Joy: And soon sea otters in Alaska will be back on the endangered list, and there will be a lot of very rich Alaskans] - 13/03/13: Sussex: Animal Antics - Tilgate Nature Centre: Name that otter!
- 12/03/13: California: Hey, no junk food for you! Mother otter snatches cookie packet away from its offspring
- 12/03/13: California: Pupping season begins in Monterey Bay
- 10/03/13: California: Celebrity otter immortalized in children�s book
- 07/03/13: California: Sutro Sam the river otter leaves Sutro Baths home in SF
- 06/03/13: Lancashire: Otters steal the show at Meningitis Trust Family Day
- 06/03/13: Oregon: Oregon Coast Aquarium sea otter that made medical history dies in Newport
- 06/03/13: Canada: You otter see this: Vancouver Aquarium upgrades webcams
- 06/03/13: New Hampshire: Signs show otters among us
- 05/03/13: Oregon: Two otters have new home at Bend museum
- 05/03/13: Arizona: Otter at Reid Park Zoo dies, its cause of death unknown
- 28/02/13: Wales: Fish farmer Brian Dobson loses High Court compensation case
[Otter Joy: Note the Judge's comment "the agency did not have a duty of care to inform Mr Dobson that there were otters in the area and it was up to him to find that out for himself."] - 28/02/13: Japan: Otter cub is newest star at Japanese aquarium
- 25/02/13: Wales: Environment Agency sued over carp-eating otters
[Otter Joy: He set up an unfenced fish farm in an otter stronghold, an area where otters never declined and then was shocked that they ate his fish ....] - 24/02/13: United Kingdom: Chemicals linked to problems with otters' penis bones
- 24/02/13: United Kingdom: Chemicals linked to problems with otters' penis bones
- 22/02/13: Alaska: University hosts sea otter symposium
- 21/02/13: California: Fresno Chaffee Zoo otter exhibit to open in March
[Otter Joy: Spotted-Necked Otters, for a change] - 21/02/13: Alaska: Alaska state senator proposes bounty on sea otters
[Otter Joy: i.e. kill the otters to keep the dollars] - 20/02/13: Japan: Sightings soar of supposedly extinct Japanese otter
- 19/02/13: Oregon: Oregon Zoo sea otter stays fit by shooting hoops (video)
- 19/02/13: New York: Baby Otters Born At Aquarium
- 11/02/13: California: River otter's rising popularity putting him at risk
- 10/02/13: Guyana: Giant River Otter In The Rainforest
- 08/02/13: Scotland: Separate otter and badger tunnels under Forth Bridge roads to stop the fur flying
- 08/02/13: Surrey: Adopt animal for your valentine, says charity
- 07/02/13: Texas: Otter Sighting in Freestone County
- 03/02/13: Missouri: The ever-curious river otter
- 02/02/13: California: Veterinarian Melissa Miller runs a sea otter CSI at UCSC's Long Marine Lab
- 02/02/13: California: Help Save California's Endangered Species at Tax Time!
- 02/02/13: Norfolk: Killer otter devastates Thetford couple after killing scores of their prize fish
[Otter Joy: Read the comments below - lots of sensible points made. Looks like the UK press have decided to demonise otters for being animals, but the public appear to be on the otter's side - if it was an otter. Koi are worth a lot of money and there is certainly a trade in stolen fish] - 01/02/13: Tyne & Wear: Otters aid Sunderland�s success in tourism “Oscars”.
- 31/01/13: California: Otter Project lawsuit against state regulators takes question of ag pollution to the courts.
- 30/01/13: Scotland: Hawick otter "like the local dog"
- 29/01/13: Taiwan: Otter found on Kinmen
- 26/01/13: Alaska: Four face charges related to illegal sea otter parts
- 26/01/13: Ireland: Where otters dare, all is right with the natural world
- 25/01/13: Durham: Otter project in North-East coming to an end
- 24/01/13: Kent: Our otters love skating across frozen ponds
- 23/01/13: California: Sea Otters May Return to Southern California
- 23/01/13: California: How volunteer became a real-life otter pop
- 23/01/13: Canada: Sea otter biologist gives special SSIC presentation on 1st Feb
- 22/01/13: Thailand: Parks officials seize 11 otters at airport
[Otter Joy: Eleven baby otters were stuffed into a suitcase and appear to have been intended for the illegal pet trade in Japan. Dead baby otters are often found in the rubbish bins at Japanese airports where they obviously did not survive the flight. This is a heinous trade.] - 22/01/13: Alaska: Local man pleads guilty to illegal otter kill
- 21/01/13: Washington: New Asian otter arrives at Woodland Park Zoo
- 20/01/13: Scotland: Ada the otter is thriving at last
- 20/01/13: United Kingdom: Sad to see the tide turn against the otter
[Otter Joy: Be sure to read the comments especially SteB1 who posts several times to give the facts, with references you can follow up, to counteract the mistakes in the main article which seem to be based on the religious mania of some anglers who worship large carp and are determined to destroy every living thing that gets in the way of their fun] - 19/01/13: Netherlands: Otter arrives in Flevoland
- 18/01/13: Georgia: Otter doesn�t care who wins NFC Championship Game, just likes playing with football (video)
- 18/01/13: United Kingdom: Photographer�s Journal: Up Close and Personal with British Otters
- 18/01/13: Alaska: Haida hunter gets fine, home confinement
- 17/01/13: Gwynedd: Fishery owner suing Environment Agency after otters put him out of business
[Otter Joy: Bear in mind that this is an area of the UK where otters never declined in numbers - so no "extra" otters are present. Perhaps a better fence? After all if you open a Porsche dealership, it's usual to not just leave your stock on the streets with the keys in the ignition ....] - 16/01/13: Washington: World's smallest otter species arrives at Zoo
- 16/01/13: Cambridge: Otter numbers up but more killed on roads
- 16/01/13: Scotland: Calvert Marine Museum Hosting �Otter Day� 21st January
- 15/01/13: Scotland: Tiny otter cub recovering after being found close to death in car park
- 14/01/13: Northumberland: Santa brings an unusual gift to vets
- 13/01/13: Durham: Recruits needed for Durham Wildlife Trust otter survey
- 12/01/13: Norfolk: Fenland farm builds third otter holt
- 12/01/13: California: Gender Of Famous Sea Otter's Baby Revealed
- 04/01/13: California: Why Are There Otters in Danville?
- 03/01/13: California: Marin Group Says �Sutro Sam� the River Otter Making San Francisco His Home
- 03/01/13: Derbyshire: Otterly adorable! Baby otters orphaned in the recent floods now right as rain after being rescued by animal sanctuary
- 02/01/13: Alaska: Study: Otters eating urchins reduces greenhouse gas
- 26/12/12: California: Sea Otters May Be the Next Major Enviro Success Story Off Malibu�s Coast
- 26/12/12: California: 2013 Is the Year of the Otter for California
- 26/12/12: California: 2013 Is the Year of the Otter for California
- 26/12/12: California: UCSC biologist: Sea otters could help fight climate change
- 24/12/12: Herefordshire: Rescued otter to be released
- 21/12/12: Tyne & Wear: Sunderland otters caught playing in the Wear
- 21/12/12: Yorkshire: Rare otter sighting at Tophill Low water treatment works near Driffield
- 19/12/12: Cumbria: Eagle-eyed Lake District walker helps women save otter pups
- 19/12/12: Sussex: Some like it otter on the TV
- 19/12/12: California: Officials end 'no-otter' zone south of Point Conception
- 15/12/12: California: Small otters coming to Fresno Chaffee Zoo
- 13/12/12: Scotland: When a dozing otter steals the show
- 12/12/12: Devon: Who's bringing the chips? Hungry otter keeps warm by tucking into hearty fish supper on the coldest day of the year
- 10/12/12: New York: A gentle resident appears on candid camera
- 10/12/12: California: Why Sea Otters Sued California's State Water Board
- 07/12/12: Yorkshire: Tophill Low nature reserve otters flooded out of home
- 06/12/12: North Carolina: Grandfather Mountain�s Santee the Otter dies at 13
- 05/12/12: California: Friends of the Sea Otter Gears Up for New Battles
- 04/12/12: Illinois: Meet the Dancing Otter That Helped Obama Win the Presidency
- 03/12/12: California: Sea Otters Sue State Water Resources Control Board
- 29/11/12: California: Otters Spotted In Martinez Lake
- 29/11/12: Indiana: River otters making big comeback in Indiana
[OtterJoy: And this is BAD NEWS for otters - already in the moral and ethical vacuum that is the USA, people speak of the need to "manage" ie kill for profit the otters because they can make money from it, and because the otters are eating the fish that they have eaten for thousands of years before money making humans arrived - the fish that could otherwise be making more money for Americans. As far as I can tell, the God they refer to in "One Nation Under God" is the dollar. It certainly isn't the Christian God who made people to be stewards and gardeners not butchers and moneygrabbers] - 21/11/12: Devon: Otter Fierce lived up to nickname
- 20/11/12: Dorset: Otter cubs head for the water - but they need to learn how to swim
- 20/11/12: Lancashire: Heysham to M6 link road 'could disturb otters'
- 19/11/12: California: 11-Year-Old Sea Otter Dies At Monterey Bay Aquarium
- 16/11/12: Lancashire: Chris Packham backs campaign to save otters
- 16/11/12: Florida: At the Jacksonville Zoo, it's boy meets girl in the giant otter exhibit
- 15/11/12: Lancashire: TV star backs M6-link otters
- 14/11/12: California: PG&E-funded otter study to go on despite setback from California Coastal Commission
- 13/11/12: Durham: Otters making a comeback at Bishop Auckland nature reserve
- 12/11/12: California: Feds close to lifting sea otter ban off SoCal coast: Environmental report calls attempts to keep otters out of Southern California waters 'futile'
- 12/11/12: Lancashire: County Council: "We See No Otters"
- 10/11/12: Nottingham: You've g-otter believe it!
- 09/11/12: California: Sea otter study available for the public
- 07/11/12: California: 2 orphaned river otters return home to wild
- 07/11/12: Wiltshire: Longleat goes wild over otter sighting
- 06/11/12: Alaska: Otter rescue all in a day’s work for UAA Kachemak Bay biologist
- 04/11/12: Alaska: SeaLife Center Rescues Sea Otter Pup
- 03/11/12: Alaska: Sea otter jumps on boat to escape killer whales in Alaska
- 02/11/12: Yorkshire: Otters returning to Wharfedale
- 31/10/12: Cheshire: Hallowe�en surprise for otters at the Blue Planet Aquarium
- 30/10/12: Norfolk: Mischievous otter sparks warning in Reedham
- 30/10/12: Washington: Northwest Wanderings: 1989 oil-spill otter outlives them all
- 27/10/12: Scotland: In the otter's domain
- 25/10/12: Lancashire: M6 link otters hitch
- 25/10/12: Yorkshire: Caught on camera: secret life of Tophill Low nature reserve
- 25/10/12: Alaska: I.Sea.U takes in stranded sea otter pup
- 24/10/12: Alaska: Otter pup rescued from Kachemak Bay Drive
- 22/10/12: Lincolnshire: ‘Bring otters to the Trent’
- 22/10/12: California: An Otter's Tale
- 20/10/12: Australia: Dentist pulls one out of the bag to help ailing Asian otter
- 19/10/12: Alaska: The Alaska SeaLife Center Welcomes Stranded Sea Otter Pup to I.Sea.U
- 17/10/12: Scotland: Otter cub recovering after being carried from garden by dog
- 15/10/12: California: River otters making comeback in Bay Area
- 14/10/12: California: Otters off SLO County tagged for reactions to seismic tests
- 12/10/12: Sussex: Tiny Otter pup ventures outside for first time
- 11/10/12: New York: River Otter at the NYS Zoo passes away
- 10/10/12: California: Otter at Sutro Baths ruins captured in photos and video
- 10/10/12: Illinois: Otter, survivor of oil spill, passes away at Shedd Aquarium
- 08/10/12: Minnesota: Duluth aquarium otters paint -- and their artwork is for sale
- 06/10/12: California: Fine Living: Pools that even an otter will love
- 05/10/12: Minnesota: Otters at Great Lakes Aquarium are artists
- 03/10/12: Scotland: Oriental Short Clawed Otter Pups At Edinburgh Zoo
- 02/10/12: Florida: Otters Assist In Marriage Proposal At Museum Of Discovery & Science
- 01/10/12: Lincolnshire: Otter dies in illegal trap in River Welland
- 29/09/12: Linconshire: Otter spotted in Brigsley could be behind koi carp deaths
[Otter Joy: so the carp are £100 each and 200m of electric fence currently costs less than £200 at The solution is obvious.....] - 21/09/12: California: Cute, Clever, Connected: Otter 501 Movie is Redefining “Revolutionary”
- 20/09/12: California: Oregon Zoo steps up for sea otter preservation
- 19/09/12: Cornwall: In search of the elusive otter: so near, and yet tantalisingly just out of reach
- 18/09/12: California: Biologists Track Olive The Otter And Pup
- 17/09/12: California: The State of California’s Sea Otters
- 17/09/12: Australia: Baby otters make Perth Zoo debut
- 16/09/12: New Jersey: 6 Adorable Baby Otters Join Six Flags Menagerie
- 14/09/12: Florida: Coral Springs Family Finds Frolicking Otters in Backyard
- 14/09/12: California: “Nurtured by Nature” is a group you otter know
- 13/09/12: United Kingdom: Miriam Darlington’s top 10 literary otters
- 14/09/12: California: “Nurtured by Nature” is a group you otter know
- 12/09/12: Scotland: Bid to reduce otter carnage on Highland roads
- 12/09/12: Pennsylvania: River Otter Attack Prompts Warning From PA Game Commission
- 11/09/12: California: Olive the formerly oiled sea otter has a pup in tow
- 10/09/12: Massachusetts: Down to Earth: What we otter do to help
- 08/09/12: California: Sea Otters To Combat Climate Change?
- 08/08/12: South Carolina: Appreciating the otters among us
- 07/09/12: Scotland: Terry Nutkins dies of leukaemia at 66: tributes pour in
[Otter Joy: Terry worked with Gavin Maxwell and famously lost two fingers to Edal the otter] - 06/09/12: New Jersey: Baby otters make the scene at theme park
- 05/09/12: South Carolina: Appreciating the otters among us
- 02/09/12: Japan: Japan’s lost wildlife lives on in haiku
- 02/09/12: India: ‘Who owns earth’ & otter stories
- 31/08/12: Devon: In search of the elusive otter
- 30/08/12: Yorkshire: Otters give squeaky clean Dales river vote of confidence
- 29/08/12: Cornwall: What 'Otter-ly' amazing animals...
- 28/08/12: Calfornia: Otter rescued from Main Beach Monday treated and will be released back into wild
- 28/08/12: Japan: Environment Ministry declares Japanese river otter extinct
[Otter Joy: it was last seen in 1979] - 24/08/12: Cornwall: Baby otters born at Newquay Zoo
- 22/08/12: Ireland: Shannon the otter gets released back into the wild
- 22/08/12: California: Orphaned Otters Find a Home
- 22/08/12: Wiltshire: Otter a surprise visitor to army kitchen
- 22/08/12: Florida: Central Florida Zoo to open new otter exhibit
- 22/08/12: California: Sharks one cause of southern sea otters’ endangered status - USGS survey shows otter population growth stalling
- 21/08/12: Washington: Sea what I can do! Nellie the otter shows off her cup-stacking skills
- 15/08/12: Gloucestshire: Author Daphne re-publishes otter children's book after 30 years
[Otter Joy: This is a really nice book for children. Read review.... ] - 15/08/12: Scotland: Otter at Loch Lomond Sea Life Aquarium is frightened of water
- 15/08/12: Canada: Orphaned otters from Maple Ridge learn to fish
- 15/08/12: Lancashire: Three baby otters born at Martin Mere Wetland Centre
- 14/08/12: Indiana: Potawatomi zoo otter gets root canal
- 12/08/12: Canada: ‘Otterly’ amazing creatures of the sea
- 11/08/12: Canada: Injured otter rescued from U.S. dies at Vancouver Aquarium
- 10/08/12: Scotland: Otter watching in Islay
- 03/08/12: Minnesota: When Otters Attack
[Otter Joy: It seems that the otter was probably defending cubs. Just like people defend their children. Animals live in territories - they don’t understand the human's “right” to invade their territory at will] - 03/08/12: Scotland: Otters discovered at Dumbarton community woodland
- 03/08/12: Canada: Injured sea otter resting
- 02/08/12: Minnesota: 2nd Woman Attacked By Otter In Minn.
- 02/08/12: California: Monterey Bay Aquarium's sea otter ’Super Mom‘ has died
- 31/07/12: Essex: Smooth Otter cubs born at Colchester Zoo
- 27/07/12: Pakistan: Say cheese: New spy cameras help catch smooth otters in the act
- 27/07/12: Bedfordshire: Fire crews called to rescue otter in Arlesey
- 25/07/12: Scotland: Baby otter saved as mother vanishes
- 25/07/12: Cheshire: Baby otters are Olympic stars
- 22/07/12: Hampshire: Giant otter Akuri set to swap Hampshire for Trinidad
- 20/07/12: California: ‘Seababy’ tells about Monterey Bay Aquarium’s otter-preservation program
- 19/07/12: Devon: Trail of the otter
- 13/07/12: USA: Social Media Cuteness Sells Sea Otter Film and Cause
- 13/07/12: Scotland: Let the battle commence: Otters stand up against mink invasion
- 13/07/12: Minnesota: Woman attacked by otter in Duluth lake
- 11/07/12: Alaska: Swimming in Sea Otters
- 10/07/12: California: Surveys show respect for state's marine reserves: Otter Project volunteers monitoring coastal activity
- 10/07/12: USA: for Animals
- 09/07/12: Lincolnshire: Freshney Otters
- 07/07/12: New York: Newest member of the NYS Zoo at Thompson Park�s otter family now on display
- 03/07/12: California: Olive the Oiled Otter Rescued From Monterey Beach is Expecting
- 02/07/12: United Kingdom: Skye charity concerned about UK otter numbers
- 02/07/12: Cheshire: Dutch conservationists get tips from wildlife trust
- 29/06/12: Alaska: Otter study to examine habitat differences in Southeast
- 25/06/12: North Dakota: Red River Zoo to build river otter exhibit
- 25/06/12: Kent: Co-operative’s habiltat Heroes hailed a success
- 24/06/12: Illinois: River otter’s return
- 20/06/12: California: Scientists Investigate Mysterious Decline Of California Sea Otters
- 20/06/12: Germany: Animal Oracles Chase Perfect Score
- 19/06/12: California: Coastal Commission to End ‘No Otter’ Zone
- 19/06/12: California: Otter Project seeks volunteers: ‘MPA Projectr’ aims to document human activity
- 19/06/12: Virginia: Virginia Aquarium's baby otter has a new name - Sheldon
- 15/06/12: Nebraska: Meet the zoo's new otter pup
- 13/06/12: California: Monterey Bay Aquarium welcomes new sea otter
- 09/06/12: Alaska: Researchers seek data about fishermen's rivals: Otters
[Otter Joy: NB sea otters are not an introduced species but a native one that was wiped out by the fur trade - they were there first and form a necessary part of the ecology] - 08/06/12: Germany: Cleaner in hospital after giant otter attack
[Otter Joy: a horrible experience for all involved - all otters are predators and a giant otter is a really big one - screaming and runnng away from a dog could have the same result] - 07/06/12: Michigan: Baby otters make splash at Detroit Zoo today
- 01/06/12: California: Tragedy strikes Greenbrae River Otter clan
- 30/05/12: California: Greenbrae neighbors rescue ailing baby river otter
- 30/05/12: Norfolk: Illegal crayfish traps killing otters on the Broads
- 30/05/12: Virginia: Va. Aquarium adopts baby otter, asks for name ideas
- 28/05/12: California: Sea policy needed for otter's sake
[Otter Joy: It appears some US politician thinks 3000 otters threaten 2.7 million Californians and will bring the US military to their knees. Pretty good going for an animal the size of a big dog
but wait - could it be just possible that he is thinking of the votes of abalone fishermen rather that the animals that help create the environment the abalones need to survive but then wickedly eat some themselves thus denying profits to the capitalist?] - 28/05/12: New York: Meet Brooklyn�s new awwww-ters
- 28/05/12: Florida: CROW releases 6 baby otters back into the wild
[Otter Joy: They are actually not babies but about 9 months old. A bit young really ... considering they would have stayed with their mother for at least 18 months] - 25/05/12: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium's Sea Otter Pup Makes Public Debut
- 22/05/12: London: Animal lovers otter pop down to Wetland Centre, Barnes
- 22/05/12: Scotland: Otter cubs thriving after heavy rain rescue
- 21/05/12: Dorset: Otterly charming pair of otters at Bournemouth's Oceanarium
- 19/05/12: Wales: Cardiff Bay residents claim water ski park plan would blight otters and other wildlife
[Otter Joy: Illustrated with Beenie, the Asian Small-Clawed otter; I never heard her views on water skiing....] - 17/05/12: Cornwall: Otter investigation a must before building work begins
- 11/05/12: Staffordshire: South Staffordshire College students discover otters living on campus.
- 09/05/12: Cornwall: Spotted: Impatient otter stops for a bit of lunch in Fowey
- 03/05/12: Norfolk: Kieran names �sweet otters�
- 29/04/12: USA: Federal agency kills 7,800 animals by mistake in steel body-grip traps
[Otter Joy: 84% of otters killed by the US government were killed by mistake - over 2500 animals since 2006
Makes it hard to take US-based conservation organisations seriously .... ] - 28/04/12: Colorado: 2 Asian small-clawed otters making themselves comfortable at Denver Zoo; Debut set for June 1
- 27/04/12: Yorkshire: Hidden lenses reveal dale�s wild behaviour
- 26/04/12: Somerset: Otters in Uphill... ...and on iwitness24
- 23/04/12: Pennsylvania: FedEx Special Delivery Helps Orphaned Sea Otter Pup Find New Home at Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
- 22/04/12: Devon: Otter cub rescued from Exeter storm drain
- 11/04/12:Staffordshire: Rare visitor is a 'star' turn
- 11/04/12:Leicestershire: Sheer joy as otter population booms
- 11/04/12: California: The Otter and the Perch
- 11/04/12: Lincolnshire: Louth area otter workshops
- 10/04/12: Norfolk: Name these cute-looking otter cubs and win a prize
- 10/04/12: California: Time to save the sea otter with tax checkoff is running out
- 05/04/12: Scotland: Baby Otter Nursery Writes Recipe for a Long and Healthy Life
- 05/04/12: Canada: Wilder the otter enjoys smelt dinners
- 04/04/12: California: In Tilden Park�s Jewel Lake: Spotting a rare river otter
- 04/04/12: California: Otter crossing signs go up in Corte Madera and Larkspur after 2 killed
- 04/04/12: Norfolk: Coarse fishing season ends on high note
[Otter Joy: A sensible angler who sees otters in a realistic perspective]
- 04/04/12: Lincolnshire: Otters spotted along River Ancholme as major conference planned on Humber Estuary
[Otter Joy: Once again illustrated with a nice Asian Small-Clawed otter, not the native British Otter] - 30/03/12: Germany: Bridge modernisation has to consider otters (which have never been seen there) (in German)
English Translation
- 30/03/12: Canada: Television icon funds enclosure for Aspen Valley
- 30/03/12: California: New environmental conservation website is otter-ly informative
- 30/03/12: California: Aquarium's Rescued Sea Otter Pup: That Toothy Grin
- 29/03/12: Netherlands: Maasvlakte 2 - Otter Fossils from North Sea Are 9000 Years Old (The Netherlands)
- 29/03/12: Scotland: Baby otters rescued from post office and restaurant to be released
[Otter Joy: Not until they are at least a year old ... Otters normally stay with their mother till they are around 18 months old]
- 27/03/12: California: Santa Cruz County's celebrity otter, Olive, spotted in Capitola after several months' absence
- 27/03/12: Canada: Wild ARC releases healed otter on a secluded beach in Oak Bay
- 22/03/12: Scotland: Activist Spotlight: Paul Yoxon Befriends Otters Around the World
- 22/03/12: Illinois: Non-Native Chicago Wildlife: meeting Cayucos
- 22/03/12: Virginia: Virginia Aquarium euthanizes 2nd 18-year-old otter
- 21/03/12: Netherlands: Otters, only back in the last ten years, are already threatened with extinction again (in Dutch)
English Translation
[Otter Joy: mysteriously illustrated with a Giant Otter from the Amazon - the article discusses the Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra] - 21/03/12: Ireland: Sculpture unveiled in Ashford
- 20/03/12: California: Lakes to blame for sea otter deaths
- 19/03/12: Alaska: House passes southeast sea otter management resolution
Otter Joy: To imply growing otter numbers need management is bad science and blatant manipulation. What they actually mean is "We want to unsustainably take more abalone etc than the system can support so we will kill our competitors to ensure our profits stay high". Otter numbers left alone would stabilise in response to food supply, like all other natural systems.
- 19/03/12: India: How tiny otters survive in agricultural India
- 19/03/12: Germany: Bustling residential community : Z00 Binturongs and short clawed otters - Southeast Asian species are teaming up in Heidelberg (in German)
English Translation
- 16/03/12: Alaska: Stranded sea otter pup gets second chance
- 15/03/12: Staffordshire: Otter is caught on camera
- 14/03/12: Germany: Nemo is a guest on the "Stefan Raab Show" (in German)
English Translation
- 14/03/12: Virginia: Elder otter at Va. Aquarium dies
- 12/03/12: Philadelphia: Extensive Taste Loss Found in Mammals: Feeding Preferences Shaped by Taste Receptors
- 09/03/12: New Jersey: Otters at the Shore, in the Navesink
- 08/03/12: Scotland: Scotland failing to protect precious wildlife, warns government agency
- 05/03/12: California: Sea Otters in Crosshairs of Gallegly Bill
- 04/03/12: Illinois: Patch Gets Up Close with Shedd's Orphaned Baby Sea Otter
- 03/03/12: Hampshire: Day Out: New Forest Wildlife Park
- 03/03/12: California: Sea otter Toola, surrogate mother to Monterey Bay Aquarium's pups, dies
- 02/03/12: Lincolnshire: Otter found dead in Sibsey waterway
- 29/02/12: Vietnam: Rescuing wildlife: the family of water rats (Part 1)
[Otter Joy: They are actually otters!]
- 29/02/12: Derbyshire: Quality award for Chapel animal park
- 29/02/12: Scotland: An otter walks into a restaurant�and is picked up by the SSPCA
- 27/02/12: Washington: Seattle Aquarium unveils name of new baby otter
- 24/02/12: California: Number of Dead California Sea Otters Recovered in 2011 a Record High
- 23/02/12: Scotland: Young cub causes 'otter' chaos in shop
- 23/02/12: New Mexico: Commission votes to delay otter release
- 22/02/12: California: On sea otters, we need to see the big picture
- 22/02/12: Wales: What do Welsh otters eat?
- 19/02/12: Alabama: The North American river otter enjoys duality of life
- 17/02/12: Hampshire: Praying otters picture 'captures the Lord at work'
- 17/02/12: Hampshire: Otters make a welcome return to Guildford
- 16/02/12: Northumberland: Ollie�s feeling otterly brilliant
- 16/02/12: Dorset: Bournemouth singer invited to perform for family of otters
- 16/02/12: Alaska: Exxon Valdez Oil Walloping Mom and Pup Sea Otters
- 16/02/12: California: They Otter Not Mess with the Otters!
- 16/02/12: California: Sea otters face a growing threat: shark attacks
- 15/02/12: New Mexico: Otter Flop - A 2006 promise to reintroduce otters remains unfulfilled
- 15/02/12: New York: Questions abound as otter carcass is found on Staten Island
- 14/02/12: Norfolk: Cub joy marred by Brutus�s death
- 14/02/12: California: Rescued otter pup on exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium
- 13/02/12: Warwickshire: Otter death prompts road warning
- 10/02/12: Cheshire: Visitors see giant otters up close
- 10/02/12: Alaska: In plea deal, artist admits to killing scores of sea otters
- 09/02/12: Canada: Park uses remote cameras to study elusive animal
- 07/02/12: Oregon: Stolen bronze sea otter by Mark Kooy will be returned to artist in Portland
- 07/02/12: Washington: Help name Seattle Aquarium's new sea otter pup!
- 07/02/12: Alaska: Native Groups Oppose Expanded Otter Pelt Sales
Otter Joy: bear in mind that sea otters are only just recovering from near extinction and that numbers are currently mysteriously decreasing ... yet still they are looked at as “a resource”
- 05/02/12: Norfolk: An otter steals the show
- 05/02/12: Canada: Residents rush to the rescue of injured otter
- 03/02/12: Germany: One Thousandth FaceBook Friend for Otter Nemo (in German)
English Translation
- 03/02/12: Dorset: Orphaned Ellie the otter needs a new Dorset home
- 03/02/12: Herefordshire: A little help getting to the otter side
- 03/02/12: Alaska: On the Trails: Otters in my backyard
- 02/02/12: Pennsylvania: Playful Otter's Pennsylvania Comeback
- 01/02/12: Canada: Just slip sliding away river otters: Aquatic mammals spotted at Nita Lake
- 01/02/12: Canada: Just slip sliding away river otters: Aquatic mammals spotted at Nita Lake
- 30/01/12: Peru: Saving the world's biggest river otter
- 30/01/12: Louisiana: Dulac couple hope to bring beloved otter home
- 26/01/12: Connecticut: River Otters in the Shepaug
- 26/01/12: Connecticut: River Otters in the Shepaug
- 26/01/12: Utah: Three otter brothers, now at the aquarium in Sandy
- 26/01/12: Illinois: Shedd Aquarium adopts orphaned sea otter
- 25/01/12: Scotland: Caught in the act � escaped Camperdown Wildlife Centre otter trapped hunting for fish in local garden
- 25/01/12: California: Once Near Extinction, Sea Otters Survival Rates Boosted By Extensive Research
- 24/01/12: Dorset: Otter cubs make their debut in Weymouth
- 24/01/12: Washington: It's a girl! Baby otter doing great at Seattle Aquarium
- 21/01/12: Warwickshire: Otters spotted in Water Orton
- 20/01/12: Virginia: Playful nomads
- 17/01/12: Suffolk: 'Secretive otters' thrill reserve
- 14/01/12: Washington: It's a sea-otter pup at Seattle Aquarium!
- 12/01/12: Washington: Otters make themselves at home on Duwamish
- 12/01/12: Canada: Beloved otter loses cancer fight
- 10/01/12: Malaysia: Otters eating away breeders' fish stock
- 09/01/12: Washington: Clams, clams, clams, but still no pup for Aniak the sea otter
- 08/01/12: Dorset: Otters blamed for pond raids
- 07/01/12: New Mexico: New Mexico pulls the brakes on river otters
- 07/01/12: Lincolnshire : Otter pup rescued by mother and daughter, 4, in Lincolnshire
- 06/01/12: Ohio: NW Ohio county has 1st river otter in many decades
- 04/01/12: Norfolk: Otter numbers not problem
- 03/01/12: Alaska : Corky the sea otter climbs back in sea
- 03/01/12: Washington: Seattle Aquarium awaits sea otter's birth
- 03/01/12: Pakistan: Lonely otter gets a mate
- 31/12/11: Oregon : Otter spotters in Ashland
- 30/12/11: Virginia: Virginia Aquarium Otter Dies of Old Age
- 30/12/11: Massachusetts: River Otters Making Comeback In Massachusetts
- 29/12/11: California: Feds Declare Critical Habitat For Black Abalone
- 27/12/11: California: Ollie the Otter Meets Her First Snowman
- 23/12/11: Herefordshire: Lost baby otter, found weak and hungry in Ledbury, is now in Scotland.
- 23/12/11: Maryland: Amazing Sight: River Otters Return to the South River
- 22/12/11: Alaska: Northern Southeast sea otter numbers up 4 percent
- 22/12/11: Oxfordshire: Baby otters take first peek out of the nest
- 20/12/11: Delaware: UD grad student researches river otters, “class clowns” of the animal kingdom
- 02/12/11: California: Rescued otter at California marine park
- 01/12/11: Warwickshire: Stour Valley otters given artificial homes
- 25/11/11: Dorset: Weymouth: First otter safari is a sell out
- 23/11/11: California: Harbor to offer safe haven for oiled otters
- 23/11/11: Germany: Splash the otter found in the street
- 22/11/11: Germany: A Fishcake for his Birthday (in German)
English Translation
- 22/11/11: Brazil: 3 researchers in the Amazon clear up doubts as to the benefits of ecotourism
- 22/11/11: Lancashire: Otter work earns high praise for water firm
- 21/11/11: Cheshire: Otters back in Mersey - rangers
- 16/11/11: Israel: Hunting and pollution plague Israel’s version of the otter
- 15/11/11: New Jersey: North Dakota otters take shelter in county
- 09/11/11: Scotland: Enjoying the company of an Edinburgh otter
- 09/11/11: Wales: Fighting otters win award for Llanwrtyd Wells photographer
- 08/11/11: Ireland: Otter survey bill will top €130,000
- 06/11/11: California: Otter goes free at Spring Lake
- 04/11/11: Wales: Powys council chief executive's plea over injured otter
- 03/11/11: Scotland: Otter rescued from beach
- 02/11/11: California: Otter Comment Period Extended
- 28/10/11: Lincolnshire: Anglers warned after otters found dead in Stamford and Bourne
- 27/10/11: California: Sea Studios banks on sea otter story to spark action on ocean conservation.
- 24/10/11: Illinois: All Creatures Great and Small Need a Good Dentist
- 21/10/11: Washington DC: Removal of top predators trickles through the food web
- 21/10/11: Yorkshire: Ilkley vets look after abandoned otter pup Squeak
- 20/10/11: Alaska: Should non-Natives be allowed to buy sea otter pelts?
[Otter Joy: OR let's find a new way to justify killing the abalone-thieves that dare to eat their natural food and deny us profits]
- 19/10/11: New York: Seneca Park Zoo announces death of male river otter
- 14/10/11: Florida: Otter ordeal: Learning to swim
- 14/10/11: Netherlands: More otters killed in traffic (in Dutch)
[English Translation]
- 12/10/11: Wyoming: Get otter here! Hapless coyote is taught surprising lesson in survival
- 11/10/11: Lancashire: Young otter makes appearance at Lancashire nature reserve
- 09/10/11: California: Rare sea otter spotted in San Diego waters
- 07/10/11: Oxfordshire: The great recovery
- 07/10/11: India: Now, see rare turtles, otter from glass tunnel
- 06/10/11: California: What 300 Sea Otters Can Tell Us About the Ocean
- 05/10/11: Northern Ireland: How otter sighting created ripples of interest in Bann
- 04/10/11: Tyne and Wear: It otter be a lot of fun for Rod and Musa
- 03/10/11: Alaska: Southeast Man Sentenced In Federal Court For Violations Of The Marine Mammal Protection Act
- 01/10/11: India: When a river becomes a trickle